Root and Stem Tissues

Root and Stem Tissues
1. Dicot Root
2. Monocot Root
3. Dicot Stem (Type I)
4. Dicot Stem (Type II)
5. Monocot Stem (Type III)
___________Take your lab write-up to the lab and have the instructor initial if your pictures are correct and labeled
Type the answers the following questions:
What is the most common cell type of the ground tissue system? What is its function(s)?
What is the outermost layer of the cortex in roots called? It has many collenchyma cells, what is are the purpose of
the collenchyma cell?
What is the inner layer of the cortex in roots called? What is its function? How is the Casparian strip involved in
this function?
What is the outer most layer of the vascular cylinder in roots called? What cells types is this layer composed of?
What two different structures can this layer become?
In a Type II stems, closed or open vascular bundles can be found. What is the difference between an open and
closed bundle in structure? What can happen to an “open” vascular bundle?
Which stem type (I, II or III) can undergo extensive secondary growth?
What are the most common cell types in xylem tissue? What are their functions?
What are the most common cell types in phloem tissue? What are their functions?