College Council Meeting February 23, 2012, EC 302 _____________________________________________________________________________________

College Council Meeting
February 23, 2012, EC 302
Dr. Stephan J. Nix (SJN)
Dr. Selahattin Ozcelik (SO)
Dr. Kai Jin (KJ)
Tamara D. Guillen (TDG)
Dr. John Chisholm (JC)
Dr. Mohamed Abdelrahman (MA)
Dr. Kim Jones (KDJ)
Dr. Bruce Marsh (BM)
Dr. Carl D. Murphy (DM)
Dr. Sung-won Park (SP)
Dr. Sheryl Custer (SC)
Dr. Joseph Sai (JS)
Eric Hollingshead (EH)
Not present: N/A
Welcome/Introductions- None
Reports/Updates/Announcements from departments and dean’s staff
-Student of the year- Leo Garza, Rising Star __ Castaneda, Young Engineer in Houston Chase ___
-Moghanloo teaching, wanting to switch over from visiting professor to assistant professor.
-Successful PhD defense- Martin Alcala
Dr. Abdelrahman
-TA announcements are out, did not print out allocations for colleges but I have them.
Dr. Custer
-125 undergrads and ~100+ grads for Spring graduation. Need to have meeting with secretaries
about cards for graduation. Applications coming in for academic advisor position.
Items for discussion/Action
 CREST Proposal- will have money left over from current CREST with no cost extension. Can
reapply, but need to have new people on board (not solely EVEN). Still trying to find out who
will lead subprojects (solar, coastal energy, & sustainable fuel). MA
 Recruiting Updates- DEEA students here today. EE/CS will have two booths at S. TX Career
Expo at JK Northway on March 9th. Need students/faculty to help out at booths for ASEE conf.
in San Antonio in June 2012, exposure from CREST/NG programs should attend. Ozcelik- Ray
HS tomorrow. KDJ/SP/MA/SO
 Announcement for Assistant Dean search- Received two applications. SJN
 Dept. Chair searches (MEIE, CHNG, EECS)- Will conduct internal searches. SJN
 Faculty searches- IMEN- 2 applicants coming in tomorrow & Monday for interviews. AE- no
one yet, sent email to AE chairs at different institutions looking for PhD grads. ME- have more
than 50 applicants. CHNG- new position not yet posted. BM/JS/KJ/DM
 Staff searches- Hired Mr. Eusebio Torres, starts 03/05/12. SJN
 BS NG program- Approved by TAMU BoR, hopefully goes before THECB 04/25/12. SJN
 Annual reviews, continuation, etc.- Reviewing 3rd/4th year faculty. SJN
 Engineering Brawls- Need to come up w/new model, not a lot of school participation. TDG
 “Engineering Marvels”- EE/CS has new script, will go on air. SJN
 HM King HS Collaboration- Profs Wright, Bailey, Peel and Sung have stepped up. SJN
 HEAF proposals- HPCC, Unit Ops & Thermal fluids labs are in consideration. SJN
 Javelina Innovation Lab- Need projects/posters on display this week, one student
entrepreneurial project awarded, Contract with City for 30K, working on fixing up building
and open for E-week. SJN
 Senior Design Conference- Wed, April 18th, luncheon speaker Dr. Annette Hernandez. SJN
 Senior Dinner- Thurs, April 19th, still need guest speaker. SJN
 Alumni Events- March 9th at Art Institute in Corpus, SWTF on March 28th in S. Padre, CREST
conf. w/alumni dinner on April 28th in Houston. SJN/KDJ
 Reorganizing the College- Not going to combine depts., but may reorganize staff. SJN
 Project Lead the Way- Want to help local schools to start implementing program, meeting
tomorrow. SJN
 Changes in Staff PD’s, etc.- Getting requests for staff raises, don’t really have money unless
we use money from unfilled positions. SJN
 President’s Legacy Ball- Can invite any alumni you would like, especially from the valley. SJN