Middle Ages Test Review

Middle Ages Test Review
1. The leader who brought Christianity to the Franks was
A. Clovis.
B. Charlemagne.
C. Charles Martel.
D. Pepin the Short.
2. A book of rules to be used for governing monasteries was written by
A. Einhard.
B. Benedict.
C. Scholastica.
D. Venerable Bede.
3.. The Treaty of Verdun ended
A. Carolingian rule of the Franks.
B. a war between Franks and Muslims.
C. invasions by the Lombards into central Italy.
D. civil war in the empire established by Charlemagne.
4. Which of the following groups was called the Northmen?
A. Franks
B. Vikings
C. Magyars
D. Lombards
5. Which of the following groups were Turkish nomads?
A. Franks
B. Vikings
C. Magyars
D. Lombards
6. Which of the following is a synonym for serf?
A. manor
B. peasant
C. monk
D. noble
7. In the feudal system, a tithe represented what part of a peasant's income?
A. 1 percent
B. 10 percent
C. 25 percent
D. 50 percent
8. A tithe was a payment made to which type of person?
A. a lord
B. a vassal
C. a priest
D. a soldier
9. In the feudal system, what was a manor?
A. a lord's estate
B. a right to use land
C. a customary way of doing things
D. an obligation to provide protection
10. Despite the fact that all of the following were forbidden in the code of
chivalry, knights were rarely punished for
A. cowardice.
B. brutality to the weak.
C. disloyalty to a feudal lord
D. weakness
11. The word chivalry comes from two French words, both having to do with
A. horses.
B. bravery
C. weapons
D. manners
12. Knights most commonly traded military service for
A. land.
B. social status.
C. monetary reward
D. food
13. Troubadours were
A. foot soldiers.
B. poet-musicians.
C. knights-in-training
D. monks
14. Eleanor of Aquitaine is famous for
A. writing The Song of Roland.
B. weaving the Bayeux Tapestry.
C. ruling England in Henry II's absence
D. her beauty
15. The Song of Roland is an epic poem about a battle between French knights
A. Viking invaders.
B. Magyar invaders.
C. Muslim invaders
D. English invaders
16. During the Middle Ages, the lowest-ranking members of the clergy were
A. abbots.
B. priests.
C. bishops.
D. peasants
17. One example of a sacrament is
A. baptism.
B. Christmas.
C. eternal life.
D. excommunication
18. In 1100, the Holy Roman Empire covered most of
A. the old Roman Empire.
B. what is present-day France.
C. what is present-day Europe.
D. what is present-day Germany
19. Canon law deals with issues under the authority of
A. the Church.
B. the military.
C. the emperor.
D. a feudal lord
20. Emperor Henry IV's punishment for defying the pope was
A. death.
B. torture.
C. imprisonment.
D. excommunication
21. The person who was so famous for his red beard that he was nicknamed
Barbarossa was
A. Otto I.
B. Pope Leo III.
C. Frederick I.
D. Charlemagne
22. In what kind of language did Dante Alighieri and Geoffrey Chaucer write?
A. vernacular
B. modern
C. Romance
D. classical
23. What issue led to both the Magna Carta and the establishment of
A. how to cope with the bubonic plague
B. how to regain control of Jerusalem
C. how to resolve the Great Schism
D. how to end taxation without representation
24. Why were Europeans able to begin studying ancient Greek works?
A. Greek scholars translated the works into English
B. Greek scrolls containing the writings of philosophers were found in caves
C. Merchants traded gold to obtain ancient Greek writings from Assyrians
D. Muslim and Byzantine libraries contained the writings of Greek philosophers
25. What did the devastation caused by the bubonic plague contribute to?
A. a flowering of the arts in the later Middle Ages
B. the dominance of the Church in the later Middle Ages
C. the disruption and collapse of medieval society
D. a sense of unity among the continents affected by it
26. What was the purpose of the Reconquista?
A. to try people suspected of heresy
B. to drive the Muslims out of Spain
C. to recapture the Holy Land
D. to solidify the Moorish influence in Spain
27. Whose rights did the Magna Carta originally intend to defend?
A. all English subjects
B. the English nobility
C. the English monarch
D. religious minorities
28. What did the decisions of the English royal courts of justice create?
A. the code of chivalry
B. the Estates General
C. the Model Parliament
D. English common law
29. How did the Battle of Hastings change the course of English history?
A. the Anglo-Saxons took control of England
B. the Normans took control of England
C. English became the dominant language
D. the Danish Vikings were driven out of England
30. How was the Great Schism finally resolved?
A. The king decided which pope would rule the Holy Roman Empire
B. All three popes were forced to resign
C. A pope was chosen who spoke French and Italian as well as Latin
D. One pope ruled from Rome and another from Constantinople
31. What was the most important effect of the Hundred Years War?
A. It caused the development of national identities in England and France
B. It led to Joan of Arc becoming France’s patron saint
C. It destroyed formerly prosperous English towns and villages
D. It put an end to the three-field approach to farming
32. What was the chief goal of the Crusades?
A. to spread Christianity throughout Europe, Asia, and Africa
B. to recover Jerusalem and the Holy Land from the Muslim Turks
C. to improve trade among Europe, Asia, and Africa
D. to force the Byzantines to become Catholics
33. Which of the following best describes the nature of a guild?
A. workers who used gold leaf to decorate palaces
B. merchants who sold specially woven cloth to local fairs
C. traders who carried local goods to other regions
D. an association of people who worked at the same occupation
34. Who forced whom to sign the Magna Carta?
A. The English nobility forced King John to sign.
B. The Model Parliament forced Edward I to sign.
C. The English royal courts of justice forced Henry II to sign.
D. William the Conqueror forced the English nobility to sign.
35. During the Middle Ages, where were most serfs likely to search for freedom?
A. farms
B. monasteries
C. towns or cities
D. royal courts of justice
36. Which group was most responsible for the spread of the bubonic plague to
A. invaders
B. Crusaders
C. Traders
D. French soldiers
37. Which of the following was the central issue of the Hundred Years’ War?
A. the throne of France
B. the throne of England
C. the location of the pope’s home
D. the religion of the French people
38. Who was the “real” target of the Spanish Inquisition?
A. witches
B. heretics
C. Vikings and Magyars
D. Jews and Muslims
39. What did the Magna Carta guarantee?
A. the end of taxation
B. a model parliament
C. basic legal rights
D. a House of Commons
40. What was the name of the legislative body of medieval England?
A. Inquisition
B. Parliament
C. Estates General
D. Royal courts of justice