SHANMUGHA Arts, Science, Technology & Research Academy SASTRA University, Thirumalaisamudram, Thanjavur – 613 401 PHYSICS OF EARTHQUAKES Open Elective Course BECOPY 801 B. Tech Degree – 8th Semester – First mid Term Test Maximum Marks: 50 Time: 90 min Answer any 5 questions: 1. Describe the first seismograph and Modern seismograph with neat diagrams. 2. Compare the Richter scale and Modified Mercalli scale. 3. Explain various types of faults with neat diagram; also explain various forces involving in a fault system. 4. Compare tidal waves and tsunami waves with necessary diagrams. 5. What is meant by focal mechanism? Explain Dip, Strike and Slip of a fault. How can you represent them with help of beach ball mechanism? 6. Explain the different types of seismic waves with neat diagrams. 7. Compare the earthquake pairs listed below by calculating their equivalent size and energy released. c) Chile earthquake 2010 (M 8.6) and Chile earthquake 1960 (M 9.5). d) Sichuan earthquake 2008 (M 7.9) and Iran earthquake 2003 (M 6.6). 8. Explain in detail about different types of Seismic waves with the help neat diagram. 9. a) Explain Strike and slip of a fault system with neat diagram. b) Describe fault structure with neat diagram. 10. What are the different methods available for the calculation of fracture energy and explain them in detail. 11. Explain the characteristics of an earthquakes and draw beach ball solution from the following data, a) East coast of Honshu, Japan Earthquake 2011, Magnitude (Mw) – 8.9, Depth – 32 km, Plate type - subduction zone plate boundary between the Pacific and North America plates, Strike= 29; Dip=77 & Slip= 95, and Moment rate - 6.5 x 1027 in 70 seconds. b) Haiti Earthquake 2010, Magnitude (Mw) – 7.2, Depth – 13 km, Plate type - This plate boundary is dominated by left-lateral strike slip motion and compression, and accommodates about 20 mm/y slip, with the Caribbean plate moving eastward with respect to the North America plate, Strike – 71, Dip=64 & Slip= 25, and Moment rate - 1x 1026 in 5 seconds. c) Based on the above results compare the effects of both earthquakes and which component of Energy is may be more. 1. Compare the two events occurred in Sumatra on December 26, 2004 and April 11, 2012, also explain why tsunami was not generated by the recent earthquake of two. 2. Explain the ground water changes and possible effects on animals before the major earthquakes. Discuss the merits and demerits of this interdisciplinary study. 3. Explain satellite remote sensing techniques applied in the field of seismology. Discuss which techniques is most reliable technique and explain why? 4. Explain about different type of seismic waves. 5. Explain the effects of earthquakes in detail. 1. Explain in detail about different types of Seismic waves with the help neat diagram. 2. Explain about various effects of earthquakes. 3. Explain about the various types of earthquakes in detail. 4. a) Compare P – wave and S – wave. (10 Marks) c) Explain the different methods to measure the rate of motion of plates. (5 marks) 5. a) Explain the parameters used to describe the geometry of the faults (15 Marks). 6. a) Tabulate the ground motion change and energy change with respect to magnitude change. ( 3 marks) b) Explain the different scales of Modified Mercalli scale. 7. Compare the ordinary oceanic waves and tsunami waves. (15 Marks) 8. a) Compare Local magnitude, Surface magnitude and Moment magnitude; also explain why moment magnitude is widely used? (10 Marks) b) Explain the instability and stiffness of the fault with help of stick slip model. (5 Marks) 9. Explain the methods to estimate the fracture energy and radiation efficiency. 10. Explain the prediction algorithms and other statistical methods used for the earthquake prediction. 11. a) Explain SAR interferometry technique in detail. (10 Marks) b) Compare thermal anomaly and outgoing long wave anomaly appears before the occurrence of major earthquakes. (5 marks) 12. Why the seismic waves are called as elastic waves? Explain the various types of seismic waves with neat diagram. 13. Compare different types of plate boundaries. (15 Marks) 14. How can you find the location, magnitude and depth of an earthquake? 15. What are the effects of earthquakes and explain them, also explain tsunami generation mechanism. 16. Explain in detail about seismic moment method and also explain how it is useful in finding the energy released during faulting? 17. Why there is change in rotational speed of earth during mega earthquakes, explain with examples? 18. Explain the ground water changes and possible effects on animals before the major earthquakes. 19. Explain about the Physical models involved in earthquake prediction. 6. a) Explain the elastic rebound theory with series of diagrams (5 marks) b) Compare P – wave and S – wave. (10 Marks) c) Explain the different methods to measure the rate of motion of plates. (5 marks) 7. a) Explain the parameters used to describe the geometry of the faults (15 Marks). b) Explain the various types of volcanic eruptions along the plate boundary zones. (5 marks) 8. a) Why eight toads are used in Chinese first seismograph? ( 3 marks) b) Explain the possible effects of different magnitudes of Richter scale. (5 Marks) c) Explain the different scales of Modified Mercalli scale. (12 Marks) 9. a) Compare the subsidence and liquefaction. (5 Marks) b) Compare the ordinary oceanic waves and tsunami waves. (15 Marks) 10. a) Why earthquakes in the intra plate regions are less than plate boundary region, explain with the help of co-seismic strain drop? (2 Marks) b) Compare Local magnitude, Surface magnitude and Moment magnitude; also explain why moment magnitude is widely used? (8 Marks) c) Explain the instability and stiffness of the fault with help of stick slip model. (5 Marks) d) Explain the role of thermal energy during faulting. (5 Marks) 11. a) Explain the methods to estimate the fracture energy and radiation efficiency. b) Define Super shear. (2 marks) 12. 13. 14. 15. b) Which method is better and accurate method to calculate the radiation efficiency and explain why it is accurate method? (3 Marks) a) The East Coast of Honshu, Japan, March 09, 2011, Magnitude (Mw) = 7.3, Depth – 32 km, Plate type: occurred as a result of thrust faulting on or near the subduction zone interface plate boundary between the Pacific and North America plates., STRIKE=190; DIP= 7; SLIP= 78, Energy radiated - 1.3 + 0.2 x 1015 Nm and Moment rate – 1.6 x 1026 in 10 seconds. (6 Marks) b) East coast of Honshu, Japan tsunami generic Earthquake March 11, 2011, Magnitude (Mw) – 9.1, Depth – 30 km, Plate type - subduction zone plate boundary between the Pacific and North America plates, Strike= 29; Dip=77 & Slip= 95, Energy radiated: 1.9 + 0.5 x 1017 Nm and Moment rate - 6.5 x 1027 in 70 seconds. (6 marks) c) Calculate the magnitude scale difference and energy difference between the above mentioned earthquakes. (2 marks) d) Compare the both earthquakes. (6 marks) Explain the prediction algorithms and other statistical methods used for the earthquake prediction. Explain the ground water changes and possible effects on animals before the major earthquakes. a) Explain SAR interferometry technique in detail. (10 Marks) b) Explain how change in P – wave velocity can be used for earthquake early warning system. (5 marks) c) Compare thermal anomaly and outgoing long wave anomaly appear before the occurrence of major earthquakes. (5 marks) 1. Why the seismic waves are called as elastic waves? Explain the various types of seismic waves with neat diagram. 2. a) Compare oceanic plates and continental plates (5 Marks) b) Compare different types of convergent plate boundaries. (15 Marks) 3. How can you find the location, magnitude and depth of an earthquake? 4. What are the effects of earthquakes and explain them, also explain tsunami generation mechanism. 5. Explain in detail about seismic moment method and also explain how it is useful in finding the energy released during faulting? 6. a) Explain about the various types of earthquakes in detail. (12 Marks) b) Explain why the earthquakes are occurring in irregular sequence with help of a graph? (4 marks) c) What are the various types of energies involved during the faulting? (2 Marks) d) Explain about static and dynamic parameters. (2 marks) 7. Why there is change in rotational speed of earth during mega earthquakes, explain with examples? 8. a) Explain about four tier prediction system. (4 marks) b) Explain about infrasonic waves, seismic electric signals, Radio frequency disturbances and geomagnetic field change (16 marks) 9. Explain about the Physical models involved in earthquake prediction. 10. Explain satellite remote sensing techniques applied in the field of seismology. 11. Explain various methods to measure the motion of plates. Explain about elastic rebound theory. Structure of faults and different types of faults based on motion 12. Describe how seismic waves are originated and explain their propagation mechanism with neat diagram. 13. How can you locate and fix the magnitude and depth of the earthquake? Explain with an example. 14. Physics tsunami & Compare Oceanic and Tsunami waves 15. Explain about energy method used estimate the radiated energy. B) Explain different types of earthquake on the basis of partition of potential energy. C) Define Super Shear. 16. Explain about plate motions and earthquake repeat time and give two examples of two big earthquakes occur in the same year in the same region. Explain the diverse characteristics of the earthquakes. 17. Describe how SAR Interferrometry methodology can be used in earthquake prediction and also explain its merits and demerits. 18. Describe abnormal behaviour of animals before impending earthquakes. Explain about prediction algorithms 19. Explain earthquake precursory studies using radio waves, infrasonic waves and geomagnetic field change. Explain different types statistical methods used for the prediction of earthquakes. 20. Explain geo – chemical, geo physical methods, geological and seismological precursors available for earthquake forecasting. 21. Compare Convergent and divergent plate boundaries. Explain about the differences in the formation of volcanos. 22. Explain about transform plate boundaries. Why there is change in rotation of earth, where large earthquakes occur in subduction zones? Give minimum three examples 23. Describe the first seismograph and Modern seismograph with neat diagrams. Compare the Richter scale and Modified mercalli scale. 24. What is meant by focal mechanism? Explain Dip, Strike and Slip of a fault. How can you represent them with help of beach ball mechanism? Draw Beach ball diagram for the following cases. Dip – 45 Strike 135 Slip - -180, Dip – 90 Strike 230 Slip – 90 25. Explain how to estimate the radiated energy from the seismic moment. B) Explain “rupture speed” method for the estimation of fracture energy. C) Explain about thermal energy released during earthquake. 26. Explain quantification process of an earthquake. 27. Explain about Stick – slip mechanism with neat diagram. Different types of earthquakes with examples. 28. Explain how gravitational stress has triggered an earthquake. 29. Explain about different levels of earthquake prediction. Also explain about earthquake early warning system. 30. Compare the earthquake pairs listed below by calculating their equivalent size and energy released. a) Sumatra earthquake 2004 (Magnitude 9.1) and Bhuj earthquake 2001 (M 7.7) b) Haiti earthquake 2010 (M 7.0) and Southern Sumatra Earthquake 2009 (M 7.5) c) Chile earthquake 2010 (M 8.6) and Chile earthquake 1960 (M 9.5) d) Sichuan earthquake 2008 (M 7.9) and Iran earthquake 2003 (M 6.6) e) Kashmir earthquake 2005 (M 7.6) and Afghanistan earthquake 2002 (M 6.1) 1. 2. 3. 4. Compare P – wave and S – wave. (10 Marks) Explain the parameters used to describe the geometry of the faults (15 Marks). How can you find the location, magnitude and depth of an earthquake? Explain tsunami wave generation mechanism with a neat diagram. 5. Compare Oceanic – Oceanic, Continental – Continental and Oceanic – Continental convergence plates. 6. A) Explain Beach ball representation of Fault planes. Explain how fault plane and auxiliary plane can be decided. B) Explain about different style of faulting and explain the various types of forces acting at the time rupture. 7. Explain the structure of earth in terms of its mechanical properties. 8. A) Compare subsidence and Liquefaction. B) Compare S – wave and Love wave. 9. A) How can you calculate the epicenter, focus and depth of an earthquake? B) What is need arises to find them. 10. Compare Richter scale and Modified Mercalli scale. 11. Compare oceanic waves and tsunami waves with neat diagram. 1. Compare Convergent and divergent plate boundaries. 2. Differentiate classifications of earth structure based on mechanical properties and Chemical properties. 3. A) Compare subsidence and Liquefaction. B) Compare S – wave and Love wave. 4. Explain different types of faults. 5. Compare the earthquake pairs listed below by calculating their equivalent size and energy released. a) Sumatra earthquake 2004 (Magnitude 9.1) and Bhuj earthquake 2001 (M 7.7) b) Haiti earthquake 2010 (M 7.0) and Southern Sumatra Earthquake 2009 (M 7.5) c) Chile earthquake 2010 (M 8.6) and Chile earthquake 1960 (M 9.5) d) Sichuan earthquake 2008 (M 7.9) and Iran earthquake 2003 (M 6.6) 6. A) How can you calculate the epicenter, focus and depth of an earthquake? B) What is need arises to find them. 7. Explain characteristics of tsunami wave. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Describe the first seismograph and Modern seismograph with neat diagrams. Compare the Richter scale and Modified Mercalli scale. How can you locate and fix the magnitude of the earthquake? Explain with an example. What are the effects of earthquakes? Explain in detail with an example. What is meant by focal mechanism? Explain Dip, Strike and Slip of a fault. How can you represent them with help of beach ball mechanism? 6. a) The East Coast of Honshu, Japan, March 09, 2011, Magnitude (Mw) = 7.3, Depth – 32 km, Plate type: occurred as a result of thrust faulting on or near the subduction zone interface plate boundary between the Pacific and North America plates., STRIKE=190; DIP= 7; SLIP = 78, Energy radiated - 1.3 + 0.2 x 1015 Nm and Moment rate – 1.6 x 1026 in 10 seconds. (5 Marks) b) East coast of Honshu, Japan tsunami generic Earthquake March 11, 2011, Magnitude (Mw) – 9.1, Depth – 30 km, Plate type - subduction zone plate boundary between the Pacific and North America plates, Strike= 29; Dip=77 & Slip= 95, Energy radiated: 1.9 + 0.5 x 1017 Nm and Moment rate - 6.5 x 1027 in 70 seconds. (5 marks) c) Compare the both earthquakes. (5 marks) 7. Why there is change in rotational speed of earth during mega earthquakes, explain with examples? 8. What is meant by focal mechanism? How can you represent them with help of beach ball mechanism? Also explain about instability and stick slip. 9. Explain with example about different types of diverse nature of the earthquake. Also draw the graph between stress change and geological time. 10. Explain seismic moment and estimate energy radiated with help seismic moment. 11. Explain the “Energy method” to find efficiency of energy radiated. 12. Explain about different types of earthquakes. 13. Explain the characteristics of earthquakes and draw beach ball solution from the following data, also find the size and energy difference the above mentioned earthquakes. Based on the above results compare the effects of any two earthquakes and which component of Energy is may be more. Araucania, Chile, Magnitude 2011, (Mw) - 7.1, Depth - 25.1 km, Plate type - subduction interface between the Nazca and South America tectonic plates, Strike= 4 Dip=16 Slip= 88 and Energy released - 3.0 + 0.6 x 1015 Nm. 14. a) Explain the rupture method and b) Explain about thermal energy during faulting. 20.