Tiers 1 & 2 - Lamar County Schools

Lamar County Schools
Learning today to succeed tomorrow.
Steps in the Response to Intervention (RTI) Standards Protocol Approach
Source: Special Ed Connection website
Resources provided by LCSS Teaching & Learning Department
 Tier 2 Standard Protocol Intervention Form
 Four checklists identifying specific researched-based interventions to be used (ELA, Math, Behavior,
and Learning Strategies). These can be used at all tiers but the intensity, frequency, and duration are
Tiers 1 & 2
1. Initial screening. All students are screened using the district universal screener.
2. Tier 1 instruction: Formative Instructional Practices at each school. Tier 1 interventions for each
school should be in the SWP Question #2.
3. Identification of students needing intervention. All students who need Tier 2 standard protocol
interventions (in addition to Tier 1) should be identified through the universal screening process
and formative assessment protocols (2011, DOE RTI Manual p.42). Use the Tier 2 Standard
Protocol Intervention Form and the four checklists provided.
4. Application of standard intervention. Tier 1 & and Tier 2 interventions are to be pre-planned,
developed, and supported at the school level. These become the school-level standard
intervention protocols (2011, DOE RTI Manual p.42). A school-level data team can support this
process. It is imperative to use researched-based interventions and use the specific terminology
as well on all documentation. Progress-monitoring is mandatory at Tier 2 to measure the
effectiveness of the intervention.
5. Identification of "responders" and "nonresponders." The intervention is implemented until the
student reaches a ‘pre-established criteria’ for being either an intervention "responder" or
"nonresponder." What will be the pre-established criteria or expected goal?
6. Transition of nonresponders. Students who do not respond to the standard protocol intervention
are given a second standard protocol intervention or moved to Tier 3 (problem solving) with a
more intensive, individualized research-based intervention implemented. Use the four checklists
provided by the Teaching and Learning Department for guidance and accurate terminology.
The hallmarks of the Tier 1 & Tier 2 Standard Protocol Approach include:
 Decisions within the RTI process are guided by data.
 Students with similar scores receive the same standard protocol intervention.
 Success or failure of the standard protocol intervention is determined by comparison to the
pre-established criteria/expected goal.
 Professional judgment can be exercised by the team for unique circumstances.
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