Attention: GSR’S and Executive Members - .25/mi reimbursement available Any area group may request to have the LAASC Meeting in their own town by contacting the LAASC Chair or LAASC Vice Chair two months in advance to the month they wish to host. Lake Agassiz Area Service Committee of Narcotics Anonymous Minutes from October 19th, 2013 November LAASC Meeting First Presbyterian Church, 650 2nd Ave N Fargo, ND Noon on November 16th, 2013 December LAASC Meeting First Presbyterian Church, 650 2nd Ave N Fargo, ND Noon on December 21st, 2013 22 Addicts present: Travis H, Kelsey E, Drew M, Jeremy T, Tyler K, Evan J, Tylor S, Frank H, Joe M, Kris K, Jon T, Kim O, Jennifer K, Tim B, Adara G, Nick L, Kate A, Jason G, Chuck K, Erica, Will S, Alex. Part 1: Quorum Report and Motion to Accept Quorum There were 10 GSR’s present at the time of quorum. Quorum Approved. Vote: Passed Part 2: Approval of Minutes Motion: Minutes Approved Vote: Passed Part 3: Housekeeping Meeting Place: First United Methodist Church 906 1st Ave S Fargo, ND Elected Positions: Positions Open for Nomination: LAASC Area Activities Chair Parliamentarian RCM LAASC Chair Nominations: LAASC Chair: Kim O (Nominated)(Declined) LAASC Chair: Chuck K (Nominated)(Accepted) Parliamentarian: Jon T (Nominated)(Accepted) - Rescinds Acceptance RCM: Frank H (Nominated)(Accepts) RCM: Will S (Nominated)(Accepts) Part 4: Reports Chair: Travis H (Verbal) Vice-Chair: Tylor S (Verbal) Secretary: Nick L ***Please take note of the final draft of the AREA BOUNDARIES SURVEY that has been added to the last section of the minutes preceding the Service Resumes. Discuss this form with your groups and have your GSR ready to report back to the LAASC whether or not this survey should be sent to the groups in the greater LAA.*** Much Love. Treasurer: Tyler K Greeting LAASC (10-23-2013) Jeremy T provided a budget outline for our Area Inventory that will take place in December 2013. Budget expense will total $300. Budgets were approved for the upcoming fiscal year.We will have financial audit of all LAASC accounts before the November ASC, please plan accordingly. Please bring bank statements, checkbook, receipts, etc. Please start thinking about the election schedule for treasurer. Nominations open in November. If you are interested in the treasurer position, please come to the area and get involved. This ensures we will have a smooth transition from one treasurer to another. NUMBER 1440 1442 1443 Deposit Auto WD Transfer 1445 Auto WD Deposit 1444 1446 1447 1448 1449 Auto WD DATE TRANSACTION NAME DEBIT DEPOSIT BALANCE TRANSACTION AMOUNT AMOUNT NOTES 7/31/2013 Ending Balance $1,365.52 7/20/2013 United Methodist $25.00 $1,340.52 July rent donation 8/17/2013 United Methodist $25.00 $1,315.52 August rent donation 8/17/2013 Joe M $225.75 $1,089.77 Meeting Lists 8/19/2013 7th Tradition $254.00 $1,343.77 8/17/2013 702 Communications $60.56 $1,283.21 Phoneline 8/22/2013 From Activities Acct $627.88 $1,911.09 8/31/2013 Ending Balance $1,911.09 9/21/2013 Nick L $27.01 $1,884.08 Printing expense 9/26/2013 702 Communications $60.39 $1,823.69 Phoneline 9/23/2013 7th Tradition $300.00 $2,123.69 9/30/2013 Ending Balance $2,123.69 9/21/2013 United Methodist $25.00 $2,098.69 Sep rent donation 9/21/2013 UMRSC $575.00 $1,523.69 Donation to region 9/21/2013 NAWS, Inc. $245.00 $1,278.69 Donation to world 10/19/2013 United Methodist $25.00 $1,253.69 Oct rent donation 10/19/2013 Nick L $30.50 $1,223.19 Printing expense 10/26/2013 702 Communications $60.48 $1,162.71 Phoneline 10/23/2013 Ending Balance $1,162.71 Financial Policy Schedule 2013 Budgets Audits & H M Budgets November to October Submit August Approve October January April July November RC Fiscal Year I P. I. Ex ec u t iv e Committee Category Rent Minutes/Paper & Postage GSR Reimbursement P.O. Box/ Checks/ Receipts Sum Phone Line Gas/Travel Misc / Candy Meeting Lists Sum Literature Outreach Sum Travel/Gas Midwest Zonal Form Sum Grand Total Prudent Reserve 2014 Approved Budgets RC M H & I P. I. Ex ec u t iv e Committee Category Rent Minutes/Paper & Postage GSR Reimbursement Activities Start Up Misc./ Ad-Hoc P.O. Box/ Checks/ Receipts Checks Sum Phone Line Meeting Lists Sum Literature Travel/Gas Sum Midwest Zonal Form Travel/Gas Sum Grand Total Prudent Reserve Fiscal 2014 Fiscal 2014 Approved Remaining $300.00 $300.00 $400.00 $400.00 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $300.00 $300.00 $54.00 $54.00 $25.00 $25.00 $2,079.00 $2,079.00 $750.00 $750.00 $900.00 $900.00 $1,650.00 $1,650.00 $600.00 $600.00 $300.00 $300.00 $900.00 $900.00 $350.00 $350.00 $150.00 $150.00 $500.00 $500.00 $5,129.00 $5,129.00 $1,282.25 Tyler K Fiscal 2013 Fiscal 2013 Approved Remaining $300.00 $75.00 $200.00 ($26.96) $500.00 $375.00 $54.00 $0.00 $1,054.00 $423.04 $750.00 $291.72 $250.00 $218.00 $60.00 $60.00 $450.00 $74.25 $1,510.00 $643.97 $700.00 $204.10 $400.00 $375.00 $1,100.00 $579.10 $200.00 $200.00 $500.00 $500.00 $700.00 $700.00 $4,364.00 $2,346.11 $1,091.00 Parliamentarian: Jeremy T (Verbal) Regional Conference Member: (Vacant) Alternate Regional Conference Member: Tim B Hello LAASC participants. I was able to attend the last UMRNA service committee on Oct 13th 2013 at Howard Johnson in Fargo. The meeting was well attended. Tom is new Chair of the region. Jenny L. is new Vice-Chair. Jeremy is new treasurer. Allison is new secretary. Nick L. is new web resource Chair. Tyler P. is new Activities Chair. The UMRNA is still in need of people to step up and do service work at the regional level. Fellowship Development Chair position is still open. I have not received the minutes from the May 25th meeting yet. I also do not have a exact current financial status of the regions funds. On March 8th 2013 the balance of the regional account was $2,000. It was reported that the region had a little over $5,000 and the re-reported that we have a little over $I0,000. Jeremy is new treasurer now so I am sure he will have an exact regional financial status soon. I will update the LAASC of status as soon as I have more current information. The new secretary will also have current minutes from this meeting available before the next regional meeting. I do have a copy of the minutes from March 8th if anyone is interested. The next regional meeting is scheduled to happen Dec. 29th, 2013 in the Lewis and Clark Area. I am including the report I brought to the UMRNA meeting. UMRNA The LAASC met last on Sept. 21, 2013 at the 1st United Methodist Church in Fargo. All positions are filled except the RCM. The activities committee is at the end of a successful year with the fall banquet. The chair position is open with no current nominations. For more info please contact Kim O., 701-540-2680. H & I is always looking for people to service. Females would be a huge help, also someone to help with the clay county jail. Contact Drew M. (507-923-1467). For information on public information in the LAASC please contact Joe 701-219-0604. Jon T. (218-329-1831) is the literature chair. The LAASC sent a donation of$575.00 to the UMRNA. The LAASC has a two BIG concerns. 1. Accountability and transparency of the UMRNA. There has been no minutes or financial records available to the LAASC since March 8th. 2. UMRNA Website. PI, Activities committee, and That’s it NA in Fergus Falls has all had difficulties getting anything posted on the UMRNA website. This is a very important resource for attraction to the area and regional events for us. A huge thank you to the Minnesota region. They have been very supportive and helpful in the attraction to the LAASC and the UMRNA events. I expressed to the LAASC the concern and need of people to be of service at the UMRNA. Unfortunately I was unable to attend the Boundaries workshop in Fargo recently. Thank you for the opportunity to participate. LAASC ALT. RCM Tim B. 218-443-3199 The UMRNA’s 30th convention is happening in Fergus Falls MN on November 1st-3rd. Tons of work and planning have already been put into this event. People are encouraged to attend, pre-register, and reserve your hotel rooms. From my understanding there is also a event happening at the Salvation Army in Bismark at 6 pm Nov. 1st 2013. I will try and get more information on this event. Thank you LAASC for letting me be of service. Sincerely, Tim B. 218-443-3199 Alt. Rcm Oct. 19th, 2013 Hospitals and Institutions Committee Chairperson: Drew M Public Information Committee Chairperson: Joe M Area Activities Committee Chairperson: Kim O Area Activities Committee Treasurer: Josh S Literature Committee Chairperson: Jon T (Verbal) Group reports: Meeting Name 1.Women’s StepTradition Study 2. That’s It NA 3. Break in the Day GSR Anieta P Open Positions - Meeting Concerns/Comments - Chuck K Jon T 4. Sherwood Men's Group Drew M - No longer meeting Saturday. Need service members. - 5. NA After Dark 6. Clean & Free Kim O Evan J - Sec., GSR, Alt. GSR, Alt. Treas. -Vice Chair, GSR, Alt. GSR - 7. Poop in a Group 8. H.O.W. 9. It’s a Good Thing NA 10.Candlelight 11. Just For Today 12.NA Recovery By The Lakes Group Jeremy T Alison S Chris M Kris K Jennifer K Ed - Not Sure - Alt. GSR - Alt. GSR -Treasurer -Alt GSR, Sec. - - 13. Living In Recovery 14. Saturday Addict's Meeting 15. One Page At A Time 16. Just For Today (Wahpeton, ND) Ryan O Brett E - - Kelsey E Jason G - Alt. GSR - -DON'T DO DRUGS!! - Part 5: Sharing Session Old Topics- Tabled from Previous ASC Topic 1. Budgets 2. Area Boundaries Survey 3. Area Inventory 4. PDF Literature 5. Region Donation w/o a Treasurer 6. Donations between sub-committees and to subcommittees for certain cause. 7. GSR Assembly instead of Regional Service Committee Presented by Tyler K Nick L Jeremy T Kelsey E Travis H Kim O Action Discussed Closed Discussed Tabled Closed Closed Adara G Tabled Topics Tabled for October1. PDF Literature 2. GSR Assembly instead of Regional Service Committee Motion: To Accept Proposed H&I Budget for 2014 with amendment made to H&I travel from $600.00 to $300.00 making their travel budget a total of $900.00 for the year, and making their total budget $5,129.00 for the year. Made by: Jennifer K Seconded by: Drew M Vote: Passed Motion: To send the Area Boundaries Survey out with the Minutes. Made by: Jon T Seconded by: Evan J Vote: Passed Motion: To allow the Literature Committee to utilize the cheaper texts for giving to newcomers, after checking the fellowship Intellectual Property Trust for legal ramifications. Made by: Jon T Seconded by: Evan J Vote: Passed Motion: To Approve the budget for 2014 as submitted by the sub-committees. Made by: Jon T Seconded by: Evan J Vote: Passed Motion: Made by: Vote: Seconded by: Part 6: Old Business Motion: Made by: Vote: Yes- No- Abstention- Seconded by: Part 7: New Business Motion: Made by: Seconded by: (Sent back to the groups for voting in the coming ASC) Position LAASC Chair Current Trusted Servant Travis H LAASC Vice Chair Secretary Tylor S. LAASC Treasurer LAASC RCM LAASC Alt. RCM Tyler K. Nick L. (Vacant) Tim B. LAASC Jeremy Parliamentarian T. LAASC Scribe Kelsey E LAASC Area Activities Chair Kim O. LAASC Area Activities Treasurer P.I. Chair Josh S. Literature Chair Jon T. Guidelines AdHoc Jeremy T. LAASC H&I Chair Drew M. Joe M. LAKE AGASSIZ AREA ELECTION SCHEDULE Contact Opens for Nominations Meeting Information Nominations Close for Elections (701) 212October December 3rd Saturday7611 12pm. 1st Presbyterian, 650 2nd Ave. N Fargo (701) 200August ----5406 (218)790January February ----6425 (701) 730November January ----1929 June (218) 443February April ---3199 (701) 388August October ----0751 (701) 720July September ----5218 (701) 318July September Sunday 0226 5pm Fry’n PanFargo (701) 214July September Sunday 0257 5pm Fry’n PanFargo (701) 219April June 0604 (218)329March May 1831 (701) 388--------Friday @7pm 0751 Atomic Coffee in Fargo (507)923August 2nd Sunday-4pm. 1467 Cashwise Deli on 13th Ave, Fargo Date Elected 2/2013 ---2/2013 12/2012 3/2013 10/2012 10/2013 9/2012 9/2012 3/2012 3/2013 10/2012 7/2013 **The Regional Conference Member position is a two year term with the RCM being opened in the even years and the Alt. in the odd.