river grove homeowners association

MAY 21, 2015
Held at Georgianna United Methodist Church Classrooms, 3925 Tropical Trail, Merritt
Island, Florida. 32952
Officers present: Ed Lucas, Joe Coviello, Marcia Langan, Bernie Nicholson, and Bill
Directors Absent: Michelle Delfino, Susan Frederick, Gary Brown.
Meeting Called to Order – 7:02 p.m. Quorum was present. Pledge of Allegiance led by
Ed Lucas
Minutes from March 26 Board Meeting and April 16 Executive Session were reviewed
and approved as amended.
Treasurer’s Report was submitted, and approved. All homeowner dues for 2015 have
been paid except for the two foreclosed homes. Marcia Langan is monitoring the activity
at both homes and working to discover the owners of the homes now that bank has taken
action. Motion to approve made by Joe Coviello and seconded by Bill Strawn.
After discussion that meeting every other month creates long waits for action it was
motioned and approved to meet every month. Motion was made by Joe Coviello and
seconded by Marcia Langan. Next board meeting is scheduled for 7 p.m., June 18, 2015
at Georgianna UMC Classrooms. All HOA members are welcome to attend.
Architectural Review Committee - plans for new home on Spanish Cay are approved due
to lack of action by ARC. Area assessment has been completed and notices sent to
homeowners and follow up action will be monitored by Gary Brown. The house on Long
Sandy Creek requesting color change was approved by ARC.
Social committee – motion was made to establish consistent dates for social activities. It
was voted to make Garage Sale the first Saturday of April and November. Neighborhood
Social will be held the 4th Saturday of June.
Website – A discussion on ownership/purchase of the website RGHOA.org concluded
further research is required. A brief discussion took place on propriety of how website
contract was awarded. It was noted for the record that Board Member Nicholson objected
to the process and the final cost for the contract. Bernie Nicholson motioned the amount
of HOA fees and the due date for those fees be placed on the website. Motion was
seconded by Joe Coviello. It agreed to by the board members present.
information will be the social committee dates.
Newsletter - The newsletter will be put out monthly, both electronically and on paper.
Welcome – After a recent drop off in activity the committee will revive information flow to
new people. An example is newcomers may not be aware of the current water restrictions
in place.
Motion was made and approved to have a plaque made and placed on a bench at the
large lake dedicating the bench in memory of our late board member Bill Langan for his
long term efforts on behalf of the neighborhood. Board approved the action after
discussion on setting a precedent.
Bernie Nicholson will collect three quotes to pressure wash all to HOA owned fences
along Tropical Trail and the walkways leading to the gazebo, and leading from Highpoint
to Tropical Trail. She will have the quotes no later than June 18.
Ed asked if a board member can check out the warning signs at the lakes about no
swimming and alligators. He said the owner of Cocoa Signs has provided them in the
past. Joe Coviello accepted the task. He will also review past minutes to determine if a
determination was made about adding power outlets at the entrance to allow seasonal
HOA member Sue Kasica mentioned she has spotted vehicles parked along Tropical Trail
adjacent to the dock. She is concerned it is non-neighborhood people who are using our
dock area. Ed Lucas recommended calling the Brevard County Sheriff’s Office anytime
you are concerned about non-neighborhood people trespassing on the dock, especially
as we have had vandalism there recently.
Board Members’ Roundtable: No discussions
All members being satisfied, the meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m.