Attention: GSR’S and Executive Members - .25/mi reimbursement available Any area group may request to have the LAASC Meeting in their own town by contacting the LAASC Chair or LAASC Vice Chair two months in advance to the month they wish to host. Lake Agassiz Area Service Committee of Narcotics Anonymous Minutes from January 18th, 2014 January LAASC Meeting First Presbyterian Church, 650 2nd Ave N Fargo, ND Noon on January 18th, 2014 February LAASC Meeting First Presbyterian Church, 650 2nd Ave N Fargo, ND Noon on February 15th, 2014 March LAASC Meeting TBA Noon on March 15th, 2014 28 Addicts present: Travis H, Tylor S, Drew M, Jeremy T, Tyler K, Evan J, Frank H, Joe M, Jon T, Kim O, Jennifer K, Tim B, Adara G, Nick L, Erica W, Josh S, Zac T, Chad, Chloe B, Shannon, Adam, Charles, Will S, Bryan, Joe G, Becky, Chris M, Kelsey E. Part 1: Quorum Report and Motion to Accept Quorum There were 9 GSR’s present at the time of quorum. Quorum Approved. Vote: Passed Part 2: Approval of Minutes Motion: Minutes Approved Vote: Passed Part 3: Housekeeping Meeting Place: First Presbyterian Church, 650 2nd Ave N Fargo, ND Elected Positions: Positions Open for Nomination: LAASC Area Activities Chair LAASC Parliamentarian LAASC Treasurer LAASC Secretary RCM Nominations: LAASC Area Activities Chair: Evan J (Nominated)(Accepted) LAASC Parliamentarian: Zac T (Nominated)(Declined) LAASC Treasurer: Josh S (Nominated)(Accepted in Nov.)(Interviewed)(Elected) LAASC Chair: Chuck K (Nominated)( Accepted in Nov.)(Elected) LAASC Secretary: Jon T(Nominated)(Accepted) RCM: Zac T (Nominated)(Accepted) Interviews: Frank H for RCM (Interviewed in Nov)(Position Remains Vacant Due to Tie Vote During Election) Will S for RCM (Interviewed)(Position Remains Vacant Due to Tie Vote During Election) *Election requirements not met on either nominee. Position Reopened *Will S and Frank H Withdraw from RCM Position Part 4: Reports Chair: Travis H (Verbal) Vice-Chair: Tylor S (Verbal) Secretary: Nick L I have added the Area Planning Projects for 2014 that resulted from our Area Inventory we had conducted in December to the end of this month's minutes. Please review the descriptions of these projects diligently and prioritize them in a fashion that your group finds to be best. The prioritization should run from 1-9 with 1 being the most important. Your prioritization of this list will contribute to how we will decide to execute the procedure of implementation of these projects. If you require additional information on the description of the projects please contact me at (218) 790-6425, and I will be glad to clarify the best I can. Please feel free to send your prioritized list with your GSR to present at the February LAASC Meeting. This will most likely be my last month in the position of LAASC Secretary and I would like to thank all of you who have served alongside me during my term and all of you who took the time to review the minutes I produced. Together we stay clean. In Loving Service, Nick L Treasurer: Tyler K Greeting LAASC (01-18-2014) We have audit scheduled for February, prior to the ASC. The activities funds will get transferred over at this point. The new signers on the main account will be as follows; LAASC Treasurer – Josh S, Chair – Chuck and Vice Chair – Tylor S. NUMBER DATE 11/1/2013 11/16/2013 11/16/2013 11/16/2013 11/16/2013 11/26/2013 11/19/2013 11/30/2013 1451 11/16/2013 1452 11/16/2013 Deposit 12/23/2013 1459 12/21/2013 1456 12/21/2013 Auto WD 12/27/2013 Deposit 12/30/2013 1457 12/21/2013 12/31/2013 1458 12/21/2013 1460 1/18/2014 Auto WD 1/18/2014 1461 1/18/2014 Deposit 1/22/2014 1/31/2014 1450 1453 1454 1455 Auto WD Deposit TRANSACTION NAME DEBIT DEPOSIT BALANCE TRANSACTION AMOUNT AMOUNT NOTES FY2014 Starting Balance $1,162.71 Nick L $125.25 $1,037.46 Minutes/Paper & Postage Tyler S $27.25 $1,010.21 Travel/Gas Drew M $27.25 $982.96 Travel/Gas Joe M $209.63 $773.33 Meeting Lists 702 Communications $60.83 $712.50 Phone Line 7th Tradition $450.00 $1,162.50 Ending Balance $1,162.50 First Presbyterian $25.00 $1,137.50 Rent First Presbyterian $10.00 $1,127.50 Misc./ Ad-Hoc (Key deposit) 7th Tradition $350.35 $1,477.85 James J $122.50 $1,355.35 Misc./ Ad-Hoc (Area Inv) Howard Johnson $176.78 $1,178.57 Misc./ Ad-Hoc (Lodging) 702 Communications $60.39 $1,118.18 Phone Line 7th Tradition $25.74 $1,143.92 Nick L $41.62 $1,102.30 Minutes/Paper & Postage Ending Balance $1,102.30 First Presbyterian $25.00 $1,077.30 Rent US Postal Service $54.00 $1,023.30 P.O. Box 702 Communications $60.39 $962.91 Phone Line First Presbyterian $25.00 $937.91 Rent 7th Tradition $250.13 $1,188.04 Ending Balance $1,188.04 Financial Policy Schedule e Ex ec ut iv & I P. I. M Audits Committee H Budgets November to October Submit August Approve October January April July November RC Fiscal Year 2014 Budgets Category Rent Minutes/Paper & Postage GSR Reimbursement Activities Start Up Misc./ Ad-Hoc P.O. Box Checks Sum Phone Line Meeting Lists Sum Literature Travel/Gas Sum Midwest Zonal Form Travel/Gas Sum Grand Total Prudent Reserve Fiscal 2014 Fiscal 2014 Approved Remaining $300.00 $225.00 $400.00 $233.13 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $300.00 ($9.28) $54.00 $0.00 $25.00 $25.00 $2,079.00 $1,473.85 $750.00 $568.39 $900.00 $690.07 $1,650.00 $1,258.46 $600.00 $600.00 $300.00 $245.50 $900.00 $845.50 $350.00 $350.00 $150.00 $150.00 $500.00 $500.00 $5,129.00 $4,077.81 $1,282.25 Parliamentarian: Jeremy T (Verbal) Regional Conference Member: (Vacant) Alternate Regional Conference Member: Tim B Hello LAASC participants. The Upper Midwest Region met on Dec. 29, 2013 at the Salvation Army in Bismarck. The meeting was well attended except the Vice-Chair. The UMRNA is still in need of people to step up and do service work at the regional level. Fellowship Development Chair position is still open. I have the minutes from the Oct 13th meeting. The financial status of the region funds are $9,518.88 between Savings and checking. The region activities committee has their $2500 start-up fund and are starting to plan Spiritual Refreshment. Please contact Tyler P. to see how u can be of service. The CAR report is out and I am working on getting copies for LAASC GSR’s. The region is also intending on taking part in the upcoming Midwest Zonal Service Symposium. Budgets will hopefully be brought and be approved at the next meeting March 23 at noon in Fargo at the Comstock Memorial Union, Moorhead State University, Room 208. The Minot Events Committee is having a CHILLY JAM Jan 25th. Chili cook-off, speakers and comedian. They would love to have LAA addicts attend. On March 22, 2014 there will be a GSR Assembly about the CAR Report for everyone in the Lake Agassiz Area. I am including the report I brought to the UMRNA meeting. Oct 13, 2013 UMRNA The LAASC met last on Dec 21, 2013 at the 1st United Methodist Church in Fargo. All of the meeting was dedicated to an awesome area inventory. All positions are filled except the RCM and the activities committee. Contact Kim O. H & I is always looking for people to service. Females would be a huge help, also someone to help with the clay county jail. Contact Drew M. For information on public information in the LAASC please contact Joe M. Jon T. is the literature chair. The LAASC concerns. 1. Accountability and transparency of the UMRNA. There has been no minutes or financial records available to the LAASC since March 8th. 2. UMRNA Website. 3. Communication with the area to the region. Communication of the region to the LAASC area. The LAASC would like to be informed and have a decision in matters that get voted on at the region meeting. Thank you for the opportunity to participate. LAASC ALT. RCM Tim B. 218-443-3199 Hospitals and Institutions Committee Chairperson: Drew M Public Information Committee Chairperson: Joe M (Verbal) Area Activities Committee Chairperson: Kim O Area Activities Committee Treasurer: Josh S (No Report) Literature Committee Chairperson: Jon T (Verbal) Group reports: Meeting Name 1.Women’s StepTradition Study 2. That’s It NA GSR Anieta P Open Positions - Meeting Concerns/Comments - Erica W - Alt. GSR 3. Break in the Day 4. Sherwood Men's Group Lindsay P Drew M 5. NA After Dark 6. Clean & Free Kim O Evan J -Vice Chair, GSR, Alt. GSR - - Monday - Add: WhChair/CTime/JFT Tuesday - Add: NDTR Remove: Sara J as contact Thursday - Add: Open/CTime/WhChair/JFT Sunday - Add: Lit Study (also copy address from Tuesday meeting and place it on Sunday as well.) Remove: Topic - 7. Poop in a Group 8. H.O.W. 9. It’s a Good Thing NA 10.Candlelight 11. Just For Today NA Jeremy T Adara G Chris M Aanders B Jennifer K 12.NA Recovery By The Lakes Group - YEAH!! Don't Do drugs - Ed - Chair - Alt. GSR - Alt. GSR, GSR -Alt. GSR, Chair -Vice-Chair, Alt GSR, Sec. - 13. Living In Recovery 14. Saturday Addict's Meeting 15. One Page At A Time Ryan O Brett E - - Drew M -Alt. GSR 16. Just For Today (Wahpeton, ND) 17. Living Clean Jason G - - Meeting List needs to include "Closed" as a specifier. A concern was brought up about the area Literature Committee being hesitant/unwilling to sell literature at an event and being unwilling to accept help running the table at the event. - Bob D - - 18. Clean and Serene Just For Today Charles A -Lit. Chair - This meeting is a Literature Study 2-3 PM on 5th Street. This group would like to suggest the area have more activities. Part 5: Sharing Session - Old Topics- Tabled from Previous ASC Topic 1. Area Inventory - Area Planning Projects 2. GSR Assembly 3. Area Boundaries Survey Presented by Zac T Jon T Nick L Action Discussed (Tabled) Closed Closed 4. Cooperation with Nar-Anon 5. H&I Budget Frank H Drew M Closed Closed Topics Tabled for December - Area Inventory - Area Planning Projects Motion: To table the discussion about Area Inventory until next month. Each GSR will bring the 9 topics to their group and prioritize the list. Made by: Kelsey E Seconded by: Jenn K Vote: Pass Motion: To close the Area Boundaries issue and not discuss it anymore. Intent: It is none of our business to make a discussion on this topic. Made by: Jenn K Seconded by: Adara Vote: Pass Part 6: Old Business Motion: Made by: Vote: Yes- No- Abstention- Seconded by: Part 7: New Business Motion: Made by: Seconded by: (Sent back to the groups for voting in the coming ASC) Position LAASC Chair Current Trusted Servant Travis H LAASC Vice Chair Secretary Tylor S. LAASC Treasurer LAASC RCM LAASC Alt. RCM Tyler K. Nick L. (Vacant) Tim B. LAASC Jeremy Parliamentarian T. LAASC Scribe Kelsey E LAASC Area Activities Chair Kim O. LAASC Area Activities Treasurer P.I. Chair Josh S. Literature Chair Jon T. Guidelines AdHoc Jeremy T. LAASC H&I Chair Drew M. Joe M. LAKE AGASSIZ AREA ELECTION SCHEDULE Contact Opens for Nominations Meeting Information Nominations Close for Elections (701) 212October December 3rd Saturday7611 12pm. 1st Presbyterian, 650 2nd Ave. N Fargo (701) 200August ----5406 (218)790January February ----6425 (701) 730November January ----1929 June (218) 443February April ---3199 (701) 388August October ----0751 (701) 720July September ----5218 (701) 318July September Sunday 0226 5pm Fry’n PanFargo (701) 214July September Sunday 0257 5pm Fry’n PanFargo (701) 219April June 0604 (218)329March May 1831 (701) 388--------Friday @7pm 0751 Atomic Coffee in Fargo (507)923August 2nd Sunday1467 3:00pm Atomic Coffee Bdwy Dwtn Fargo Date Elected 2/2013 ---2/2013 12/2012 3/2013 10/2012 10/2013 9/2012 9/2012 3/2012 3/2013 10/2012 7/2013 **The Regional Conference Member position is a two year term with the RCM being opened in the even years and the Alt. in the odd. LAASC Area Planning Projects for 2014 1. Create Area Website - Make a website that directly serves the Lake Agassiz Area. 2. Public Relations Lunch - Schedule a Public lunch event and invite City Officials (political or not) and Public professionals who deal with addicts regularly (knowingly or unknowingly) to attend in order to establish NA as an active organization and create more stable relationships with public officials. 3. Standard Report for Committees - Have a specific set of criteria for committee chairpersons to address when reporting on their progress in order to get the information in a more efficient manner. 4. Group Reports Compiled at Group - To have the GSR's take a GSR report with them when they leave ASC so that they may have one to fill out at their next business meeting. They will then have an accurate account of their groups conscience to report back to the Area Service Committee, instead of attempting (possibly erroneously) to recall the concerns or issues addressed at their groups business meeting from memory. 5. Program for "Adopt-A-Group" - This is a cooperative aid system devised to give assistance to struggling groups in our area by more secure groups that are flourishing. 6. Service Descriptions - This is an objective that requires service positions to have more documented procedural assistance information that would be available to interested members of the fellowship and committee who may consider taking up the particular service commitment. This objective's goal is to eliminate the apprehension to apply and lack of acceptance and commitment to service positions. 7. Mentorship for Service Positions Beginning at Nomination - This policy amendment would attempt to generate more committed trusted servants who are comfortable in their positions due to preparatory skills and knowledge they have attained through training and mentorship prior to service position execution. 8. Periodically Rotating ASC Location - This objective would seek to make attendance at our Service Committee more accommodating to other member in our area by bringing the meeting to other various locations. 9. Outreach - This objective is generally just an attempt to create stronger bonds between us and the outliers of our area that we currently lack communication with because participation in recovery and cooperation in service increase the unity of the fellowship.