Plant Project Rubric: Chapter 23 & 24, Lesson 10

Name:___________________________________________ Per:_____________Date:__________
Plant Project Rubric
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Florida EOC Coach Packet: Lesson 10
Procedure: Fold the paper provided into 8 equal squares. Place the information below in the appropriate
numbered square. This project is a project grade so time, effort, and attention to detail should be taken. This
paper must be turned in with your project.
Square 1 – Reproduction - Describe the following reproductive structures:
Seeds, cones, fruit
Square 2 – Cross Section of a Leaf – Color the cross section of a leaf.
Label the stomata, guard cells, chloroplasts,
cuticle, vascular bundle.
____ / 5
____ / 5
____ / 10
Square 3 – Cross Section of a Leaf – Describe the function of the following: stomata,
guard cells, chloroplasts, cuticle, vascular bundle?
____ / 10
Square 4 – Plant Tissues – Give the function and indicate the location in a plant
of the four plant tissues:
ground, dermal, meristematic, vascular
Describe the function and location of cambium.
____ / 10
____ / 5
Square 5 – Plant Transportation System – Define xylem and phloem.
Illustrate the direction of flow for each.
What materials / substances are transported
by each?
____ / 5
____ / 5
____ / 5
Square 6 – Physiological Processes – Describe the following processes as they relate to plants:
photosynthesis, transpiration, cellular respiration,
meristematic growth, reproduction
____ / 10
Square 7 – Process Relationship – Explain the relationship between cellular respiration
and photosynthesis.
Include a diagram to illustrate this relationship.
____ / 5
____ / 5
Square 8 – Roots - Draw the two common types of roots and label root hairs and root caps.
Describe the two main functions of roots.
____ / 5
____ / 5
Name:___________________________________________ Per:_____________Date:__________
Section A – Monocot v. Dicot T-Chart – Cut out the images and descriptions
then paste them on the side of the T-chart
that corresponds to a Monocot or a Dicot.
Section B - The Typical Flower – Cut out the structures, listed below, and fold them
along the black line. Label the structures by pasting
them on the flower that is provided.
stamen, pistil, ovary, filament, stigma, petal
sepal, anther, style
Identify which of the parts are male (blue) and which
are female (pink)
___ / 10
____ / 10
____ / 5
TOTAL: _____ / 115