500 to 1500 AD

Europe in the Middle
AKA Medieval Europe
From 500 - 1500 AD
What are the Middle Ages?
• Historians divide human
divide or chunk history into
different periods as they
study it
• The Middle Ages, or
Medieval Period, refers to a
long stretch of European
• Some historians have
different opinions of when
the Middle Ages start and
Dates of the Middle Ages
• Start with the collapse of the Western
Roman Empire in 476 and end during the
highpoint of the European Renaissance
• From the years 476 to 1500 AD
• Or 500 to 1500 AD if you want to round it
It’s not this…
• This is a MiddleAged Man
• And a good
depiction of a
“Midlife Crisis”
Back To Rome
• While Eastern Rome remained strong, the
Western half collapsed
• It was overrun by Germanic (a.k.a. barbaric)
• One of these tribes was named the Franks
The Franks
• Were a nomadic, Germanic tribe that
invaded the Roman province of Gaul
– Gaul is now what we call France
• They were ruled by a line of kings from a
family named the Merovingian’s
Clovis: 481-511
• Claimed a great deal
of territory for the
• Helped the Franks
become extremely
• Converted to
• Many Franks
converted after Clovis
Charles Martel
• AKA The Hammer
• Worried about the rapid spread of Islam
• In order to help raise an army, he gave
land to those who would fight for him
• Army was called the “Vassals of the Lord”
• In 732, leads the Franks in their defeat of
Muslim armies at The Battle of Tours
The Rapid Spread of Islam
During the Middle Ages
Battle of Tours 732
A Major Battle in History:
• France stayed
• Would a large
portion of
Europeans be
Muslim today if
the battle had
gone the other
• Knights on
became very
Pepin The Short 741-768
• Charles’ son
• Had a close relationship with the Pope
• The Pope asked Pepin for protection from a
surrounding Germanic tribe called the Lombards
• The Pope came to France to officially crown Pepin King
of the Franks
• Pepin defeated the Lombards and gave the land to the
Pope- territory called the Papal States or Vatican
• These events cemented a strong relationship between
the Pope and Frankish Kings
Map of the Papal States
(Pope’s Lands)
Thursday 4/16
• Notes on Charlemagne
• Rises above the rest and answer questions
• Go over Charlemagne answers
• Work on Map Packet
Charlemagne or Charles the
Great: 768-814
• Became king of all
Frankish territory at 29
• Carolingian Dynasty is
named after him
• Great military leader and
a smart, organized ruler
• Very intelligent, but
struggled all his life to
learn to read and write
• Deeply religious Christian
• Was 6’ 4” tall, athletic,
• 4 wives; 18 children
The Pope Was in A pinch
• In 795 the Pope had died
• Pope Leo III was elected to be the new pope
• There was controversy over his election; many
did not support him and wanted him out
• He was overthrown and driven out of Rome
• Came to Charlemagne for help
• Charlemagne put the Pope back into power
800 AD: Christmas Day
• Pope Leo III crowned
Charlemagne “Holy Roman
• But this sends a message
that the Pope is more
powerful than the Emperor
• It ties the Emperor to the
Church; the Holy Roman
Emperor must protect the
• Set up future power
struggles between rulers
and popes
Charlemagne Expands his
Charlemagne's Empire: 814 A.D
• United most of Western Europe
– Areas of France, Italy, Germany, Switzerland
• First time that Western Europe was united since the Fall
of Western Rome
Charlemagne’s Empire
Achievements of Charlemagne
• Spread Christianity
• Encouraged learning
• Built roads, bridges, and
defensive structures
• Fairer laws
• Split land into counties
• Used Missi Domenicispies that made sure his
officials were ruling
After Charlemagne
• Louis the Pious (very religious)- only son to
outlive Charlemagne
• Louis the Pious had 4 legitimate sons
1. Lothair
2. Louis the German
3. Charles the Bald
Yes, I know
there are only
three here!
• He didn’t want he sons to fight over territory
• He divided his kingdom in order to keep peace
among his sons….
Fight Nice Boys
• Several civil wars between his sons broke out
while he was still alive
• As soon as their dad was dead the remaining
3 sons fought like crazy
• The war was eventually ended with the Treaty
of Verdun
• The Treaty of Verdun divided the kingdom
among the 3 remaining sons
Louis the German
Louis the Pious
Charles the Bald
Treaty of Verdun
Louis the
the Bald
Treaty of Verdun
End of the Empire
• The fighting that took place after
Charlemagne ended the Carolingian Dynasty
• Series of wear rulers helped strengthen
– Wimpy kings and division of land caused folks to
be loyal to local lords instead
– Like in Japan- when people became loyal to the
daimyo over the emperor
Fuel for Future Conflict: Why
History Matters
• The borders created in the Treaty of Verdun
eventually grow into the borders between the
Modern Germany and France
• Lothair’s former kingdom is a region called
Alsace Lorraine
• Alsace Lorraine- is rich w/ natural resources
like coal and iron; both Germany and France
wanted it
• A dispute over this territory was one cause of
When Vikings Attack!
The Viking Age: Circa 800-1100
Viking 101
• Boys
– Sent away from home at five and learned:
– To fight with spears, knives, and battle axes
– Sailing, navigation, how to build and repair
– Family trade or farming techniques
• Girls
– Learned to run the farm and the household
– If strong enough they were also trained as
The Drakkar
• AKA: long ship, dragon ship
• Was a war ship used to transport troops
• Could be sailed or rowed; crew of 20-30 people
The Knarr
• Shorter and
wider than the
• Ocean-going
cargo ship
• Fear- blood red sails and
serpent carvings on boat
scared their victims
• Battle-Axe- one to throw,
one to carry
• Other weapons- archers
and excellent swords
• Weapons were also a
sign of social class
• Berserker- extremely
fierce (to the point of
insane) Viking warriors
• Viking helmets
did not have
• Vikings are
credited with
inventing chain
Results of Viking Raids
• Vikings eventually settle down and mix with the
people of the British Isles and France
• The system of Feudalism is strengthened
• Feudalism- Peasants work and pay taxes in
exchange for land to farm and protection
• France gives them a large piece of land:
• Normandy- is named after the French word
Viking: Norsemen or North Men
Map #1
Map #2