College Council Meeting January 26, 2012, EC 302 _____________________________________________________________________________________ Dr. Stephan J. Nix (SJN) Dr. Selahattin Ozcelik (SO) Dr. Kai Jin (KJ) Tamara D. Guillen (TDG) Dr. John Chisholm (JC) Dr. Mohamed Abdelrahman (MA) Dr. Kim Jones (KDJ) Dr. Bruce Marsh (BM) Dr. Carl D. Murphy (DM) Dr. Sung-won Park (SP) Dr. Sheryl Custer (SC) Dr. Joseph Sai (JS) Eric Hollingshead (EH) _____________________________________________________________________________________ Not present: M. Abdelrahman 1. Welcome/Introductions- None 2. Announcements -NCES Engineering Award is available if faculty would like to apply. 3. Reports/Updates/Announcements from departments and dean’s staff EVEN -Storm Water Quality Conf. on March 28-30, 2012. Graduate luncheon today in faculty lobby. Joint projects w/depts (multidisciplinary team projects) going on, ABET should not object. Dr. Chisholm -EC 109: need feedback from faculty. Getting lots of re-admit requests from students from enforced withdrawl. Some school working on submarines to be used in Robotics class, CS & ME should look into this. Dr. Custer -Graduation coming up again, need a better way for the lineup especially for grad students. Secretaries can help to pass out graduation cards. Austin McCoy is backup advisor for now and will be in JESSC on Mondays & Tuesdays. 4. Items for discussion/Action Recruiting Updates- Pilehvari- Del Mar, Jin/Nix- HS counselors, Ozcelik- Falfurrias Career Day, Glusing- HM King class SJN Faculty searches- IMEN collecting apps, 1 or 2 interviews in Feb & Mar. AE ad out, only 1 person with HVAC but need electrical systems also, thinking of adjunct for ES. CHNGMoghanloo here and teaching. ME- working on ad. BM/JS/DM/KJ Staff searches- EVEN- comm/grant writer in progress, COE- 2 people interviewed. KDJ/TDG Room 109/110 update- need better lighting & too much angle on ends. EH BS NG program- goes before TAMU BoR Feb. 9/10 in Corpus. Chisholm will brief President. PhD in Energy Systems not going to happen, may start with MS program. SJN Certificates/Minors- ME cert approved, CE had positive feedback, Nuclear proposal sent. KJ/JS Annual Reviews, continuation, etc- portfolios were due 01/17. SJN JAA Rising Star- Would like have someone, within 15yrs of graduating. Feb. 15th is deadline. Nomination forms are on the website. SJN TSPE Student of the Year- 1 from CEAE, due tomorrow. SJN FE Review- Luncheon today, schedule attached. SJN Engineering Brawls/Other E-week activities- Brawls are Feb. 22-24th, windmill & watermill projects, DEEA students coming on Feb. 23rd. TDG/KDJ “Engineering Marvels”- Continuing but doing re-runs, lots from EVEN, CE, IMEN but need more ideas. SJN HM King HS Collaboration- Glusing out right now, schedule attached Take students & activities to demonstrate. SJN HEAF proposals- PC presentations tomorrow, ranking was given at Pres. council. SJN Javelina Innovation Lab- Need projects/posters to display for E-week, RFP for student entrepreneurial projects, Contract with City for 30K. CE students working with Mr. Khan. SJN Senior Design Conference- Wed, April 18th, all senior teams must make their final presentations at this event, senior design only. SJN Senior Dinner- Thurs, April 19th. SJN UNIV 1101/1102- Part of the gen. ed. Course & would also like faculty engaged with freshman. If we don’t provide faculty, then someone would be assigned to teach these courses- not necessarily engineering faculty, which is not good. JC