Arts Development Application Form 2016

Arts Development Scheme
Application Form - 2016/2017
Section 1 Applicant Information
Name of Organisation:
Contact Person (Name)
Position in organisation:
Address (including postcode):
Telephone Number:
Web Address
Are you a Registered Charity?
Charity Registration No (if applicable)
Brief description of what you are applying for funding to do (maximum 50 words)
Amount requested in this application:
Does your organisation have any of the following operational policies?
Please check the box for all that apply. There is no requirement to send these policies with your
application, however, we may ask to see them. Please make sure they are available, if requested.
Recruitment, employment & staff development
Protecting Vulnerable Groups (PVG)
Child Protection
Do any of your organisation’s Committee Members, Directors, Trustees or senior members
of staff have a relative(s) who is employed by Glasgow City Council at a senior level or is a
If Yes, please provide details, including their position / job title:
Section 2 Proposed Project / Programme of Work 2016/2017
What is the project /programme of work for which you are seeking funding?
Who will be working on the project?
Where does the project take place? Please provide details of venue; location.
What is the timescale for the project? Please provide a start and end date and detail all key
stages, including project development, implementation and delivery.
How do you intend to market the project? Please provide details of staff and financial
resources allocated to marketing.
How do you intend to document, monitor and evaluate your project and who will be
responsible for this?
Please outline the intended path for development beyond the life of the specific project that is
the subject of this application.
Will your project specifically target any of the following groups / themes in terms of
participants / audiences? If so, please explain how they are targeted and involved.
People from minority ethnic communities
Disabled people
Lesbians, gay men and bisexual people (LGB)
Transgender people
Women Only Groups
Older people
Children and Young People
Faith communities
People living in poverty or experiencing long-term ill health
People experiencing discrimination on several grounds
Explain how your project contributes to one or more of the Glasgow Arts Priorities.
Arts for All - increasing and sustaining cultural engagement and participatory opportunities
Creative City Glasgow - strengthening the arts sector through supporting arts
organisations and their artists to innovate and develop new work and practises
World Class City - raising the profile of Glasgow’s creativity and improving Glasgow’s
cultural reputation
Equalities - actively improving equality of access to cultural experiences for audiences and
Section 3 Finance
Please give details and the source of funds to be used to deliver the project/programme. Please indicate if these funds have already been
offered (confirmed), if you have already applied and are awaiting the outcome of a funding application or have yet to apply.
Amount requested
(maximum 50% of total
Total Income
Not yet
Total Income must equal total Expenditure
Total Expenditure
Total Expenditure must equal total Income
On behalf of and as authorised by my organisation, I declare that
I have read and understood the guidelines for this scheme.
I have kept a copy of this application.
I submit this application with the support of my organisation’s Board of Management.
To the best of my knowledge and belief the information given is correct.
I authorise Glasgow Life to make any necessary enquiries to check the information given.
I hereby give assurance that the organisation’s activities do not promote or oppose a view
on a question of political controversy which is identifiable as the view of one political party.
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