Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics 2

Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology № 2
Address: Zamkova str, 10, Ternopil, 46001
Tel.: (0352) 523881
The Department staff: 1 professor, 3 associate professors, 1 assistant professor,
1 laboratory assistant
The Head of the Department MD, PhD
Professor S.М. Heryak
The Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology № 2 was created in June 1,
2009 through the reorganization of the Department of Obstetrics and
Gynecology of the Medical Faculty. The clinical base of the department is Ternopil
regional clinical perinatal centre "Mother and Child". The Department was headed
by associate professor Heryak Svitlana, MD. At the Department work 3 associate
professors Bahniy N.I., Korda I.V., Stelmakh O. E., assistant professor
Petrenko N.V. and laboratory assistant – Komarenets O.Ya.. All teachers are fluent
in English, with certificates of the first and the highest level of foreign language.
The II, IV, V, VI year students of the Medical Faculty, IV year foreign
students of the Dental Faculty; nurses and bachelors of the I, II, III year of
International Nursing School and nurses-bachelors of the II year of the Distance
Learning are taught in Obstetrics and Gynaecology Department № 2.
II year students study the Peculiarities of the Patient’s Care, IV year students
– Physiological Obstetrics, V year students – Obstetrics and Gynaecology, VI year
students study the Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology, International Nursing
School – Peculiarities of Nursing Care for pregnant, parturient women, women in
labor and gynecological patients. Educational activity is performed according to
the Programs approved by the Central Methodological Cabinet of Healthcare
Organisation of Ukraine.
Head of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Department № 2 Heryak S.M. during the
practical class.
Teachers of the Department actively improve methods and forms of training
involving innovative educational technologies. This creates possibilities for
stimulation of students’ independent work, improves the quality of acquired
knowledge, introduces healthy competition in education, improves the objective
assessment of students’ learning and developing their creativity. Active forms and
methods of educational process are widely used to increase students' interest in
gaining professional knowledge and practical skills.
Associate Professor O.Ye. Stelmakh during the lecture with 4-year students
Computer programs, methodical instructions, case of patients’ real-life
situations, tests like "Krok-2" are widely used by the teachers during the practical
classes. "In-patient cards of pregnancies, parturient women and obstetric patients"
are worked out by the teachers of the Department and widely used in educational
The department is interested in various research areas which include
improving methods of childbirth in the delivery room of family type, pathological
delivery and maintenance of pregnancy and baby delivery with extragenital
pathology and gestosis. The effect of sorbents, antioxidants and
immunomodulators on prophylaxis and treatment of postpartum purulentseptic diseases and inflammatory processes of women's reproductive organs is
studied. The problems of endometriosis, including its progression after delivery
and Cesarean section are another part of scientific interest of the Department
staff. The Department is working on an interdepartmental research work
"Development and implementation of effective methods and means of diagnosis,
treatment and prevention of women's reproductive health disorders and perinatal
health of the fetus", approved in 2009.
Another research interests of the Department are extragenital pathology in
obstetrics and gynaecology; treatment of women with placental dysfunction;
diagnosis of antiphospholipid syndrome, thrombotic and hemorrhagic disorders as
the cause of fetal loss; diagnosis, treatment and prevention of inflammatory
diseases of female genital infections and tumour markers of genitals; endocrine
gynaecology; methods of physiological and complicated labor in the delivery room
of family type.
Clinical work
On March 2011 Revchuk N.V. defended PhD thesis; Kutsenko A.V.,
Zhylyayev M.M., Petrunyak R.I. are actively working on their PhD under their
scientific supervisor MD Heryak S.N.
New treatment regimen of inflammatory diseases of internal women's genitals
with the help of enterosorbents, antioxidants and antiseptic immunomodulators has
been created.
"Method of treatment of pregnant women with fetal hypoxia," "The method of
treatment of pregnant women with placental insufficiency", “The method of
correction of immune disorders and peroxidation disorders in pregnant women
with subclinical hypothyroidism, anemia and extragenital pathology”, “Method of
treatment of chronic placental insufficiency in pregnancy and treatment of growth
retardation syndrome”, “Prevention of fetal distress in women with metabolic
disorders with premature delivery with the long interval between amniorrhexis and
delivery”, “Prevention of premature rupture of amniotic membranes in women
with hypertension and risk for preterm labour”, are elaborated and implemented
into practical medicine.
Department’s research materials are widely spread at international and
national conferences, congresses, forums.
Teachers of the Department published 1 textbook, 4 newsletters, 10 acts of
implementation and developed local protocols.
On the 24-25th of March 2011 Department staff organised scientific and
practical conference "Achievements and prospects of internal medicine: internal
pathology in obstetric clinic"; on the 29-30th of March 2012 National Scientific
Conference "Actual problems of obstetrics-gynaecology."
Our teachers were trained abroad: Bahniy Natalia - Medical University of
Vienna, 2006; Korda Inna - Salzburg, 2010.
The main part of the training students is involving them to research work. The
most important tasks in this area are: creating the conditions for research in the
formation of highly qualified scientific experts, ensuring the fullest use and
development of scientific and technical potential of the university, participation of
the undergraduates and graduate students in research work. The Department has
created all conditions for students work in scientific group. Students are actively
involved in research and development of new methods of diagnosis and treatment
of obstetric and gynaecological pathology.
Under the Department staff supervision students are also involved in special
program "Student – as a future scientist", in particularly: Ramazanova Shahryzat,
Petsuh Julia, Lillian Skaramoushe Kahuika, Kutsenko Irena. The 5th year student
Skaramoushe Lillian Kahuika won "XV International Congress of Medical
Students and Young Scientists", held on 27-29 April 2011.
Medical activity
Obstetrics and Gynaecology Department № 2 for the faculty of foreign
students was established in June 2009 on the basis of Ternopil regional perinatal
center "Mother and Child" - obstetrical and gynecological unit of the 3rd level of
medical care for 195 beds and which incorporates the following departments:
female dispensary with the center of family planning; the 1st obstetric department
for 35 beds; the 2nd obstetric department for 30 beds; pathology of pregnancy for
30 beds; department of extragenital pathology of pregnant for 20 beds; department
of neonatal care of newborns, intensive care and neonatal intensive care unit;
operative gynecology department for 40 beds; conservative gynecology department
for 40 beds, department of anesthesiology and intensive care for 6 beds,
department of prenatal diagnosis, clinical, biochemical and bacteriological
Our department has four teachers, including 3 associate professors and 1
assistant professor, headed by MD Heryak S. Department staff conduct clinical
work in the obstetric departments, extragenital pathology, conservative
gynecology, anesthesiology, intensive care and consult patients in female
dispensary of perinatal center. All employees of the department in 2011 were
qualified for higher and first categories.
Teachers perform complicated obstetric and gynecologic operations, carry
urgent duty at the perinatal center, hospital and air ambulance. Clinical and
pathology-anatomic conferences are held regularly. Scientific achievements of
faculty and new methods of treatment are implemented into practice: fetoplacental
dysfunction in pregnancy, growth retardation syndrome, prevention of
endometriosis progression of women after childbirth and Cesarean section, fetal
distress prevention in women with metabolic disorders, premature delivery with
prolonged fluid-free interval, prevention of premature rupture of fetal membranes
in women with risk of miscarriage, treatment of pregnant women with arterial
hypertension with disturbances of lipid metabolism depending on the
hemodynamic type of circulation, correction of menopausal disorders in women
with benign uterine tumors, preparation of birth canal for delivery in pregnant
women with risk factors.
Employees of the department have been specialized in ultrasound diagnosis in
obstetrics and gynecology (Associate Professor Korda I.V.), colposcopy (Associate
Professor Bahniy N.I.), laparoscopy and advanced technology infertility treatment
(Associate Professor Stelmakh O.Y.). In the future it is planned to perform
specialized consultation in the region to enhance the provision of primary health
care. In order to implement new methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of
complicated obstetrical and gynecological pathology and emergency conditions the
Department provides regional and scientific conferences involving leading experts
in specific fields of obstetrics and gynecology.