District 2 minutes - September 2014

+++District 2 Meeting Sept. 21,2014
Trudy Alt DCM District 2, Garth Treasurer/GSR Sunrise, Carol GSR Cole Harbour,
Dave D – Alt. GSR Cole Harbour, Cathy GSR Downtown Dart. Group, Rod – Alt. GSR
Downtown Dart. Group, Karen GSR Colby Big Book , Sandy District 2 Secretary, Tim M
– Area 82 Delegate Visitors – Dave – Colby Big Book, Steve M – Downtown Dart
Group, Bill P - Newsletter
Group reports given:
Porters Lake
16 - 20
# Members
Special Events
14 N/A
Issues / Help
14 full
Cole Harbour
21 Sept
Keep it
Incoming –
Dave D –
GSR and
Lance Alt.
Meeting Sun. 8
pm Bdays 1st
15 Sunday of mth
Bdays last
Friday of
Mon-Fri 12:00 –
25 1:00
21 Sept
Nov 1/14 65 yrs.
Group anniv. 3-8
potluck and
special speaker
Doug K
Sept 29th
Blackie 38
Billy Bob 34
Gary 4
21 Sept
1 Tues
8:30 pm
# Attend.
40+ Bday
# Members
35 +
Special Events
Last Tues of
month bday
Pat S 6 yrs
Victor F 6
Issues / Help
meeting 3rd
Tues. of
month well
Circle of
Now on Weds
November 3
Brian C- 38
Gene A-33
Colby Village
Big Book
Trailer Park
12 and 12
21 Sept
1 Mon 8
December 1
Fern M -2
David Mc.- 5
Gabriel M-1
Brad J-8
Mike C-9
5 changed to
Thurs. 8 pm
Fall River
21 Sept
New 12 & 12
starting 1st
Sun. in Sept
at 7:00 pm`
Frid 8 pm
Early Risers
1 Thurs.
7:00 a.m.
8 – 11
14 Tues.
Garth – Tradition 9
Next Month – Cathy Tradition 10
Treasurer Report –Passed out by Garth
Report accepted by Carol
Secretary Report – none
Corrections Report – Racquel – Alt. Chair
August 2014
Corrections Committee Report
Districts 1 and 2
I am pleased to report that meetings are going well on both sides with the
exception of August 27th as the meeting on the woman's side was cancelled due
to a lock-down.
There will be five pocket big books going into the woman's side this week.
Yours in Service,
Maria R.
Corrections Chair
CPC Report – Carol
Public Information Report –
Treatment Report – Colin – Alt.
Alt DCM District 2 – Trudy
Workshop Committee – Trudy
No workshop this month. Cole Harbour will be doing a workshop tentative date Nov. 9
on the 5th Tradition at Club 24. Any group wanting to put on workshops in the new year
contact Trudy.
Report accepted by - Karen
DCM District 2- Barry H
September 21/2014
Good Day Everyone,
I would like to start off by reminding everyone about our Assembly next month in
Sydney. I t would be great to have a number of GSR’S from District 2 in
attendance. It promises to be an exciting event with election of new area officers.
I am happy to be holding our nominations today for all executive positions in
District 2. If we do not fill all positions today please go back to your home group
and let everyone know we are looking for people to fill all positions still available.
Service is an exciting part of recovery and I know personally it has allowed me to
grow in many ways both in my personal and professional life.
I attended the Central Service this month and I am happy to report I have accepted
a nomination to take the Co-Chair position for the next 2 years. I wanted to thank
all of you for allowing me to represent you as your DCM and I have fully enjoyed
my term.
All the best
Barry Hayes DCM District 2
Report Accepted : Garth
DCM District 1 – Tom R – DCM District 1
Read by Sandy
September 21, 2014
Good afternoon Friends,
My name is Tom, sober alcoholic, DCM for District 1. Good to be back and
into the swing of things. As most of you know, I wasn’t here for the month
of August as I was on a Medical Mission in Africa which was a very
humbling experience. I would highly recommend that if anyone here gets
the chance to participate in a mission involving a third world country take
that opportunity, it truly is life changing.
I would like to thank Fred D. for filling in for me at the last meeting and
keeping me up to date. We are in desperate need of service positions being
filled within the Districts 1 and 2 which we will be working on trying to fill
here today as well as throughout the month. We are hoping to have the old
but new nominating process to be past in our next District meeting. We are
all getting ready for the NS/NFLD Assembly taking place in October in
Sydney. Hopefully we will be well represented by our GSRs of both
Districts 1 and 2. I’m aware that there is talks of unifying committees as
one, ie: combining PI and CPC and Treatment and Corrections which I’m
sure will be discussed further here today. I understand that elections took
place within the Central Service which I will leave in the hands of Foster L.
to report hopefully here today. Lastly, I encourage members with some
experience in service and the suggested sobriety time (usually 2 years) to
come forward and start getting involved with the service structure of
Alcoholics Anonymous.
Yours in service,
Teamplayer DCM District 1
Tom R
ALT DCM District 1 – Fred
Read by Sandy
> Report District # 1 September 21, 2014.
> There has not been a lot to report this month. I did attend the
> central Service meeting this month. They had their Elections and Tim
> and Tony ran them by Third Legacy Procedures There was some Elected
> Officers Foster is the new Chair and Barry is the Co- Chair for the
> next two Years. There were a lot more members Elected but I will let
> the Chair Foster of Central Service tell you about them.
> I have been attending a lot of meeting and speaking about what we need
> at the District when it comes to the committees. Well I know we are
> going to be holding our Elections soon and God I hope members come
> forward to be placed into some of these Committees.
> That about all I have for now and I am sorry that I could not attend
> because I have company from Ontario. I wish you all a great day and
> hope the Elections go well.
> Yours In Services Fred DeMone.
Central Service – Foster L – Chair
Read by Sandy
District 2 GSR Meeting
Central Service Report ~ Foster L., Co-Chair
Greetings from Central Service, my sincere apologies for not being
present, however, due to family illness I am out of town.
At our last meeting we held elections for the 2015-2016 terms and were
successful in filling the following positions:
Committee Chair Foster L
Committee Co-Chair Barry H
NewsletterBill P
TelephonesLeah C, Chair; Heather C and Laura E,
Entertainment Samaira G, Chair; Tara M, Co-Chair
We still have key positions to be filled, namely, Treasurer, Secretary,
Hospital Visitation, Webmaster, Web Email Coordinator and Literature. All
of these roles are vital to the local AA community and we are hopeful
interest in them will be shown at the October meeting.
The annual picnic at Point Pleasant Park was a success, the weather
cooperated nicely and all enjoyed themselves. It would always be good to
see extra support for those who work so hard to facilitate this. The
Entertainment Committee is planning the New Years Eve dance to be held
at Str. Theresa’s Church hall. Tickets will be on sale this month at a cost
of $12.00. Anybody interested in selling tickets is asked to contact Raquel
R. whose contact information can be found in the Bluenose Bulletin.
Groups interested in hosting the December 24th afternoon social are
asked to make it known at the October meeting, when a decision will be
made on who will host. Financial support is provided by Central Service.
The 80th International Convention will be held in Atlanta in July 2015.
Information can be found on the GSO website and Bluenose Bulletin has
some pertinent information.
If you have any suggestions for our committee please feel free to contact
me at any time and I encourage you to read our meeting minutes on the
website for the full details of our meetings.
Yours in Service,
Foster L.
Sun. September 21st, 2014
GS Delegate - Marilyn R –
Visitors – Tim M. to run elections under new business and discuss Area 82 Assembly
agenda (see New Business).
Old Business
Guidelines discussed – each group gave feedback
Carol – Cole Harbour Group Her group agrees that the way it is is the way it will be
done in the future.
Cathy – Downtown Dart. Group – Guidelines were distributed among the members.
(so feel inaccurate and wrong) . She wondered if stuff could be taken out that the
groups were not involved in. Bill P was asked to comment by Barry – he said this
was prepared by the Executives District 1 and 2. The DCMs wanted a complete
guideline it is not voted by the Execs as law just meant to be brought to the GSRs.
Barry (District 2 DCM) said they used the general service manual as a guideline and
Bill added that it was then tailored to be specific to our districts. Barry added it’s
purpose is to open up lines of communication in order to get people involved in
service, basically they are trying to simplify positions.
Cathy asked if it would be voted on later and Barry advised Yes so they have time to
bring it to the groups again.
Karen – Colby Big Book – Chris gave the guidelines to his group and they had a few
On 1.3.2. – They wanted clarification on the term retroactive. Bill said it means if you
make a change it begins when the change is made and Trudy clarified it with this
example. If the change was that the treasurer has to have 10 yrs and the current
treasurer has 5 he is not asked to step down.
On 9.3 – Detox meeting sobriety time (3-4 people) at least 6 months sobriety. Barry
advised that both districts had voted and approved this when Pat (former treatment
chair) suggested it.
Garth – Sunrise Group – Emails were sent out to all members but was not
discussed at last business meeting. He will make sure it is brought up at next
business meeting.
Cathy asked if all GSR’s in District 2 were given these guidelines to look over even
the ones who do not attend the meeting and Barry advised Yes.
New Business
Voting to be done today by the Nomination Process – Tim M Area 82 Delegate to
proceed over the election.
Barry advised that he has been canvassing and will continue to do so and hopefully by
January all positions will be filled.
Before elections began Cathy DDG asked about the process – if they asked 3 times
(she advised it use to be the DCM was voted in by the outgoing GSR’s and the Alt.
DCM by the incoming GSR). Barry and Tim advised that anyone could nominate
someone as long as that person was aware they were nominated.
Tim took over for elections – he advised that should more than one person be
nominated the 3rd legacy procedure would apply.
He first called for nominations from the floor for DCM – Barry nominated Trudy. Tim
called 3 times. Trudy accepted nominations she advised she has been sober 12 yrs
and has done service the whole time. She has done the steps and has an AA and a
service sponsor. She was alt. GSR, GSR, alt DCM and DCM District 1 and now Alt.
DCM District 2. All were in favor Trudy is now the incoming DCM for District 2.
Tim next called for nominations from the floor for Alt. DCM – Barry nominated Cathy,
Downtown Dartmouth Group. Tim called 3 times. Cathy accepted the nominations as
long as she could continue to act as GSR for her group, she advised she has been
sober 11 years has a sponsor, done the steps and has done lots of group service as
well as being the Alt GSR and now GSR for her group. All were in favor Cathy is now
the incoming Alt. DCM for District 2.
Tim next called for Treasurer 3 times then Secretary 3 times no ones name was put
forth so these were held over and Barry asked that all GSRs bring forward to their
groups the need to fill these positions.
Barry said it was important that all GSRs have their groups discuss the proposal of
combining the following service positions. CPC and PI and Corrections and Treatment.
Currently these are 4 separate positions but the suggestion is to make them 2 with a
Chair and Alt Chair and then these 2 form committees. This to be voted on in
Visitors – Rod commented that people have lost perspective at the group level. Dave
D. said if someone is voted in as GSR or Alt. GSR it is their responsibility to come to the
monthly meeting and if they can’t they shouldn’t take the position. Cathy suggested a
phone call instead of an email might be better as there is a personal touch, she said that
is what corrections does before scheduled meetings and it works. Barry agrees this is a
great idea to implement.
Karen from Colby Big Book had one more thing to bring up from group They wanted to
know if phones could be brought back to being set up at Club 24 and how late were the
phones to be answered on the weekend.
She was advised to contact the Telephone person – contact information in the
newsletter and that the phones were 24/7 on the weekend.
Meeting closed with the Responsibility Pledge
Next Meeting – October 19th, 2014