Lake Agassiz Area Service Committee of Narcotics Anonymous Minutes from November 21, 2015 November LAASC Meeting was held at First Presbyterian Church, 650 2nd Ave N Fargo, ND at Noon on October 21th, 2015. Addicts present: 19: Richard B., Travis H., Rich A., Alex R., Shawn O., Sly W., Even J., Otis M., Amanda G., Paul S., Kim O., Jason K., Dylan K., Michelle K., Charles O., John O., Sara J., Jen K. and Cody. Part 1: Quorum Report and Motion to Accept Quorum There were 10 GSR’s present at time at quorum and voting. One more came a little later. Part 2: Approval of Minutes Motion: To approve the minutes Made by: Otis M. Second by: Evan J. Content: To approve minutes with changes Under Old Topics 1. Budget for H&I: Failed. 2. Motion #7. Donated $300. Intent: To move forward with business Action: Motion approved Part 3: Housekeeping Meeting Place: First Presbyterian Church, 650 2nd Ave N Fargo, ND Elected Positions: Alt. RCM: Evan J. Passed 10-0-1 Literature Chair: Otis M. Passed 7-0-4 Positions Open for Nomination: LAASC Chair LAASC Treasurer P&I Chair Nominations: P&I Chair: Sarah J. Part 4: Reports Chair: Drew M. Not present. Vice-Chair: Richard B. Nothing to report. Treasurer: Kim O. Verbal. Regional Conference Member: Tim B. Sick, not present. Richard gave the UMRSCNA report. Verbal. Hospitals and Institutions Committee Chairperson: Jen K. Verbal. Public Information Committee Chairperson: Sara J. See written report, HI & PI Subcommittee. PI REPORT. Area Activities Committee Chairperson: Alex R. See Area Activities Committee report. Literature Committee Chairperson: Travis H. Verbal. Group Service Representatives Reports: Meeting Name GSR Open Positions Candlelight Jen. K. Alt GSR. Living Clean We Do Recover Stepping Stone That’s it NA Rick A. John O. Shawn O. Amanda G. It’s a Good Thing Rainbow Way NA Poop In A Group H.O.W. Sunday Clean & Free Sat. Night Addict Mtg. Just for Today NA Dylan K. Sly W. Paul S. Charles O. Kim O. Evan J. Jen. K. Break in the day NA Jason K. None. GSR, Alt. GSR. Alt. GSR. Secretary and Chair for Saturday night meeting. None. Alt. GSR, Alt GSR None. Vice Chair. None. Vice Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, and Alt. GSR. GSR. Meeting Concerns/Comments Need more participation from N/A community. None. None. None. Sunday is now open. None. None. None. None. P.I. meeting list (Qty.) None. None. None. Part 5: Sharing Session Old Topics- Tabled from Previous ASC Tabled Motions 1. Made By: Shawn O. Seconded By: Charles A. Content: To change the guidelines under reports section, for all those that provide report’s from: To provide a written report to the ASC Secretary within a week of conclusion of the month’s ASC. To read: To provide a written report to the ASC Secretary by the end of the ASC monthly meeting. Intent: To better serve the Area. Action: Voted passed 9-0-0 2. Made By: Alex R. Seconded By: Evan J. Content: To change in guidelines under Activities Subcommittee sub point “C”. From $500 to $1000. Intent: To better plan event. The cost of living is going up. Fall Banquet cost about $900. Action: Voted passed 10-0-0 3. Made By: Alex R. Seconded By: Cyndle R. Content: Change in guideines under Financial Policy sub point “C” from: one month to three months and Activities start up fund. Intent: To allow ASC to operate financially and still donate to further the message. Action: Voted passed 9-0-0 4. Made By: Kim O. Seconded By: Charles A. Content: To have part “D” of Financial policy removed from the guidelines. Intent: To better serve the Lade AGG. Area and maintain our committees. Action: Voted failed 0-9-0 Part 6: New Business 1. H&I budget. Action: Voted passed 9-0-0 2. Active phone line. Action: To keep the phone line. Discussions 1. Meeting list # 1000 to 1500 Action: Discussed to the end. To approve the minutes w/changes Alt. RCM. Evan J. Literature Chair. Otis M. Guideline Change (Secretary) Guideline Change (Activities Subcommittee) Guideline Change (Financial Policy) Guideline Change (Remove part “D”) Part 7: Voting Passed 10-0-0 Passed 10-0-1 Passed 7-0-4 Passed 10-0-0 Passed 10-0-0 Passed 9-0-0 Failed 0-9-0 Meeting: closed at 4:20pm. November LAASC Meeting Will be held at First Presbyterian Church, 650 2nd Ave N Fargo, ND Noon on December 19st, 2015. January 16 2016 LAASC meeting will be held at the First Methodist Church, 116 Horace Ave. N. Thief River Falls, MN. Attention: GSR’S and Executive Members - .25/mi reimbursement available. Any area group may request to have the LAASC Meeting in their own town by contacting the LAASC Chair or LAASC Vice Chair two months in advance to the month they wish to host. LAKE AGASSIZ AREA ELECTION SCHEDULE Position Current Trusted Servant Contact Information Opens for Nominations Nominations Close for Elections Meeting Date Elected LAASC Chair Drew M. (218)214-0086 October December 3rd Saturday12pm. 1st Presbyterian, 650 2nd Ave. N Fargo 5/2015 LAASC Vice Chair Richard B. (928)308-0349 April June -refer to chair 6/2015 Secretary Shawn O. February -refer to chair 7/2015 LAASC Treasurer Kim O. (218)684-0899 January Sporre47@gmai (201)5402680 November January -refer to chair 4/2015 LAASC RCM Tim B. (218)443-3199 February April -refer to chair 3/2014 LAASC Alt. RCM Evan J. (701)318-8089 February April -refer to chair 6/2015 LAASC Parliamentarian LAASC H&I Chair Charles A. (701)270-7685 August October -refer to chair 3/2015 Jenn K. (701)630-1943 May July LAASC Area Activities Chair Alex R. (701)212-7532 July September 2nd Sunday- 3:00 8/2015 PM Atomic Coffee Sunday 5:00PM 8/2015 Atomic Coffee LAASC Area (Vacant) Activities Treasurer Acting Ryan (701)318-8204 July September -refer to activities chair - P.I. Chair Sarah J. (701)446-7753 October December Sunday 3:00PM Atomic Coffee 3/2015 Literature Chair Otis M. 701-306-0377 March May 2nd and 4th Saturday 12PM Red Raven 3/2013