BASP Trainees Weekend, Teachers Building, Glasgow Friday 7th March 2014 Sponsored by Bristol-Myers Squibb Pharmaceuticals Limited Sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim Limited 0930-0940 Registration & Welcome Dr T Quinn University of Glasgow 0940-1000 Rational and irrational thrombophilia testing Dr C Tait Glasgow Royal Infirmary 1000-1030 IST (Implications for Stroke Therapy) Dr W Whiteley Edinburgh University 1030-1100 Stop the Clots VTE prevention in stroke Prof M Dennis Edinburgh University 1100-1120 Coffee DEBATE This house believes there is no role for neurointervention in stroke 1125-1150 The case for Prof KR Lees University of Glasgow 1150-1215 The case against Dr P Burns Royal Victoria Belfast 1215-1230 Questions, summing up, vote 1230-1330 Lunch 1330-1350 Imaging - The "meaning" of microbleeds D Werring University College London 1350-1420 Imaging in acute stroke - cases Dr A Iqbal Inst. Neurological Sciences 1510-1530 Some of the more usual "unusual" stroke syndromes Coffee 1530-1600 Carotid intervention in 2014 16-00-1630 Delegate cases and Quiz 1420-1450 Prof K Muir Inst. Neurological Sciences Mr D Kingsmore Western Infirmary Glasgow OR 1600 - Interview practice (pre-arrange with organisers) Saturday 8th March 2014 0900-0930 Registration and Welcome Dr T Quinn University of Glasgow 0930-0950 “Sugar, sugar” - The sticky questions of glycaemia in acute stroke Prof M Walters University of Glasgow 0950-1020 “Under pressure” Blood pressure and stroke Prof T Robinson University of Leicester 1020-1040 “I'll be watching you” Physiological monitoring in stroke Prof P Langhorne University of Glasgow 1040-1100 Coffee 1100-1130 “Footloose” What you need to know about orthoses Prof R Bowers Strathclyde University 1130-1200 “Open arms” Post stroke shoulder problems Mrs G Alexander Western Infirmary Glasgow 1200-1230 “Never mind the botox” Spasticity for stroke physicians Dr N Hughes Western Infirmary Glasgow 1230-1315 Lunch: To include election of new trainee committee members Posts available: Chair; Scientific committee rep; RCP rep 1315-1330 Trainees Q&A Prof T Robinson and panel 1330-1400 Developing a stroke service Dr T Baird Inst Neurological Sciences 1400-1420 On being a (new) consultant Dr H Slavin Royal Alexandria, Paisley 1420-1440 Stroke research and training Why, when, how Dr K Dani University of Glasgow 1500-1520 Coffee 1520-1540 End of life care in stroke Mrs E Cowey University of Glasgow 1540-1600 Secondary prevention cases Dr J Dawson University of Glasgow 1610-1620 BASP medical student prize winning case 1620-1630 Report from ESO Summer School Sergio Gargalas Azmil Abdul-Rahim BASP Trainees Meeting 2014 Registration Form 7th and 8th March 2014 IET Glasgow: Teacher Building 14 St Enoch Square Glasgow G1 4DB Name: Address: Telephone Number: E-mail: Any specific dietary requirements: Current role: Consultant (within 3 years of appointment) / Trainee / Non trainee (please circle as appropriate) Parent specialty: Geriatric Medicine / Neurology / Acute Medicine / Rehabilitation (please circle as appropriate) other: Are you a BASP member or associate member? Yes / No (please circle as appropriate) Please complete this form and make a cheque (BASP members £35, Non BASP members £55) payable to the British Association of Stroke Physicians and send to: Trish O’Neil Administrator BASP PO Box 259 Merseyside CH27 9DY Any queries please contact Dr Patricia Fearon, or Dr Terry Quinn, Registration deadline: February 18th 2014