
Fifth Six Weeks Student Expectations (TEKS)
10A (R) Describe the interactions that occur among systems that perform the functions of regulation, nutrient
absorption, reproduction, and defense from injury or illness in animals.
 hormone, nervous system, reproductive system, metabolism, integumentary system, digestive system, endocrine
system, excretory system, skeletal system, muscular system, circulatory system, immune system, respiratory system,
lymphatic system
1. How do systems interact to regular an animal’s body?
2. How do systems interact to absorb nutrients?
3. How do systems interact in reproduction?
4. How do systems interact to defend the body?
10B (R) Describe the interactions that occur among systems that perform he functions of transport, reproduction, and
response in plants.
 vascular tissue, guard cell, stomata, phototropism, thigmotropism, gravitropism, transpiration, phloem, xylem,
alternation of generations, sporophyte, gametophyte
1. How do systems interact in plants to transport water? Minerals? Food?
2. How do systems in plants interact in reproduction?
3. How do systems in plants interact to respond to the environment?
10C(S) Analyze the levels of organization in biological systems and relate the levels to each other and to the whole
 cell, tissue, organ, organ system, organism, population, community, ecosystem, biome, biosphere
1. How are biological systems organized?
2. How do cells compare to tissues?
3. How do tissues compare to organs? Organs compare to organ systems?
4. How do the levels of organization relate to one another and to the whole system?
9B (S) Compare the reactants and products of photosynthesis and cellular respiration in terms of energy and matter.
 glucose, glycolysis, electron transport chain, Krebs cycle, reactant, product, carbon dioxide, Calvin Cycle, aerobic,
anaerobic, ATP, photosynthesis, cellular respiration, chlorophyll, chloroplast, mitochondria
1. What are the reactants and products of photosynthesis?
2. What are the reactants and products of cellular respiration?
3. How do the reactants and products of photosynthesis and cellular respiration compare?
11A (S) Describe the role of internal feedback mechanisms in the maintenance of homeostasis.
 internal feedback mechanism, feedback inhibition, endotherm, ectotherm, homeostasis, hypothalamus
1. What is homeostasis?
2. What are the roles of internal feedback mechanisms in the maintenance of homeostasis?
3. What are other ways in which organisms maintain homeostasis?
11B (S) Investigate and analyze how organism, population, and communities respond to external factors.
 Organism, population, community, external stimulus, ecosystem, biotic factor, abiotic factor
1. What is the relationship among organisms, populations, and communities?
2. Hoe do organisms in an ecosystem respond to external factors?
3. How to populations respond to external factors?
4. How do communities in an ecosystem respond to external factors?
11C (S) Summarize the role of microorganism in both maintaining and disrupting the health of both organism and
 Microorganism, pathogen
1. How can microorganisms maintain the health of other organisms?
2. How can microorganisms disrupt the health of other organisms?
3. How can microorganisms maintain the health ecosystems?
4. How can microorganisms disrupt the health of ecosystems?
12C(R) Analyze the flow of matter and energy through trophic levels using various models including food chains, food
webs, and ecological pyramids.
 Food chain, food web, trophic level, producer, consumer, ecological pyramid
1. How can you analyze the flow of energy trough food chains and food webs?
2. How can you analyze the flow of matter and energy using ecological pyramids?
Unit 13 & 14 Exam
10A, 10B, 10C, 9B
Unit 15 Exam
11A, 11B, 11C