Spanish I Señora Garcés HCCHS RM 264 Course Description: This is a proficiency based class that seeks to prepare students for meaningful communication in a foreign language. Objective: To develop in students the ability to use language for real world purposes in culturally appropriate ways. To expand their understanding of different cultures and the perspectives that influence them. Topics of Study: 1. Activities we like/dislike 3. School schedules and subjects 5. Foods and beverages 7. Locations in the community 9. Celebrations and family 2. Personality traits 4. The classroom and locations 6. Health 8. Activities outside of school 10.Restaurants Textbook: Realidades Level 1 by Peggy Palo Boyles et al, Upper Saddle River; Prentice Hall., 2004 Materials: 3 ring binder with paper and dividers Index cards Writing utensils Grades: Grades will be determined by tests, quizzes, projects, oral performance, and participation. N1: 40% N2: 40% FINAL: 20% N1/N2 Breakdowns: Participación (Class work, Daily participation) Evaluación (Spoken/written exams, projects) Assessments (Pruebas (quizzes) formatives) 35% 40% 25% Grading continued: 1. Any student caught cheating will be given an automatic “0” for the assignment and a parent will be notified. Online or electronic translators are considered cheating. 2. Homework will be assigned for practice of covered material and not for a grade. 3. Quizzes will be given to determine how well homework has been completed. 4. Students will be given a participation grade based on class performance. Tutorial: My planning period is from 11:34-12:25. You can reach me at (706) 675-3656. My email address is Tutoring is offered everyday from 3:00-4:00. Please get help when you need it!!! Spanish is a cumulative and participatory subject. Much like math, if you get lost on one topic your difficulty will only increase with each new topic covered. Try your best not to miss class. You will get out of Spanish what you put into it. Jump in and have fun with it and you WILL succeed. Standards: Following is information on the required standards of performance from the state of Georgia. You may access additional information at by clicking on the modern language link and then on modern language performance standards. Use of Target Language The use of the target language as the principal means of communication in the classroom is essential from the very onset of instruction. Teachers must employ instructional strategies that allow and encourage students to practice using the target language. Central to this concept is a student-centered classroom with the teacher in the role of facilitator. The goal of language instruction is to have students use the target language for specific communicative purposes. In this context, grammar becomes a means to accomplish the defined content standards; grammar does not exist as an end in itself. Modern Languages Level I: Summary of Skills Developed The following list is intended to guide instruction and to assist teachers with their planning by providing a one-page reference to the elements described in the Georgia Performance Standards for Modern Languages, Level I. It is important to remember that typical Level I students will exhibit varying levels of proficiency. Skills Developed in Level 1 The Students: MLLIP1A MLLIP1B MLLIP1C MLLIP1D MLLIP1E MLLIP1F MLLIP1G MLLIP1H MLLIP2A MLLIP2B MLLIP2C MLLINT1A MLLINT1B MLLINT1C MLLINT1D MLLINT2A MLLINT2B MLIP1A MLIP1B MLIP1C MLIP2A MLIP2B MLICU1A MLICU1B MLICU1C MLICCC1A MLICCC1B MLICCC1C MLICCC1D MLICCC2A MLICCC2B MLICCC3A MLICCC3B MLICCC4A MLICCC4B MLICCC5A MLICCC5B Use basic greetings, farewells, and expressions of courtesy. Express like/dislike, emotions, and agreement/disagreement. Make simple request. Ask for clarification. Give simple descriptions. Comprehend basic directions. Ask questions and provide responses based on suggested topics Use sequenced information meaningfully. Initiate, participate in, and close a brief exchange. Use formal and informal forms of address. Demonstrate Novice-Mid proficiency in oral and written exchanges. Identify the main ideas and some details when reading and listening. Comprehend simple, culturally authentic reading materials. Understand simple instructions. Demonstrate Novice-Mid proficiency in listening, viewing, reading Comprehension Differentiate among statements, questions, and exclamations. Recognize basic non-verbal cues. Present information from a variety of sources Give basic information about self and others using suggested topics. Demonstrate Novice-Mid proficiency in oral and written presentation. Demonstrate Novice-Mid proficiency when presenting rehearsed material. Demonstrate comprehension of rehearsed material. Demonstrate knowledge of cultural contributions. Identify commonly held cultural viewpoints. Describe cultural customs and traditions. Demonstrate basic geographical knowledge. Apply previously learned skills from other subjects. Identify examples of the target language in other subjects. Relate content from other subjects as it relates to the target language. Compare cultural patterns of behavior and interaction. Demonstrate awareness of students’ own cultures. Recognize similarities/differences between target language and English. Recognize basic sound distinctions and their effect on communication. Give information about current events of target cultures. Understand the impact of current events of target cultures. Identify examples of target language and culture in media forms. Identify community and Internet resources. Modern Languages Level I: Suggested Topics The following topics are strongly suggested for the Level I course. These topics should be combined into coherent thematic units and taught in context. The GPS for Modern Languages encourage language taught in communicative context and discourage language taught in isolation. Celebrations Clothes Colors Customs and Etiquette Family and Friends Foods, Meals, and Restaurants Geography Homes Numbers Parts of the Body School and Classroom Routine Self Sports and Leisure Time Stores and Shopping Time and Calendar Weather Grades- To receive a A: Speak Spanish at all times in class, complete all assignments correctly, and exhibit excellent proficiency on assessments of aforementioned standards of performance. B: Speak Spanish at all times in class, complete all assignments correctly, and exhibit good proficiency on assessments of aforementioned standards of performance. C: Speak Spanish only when observed, complete all assignments correctly, and exhibit emerging proficiency on assessments of aforementioned standards of performance. Compliance Form (Please read, sign and return) Attached you will find a copy of the class syllabus and rules. My discipline plan is as follows: 1st offense Warning 2nd offense Parent contact/time out/Club 15 rd 3 offense Write up/Office referral and /or parent conference. Please sign below indicating that you have read and understand the material presented. I have read and understand the documents presented and know what is expected of me in Spanish 1. _______________________________ Student signature I have read and understand the documents presented and know what will be expected of my child in Spanish 1. _______________________________ Parent signature Please provide the following contact information. Daytime Phone# __________________________ Evening Phone#___________________________ Email Address ____________________________