College of Arts and Sciences Textbook Selection/Evaluation Rubric Department: Course Name: Course Number: Instructor Name: Title: Type of Textbook: Paperback Hardback ebook Textbook Publisher: ISBN number: Publication year: Volume/Edition: Rationale Relevance to the Course Learning Outcomes Alignment with Course Objectives and Learning Outcomes Concepts and applications Textbook focuses on concepts and applications rather than memorization of procedures (subject specific). Logical sequence and layout of content The books chapters are laid out in a systematic and logical sequence with an excellent constructivist approach to teaching and learning from a variety of perspectives. The content of the chapters is organized in a way that themes are logically sequenced and connected in a way that provides lever for student understanding. Support for Conceptual Understanding The book provides in-depth, theoretical understanding of the different hypothesis using a diversity of learning strategies. Relevant and extensive examples are available to support the concepts. (subject specific) Accuracy and Validity of Content Information The book does not contain factual errors and is up to date. The book also provides to the most recent knowledge and information and offers the students and instructors significant new ideas. 5 4 3 2 1 Active Learning The book engages students in a variety of ways. Supportive learning modules are detailed and emphasized throughout the materials. (subject specific) Ancillary Materials (if applicable) The additional materials (hardcopy and / or online) are of high quality. The materials are comprehensive, practical and innovative. These include workbooks, practical manuals, texts, exercises, CDs, etc). Exercises is comprehensive and include different cognitive levels including application, analysis and evaluation. For the course instructor there are electronic and/or online resources. such as test banks Price of textbook The price is commensurate to other books in the field/subject. Reading skills (subject specific) The book is appropriate for the reading level of the students. Integration of Mathematics and Applied sciences (subject specific) The book integrates mathematics and applied sciences with focus and strategies. Math content goes beyond simple tables and graphs but includes multiple applications from algebra, geometry and statistics. Usefulness of textbooks to students after graduation The textbook is a good reference and manual for students after graduation. Scale 5 = Full 4 = Adequate 3 = Partial 2 = Deficient 1 = Not Applicable (Benchmark textbooks with three others that can be used for the same course) (Subject specific elements refer to items that are relevant to certain fields of study) Recommendation: Purchase textbook Search for another References