Southern Utah Area of Narcotics Anonymous Service Committee (SUANA) Date: February 8, 2014 Location: Southwest Center St. George Open: 6:48p.m. Twelve Concepts Read By: Bryant Members Present: Joe H, Caroline O, Chanesse S, Bryant, Cory, Mitch F, Kharlee, Christine, Tysen J, Mary M, Steve P, Jeffery, Chance, Rick, John, Mike B, Jerry C, Lisa G, Roseanne, Kaycee, DJ, Aidan, Matt, Tom D, Wade, Kelley, Dave, Sunny, Mikey N, Catie, Jon, Virginia, Paul, Sam, Rosemary, Tyson Excused Absences: Jeff G, Reagan L Minutes Take By: Chanesse Soto AREA COMMITTEE REPORTS RCM (Tom D): No Report ASC Area Minutes Page 1 of 8 Treasurer (Mikey N): Hello and welcome back to stg. hope gods speaks thru the groups for elections. So first, Im done with my commitment. thanks for allowing me to be of service. I hope you new treasusee is a hansome, witty, kind, honest and relaible and humble as I am. thats big shoes to fill. Im joking. so here are the numbers for the month. All the money from the Zions Accounts have been moved to the new bank account and are offically closed. whew. we had 4 checks of 80, 117.61, 71.40 and 165.00 for rembursements, storage unit, CAR reports and area enternaiment. that leaves us with a balance for 5710.16 in the account. I reccommend and am motioning to donate at least 1000 to region, this month and the next few months. Keep in mind, we still have a few expenses that pertain to the taxes but that should be no more than 500. Also I recieved a letter from the IRS, that says they have our application, fee and we should expect a determination letter within 90 day. with that in mind, we will still need to file a 990-ez from for our tax obligation for 2013. thats all i have and thanks agian. Mikey. Date Description Income Check# Expense Balance Previous Balance $5,131.54 1/12/2014 Rembursment SUACNA account $500.00 1/11/2014 1/13/2014 1/14/2014 1/15/2014 1/15/2014 1/17/2014 $117.61 1/17/2014 Rembursment Lit account $200.00 Deposited cash from Area $326.49 Deposited from Zion $5,588.49 Bank Fee $14.00 Area Enternaiment 1002 $80.00 Rembursment Meeting List 1001 Steamroller CAR reports 1/31/2014 Bella Vista Storage Unit $165.00 1/31/2014 Interest paid $0.14 1003 1004 Previous Balance $5,131.54 Income $6,615.12 Sub Totals $11,746.66 Expenses $6,036.50 Current Balance $5,710.16 ASC Area Minutes Page 2 of 8 $71.40 Public Information(Mary M): PI/PR Report for January-February Phone line will be covered for the next month. Web site status is the same until we are able to find a new server under the new officers for the PI/PR committee. Phone lists were reimbursed to Rosemary J. for the amount of $ for 300 count. It has been a pleasure serving with all of you and thank you for allowing me to serve. Mary M. Area Entertainment (Mitch F.): First off I would like to thank the area service committee for allowing me to serve over the last year. The ignite your recovery bonfire was a great success! We had around 80 in attendance, and we gave a basic text to the newest newcomer. We spent 59.48, so we will be returning 20.52 to the area, along with 33.90 that we collected in donation. I would like to thank everyone that came to the event, and thank you for a great year. Mitch F. Hospitals & Institutions (Tysen J.): H&I voted Dave D for chair, Kristina for Kristine for co chair, kharlee for sec, Stephen P for literature, Michael B Cedar City Jail. Baron H&H, other positions tabled till next month. Thank you for allowing me to be of service. SUACNA Convention (Mike B.): The Convention is going along nicely. Not a lot of new stuff happening. Just taking care of travel, hotel, accommodations and so on. The balance of the bank account is $590.88 Literature (Tyson H.): Area Literature Sales $290.15 Tyson H. GROUP REPORTS Meeting Information Average Total Area Attendance Newcomer Donation s Wed/Fri 8:00p.m Sun 1:30 p.m. 5 2 0 Mesquite meeting: 150 N Yucca. GRS: Sam G. ASC Area Minutes Comments Self supporting at this time, however could still use support. March 1st we will be having a speaker meeting and chicken Page 3 of 8 dinner. Mesquite. Mon – Fri: NA ROX 12 pm Alano Club St. George GSR: Alt: JerryC Mon and Wed: Circle of Hope 8:00pm Slick Rock Park GSR: Kelly C Monday: KISS 6:00PM Alano Club St George GSR: Tysen J Monday: Basic Text Study 8:00 PM KKCB Hall Cedar City GSR: Scottie H Alt: Tuesday: Living in the Moment the Journey Continues 6 PM Alano Club St George GSR: Rosemary J. Alt: Dave J Tuesday: We Unite on Tuesday Night Grace Episcopal Church St George GSR: Brittani Alt: Mikey Wednesday: Living Clean 8:00 PM KKCB Hall Cedar City GSR: Baron W Thursday: Living in the Moment 6:00 pm Alano Club St. George GSR: Catie Alt: Thursday: Cope Without Dope 6:30 pm Legion Hut Kanab GSR: Thur: Hurricane’s Higher Power 7 PM Hurricane Library GSR: Christine R. Alt: Thur: It Works How and Why 8:00 pm KKCB Hall Cedar City GSR: Michael B. Alt: Friday: Newcomers Meeting 7:30 pm Southwest Center St. George GSR: Cory S. Alt: ASC Area Minutes 1:30-4 in 15 12 $10.00 All positions are filled and meeting is self supporting. 30 6 0 Fully self supporting everything is going good 0 Voted meeting is picking up still needs support though 11 3 No Report 16 3 0 Meeting is going well. Could use active members. 5.75 2 $11.38 Meeting is self supporting No Report 17 7 0 Meeting is going well but could use more support No Report 2 1 0 Barely self supporting need support Joe is newGSR No Report 68 7 0 Group is running well, we are self supporting and doing well Page 4 of 8 Saturday: Stepping Stones 6:00 pm Alano Club St. George GSR: Saturday: Men’s Meeting 10:00 AM 20 Alano Club St. George GSR: Steve P Alt: Saturday: Circle of Sisters Alano club St. George GSR: Alt 20 Saturday: Free To Be 7pm Southwest Center GSR: Sunday: Men’s Spiritual Meeting 10:00 AM Alano Club St George 6 GSR: Rick R Alt: Sunday: Sunday Night Candlelight 6:00 pm Alano Club St. George GSR: Lisa G. Alt: 30+ Sunday: Hurricane Meeting 8:00 pm 10 Hurricane Museum Hurricane GSR: Kharlee Alt.: Sunday: Dopeless hope fiends 8:00 PM KKCB Hall Cedar City GSR: Friday: Live & let Live 8:00pm KKCB Hall Cedar City GSR: Kim Alt: Sunday: 6:00p.m. 155 W Main: Basement of Zions Bank Salina UT GSR: Brandina Wednesday: 6:00p.m. Recovery (NA) Rainbow Dixie Alano Club GSR: Aidan A. Alt: Jeffery S 11 ASC Area Minutes No Report 1 2 $4.00 Fully self supporting and doing well $36.00 We bought key tags and are self supporting and looking for a new GSR and Alt GSR need more support No Report $4.75 Doing good supporting 6 $17.76 Meeting is going well all positions are filled. Self supporting. We will be holding our Easter event on Apr 20th. Park to be announced closer to event date. Thank you for allowing me to serve. - 0 Meeting is doing well self supporting 1 and self No Report No Report No Report 5 0 We have new alt. GSR (Jeffery S) Also, a new chair person (Jen) and a new Secretary (Matt B). Group is self supporting however please announce at other meetings that we could use additional Page 5 of 8 support. All service positions are filled. Break Taken: Meeting called back to order: OPEN FORUM No minutes taken during open forum per SUANA board decision. OLD BUSINESS: Motion #1: Motion Maker: Tom D. Seconded by: Michael W. Motion: Next ASC to be at SWC for CAR report workshop.; Feb 8th. Time to be announced. Intent: GSR’s get into our CAR Report. Passed. Motion #2: Motion Maker: Mikey N. Seconded: Tysen J. Motion: Update SUANA Guidelines to reflect updated positions. Article XI section 3 A. H&I B. PI/PR C. Entertainment D. Literature E. Convention F. Outreach. Intent: To make current guidelines. Passed. Motion #3: Motion Maker: MIkey N. Seconded by: Tysen J. Motion: Change Article XIV (14) Section 6 to read: The Treasurer and Literature’s books will be audited on change of term by a two member ad-hoc committee appointed by the current chairperson. Intent: To allow all accounts to have accountability on finances. Passed. NEW BUSINESS: Motion #1: Motion Maker: Mikey N. Seconded by: Catie W. Motion: Purchase 10 pack carbon ASC Area Minutes Page 6 of 8 less sales order form books. $16.09 + tax @ Staples. Not to exceed $20. For treasurer/literature. Intent: To have adequate supplies for tracking sales. Passed. Motion #2: Motion Maker: Mikey N. Seconded by: Catie W. Motion: Donate $1,000.00 to Region 51. Intent: To flow up $ to Region. Back to groups. Chair: Carolyn O Vice-Chair: Jon G Secretary: Dina Jo R. (DJ) Alt Secretary: Aiden A Treasurer: Mikey N Alt Treasurer: Tyson H Public Information/ Phoneline: Kaycee L Public Relations/ Webservant/ Area Entertainment: Kharlee M Literature: Jeff G Hospitals & Institutions: Dave D Outreach: Jerry C ASC Area Minutes Page 7 of 8 NEXT MONTH MEETING LOCATION AND TIME: Hurricane 6:30pm March 8,2014 MEETING ADJOURNED: 8:15pm MEETING ENDED WITH THE 3rd PRAYER *If any portion of these minutes needs to be amended please bring it up and the next ASC meeting. (Make sure that rent for SUANA meeting has been paid by Treasurer) (Make sure that location is cleaned and cleared before everyone leaves) ASC Area Minutes Page 8 of 8