8th GRADE SCIENCE UNIT 3: LIFE Essential Question: How are we connected? Guiding Questions: 1. What is life? 2. How do cells reproduce? 3. How are organisms classified? 4. How are traits inherited? 5. How are sex-linked traits and blood cells inherited? 6. How does mutation affects the survival of species? 7. How does pedigree help you trace your inherited traits? 8. How did life begin? 9. Why is genetics important? NYS Standards and Indicators Assessed: Living Environment Standard 4: Key Idea 4: The continuity of life is sustained through reproduction and development. P.I. 4.1 - Observe and describe the variations in reproductive patterns of organisms, including asexual and sexual reproduction. P.I. 4.2 - Explain the role of sperm and egg cells in sexual reproduction. P.I 4.3 - Observe and describe cell division at the microscopic level and its macroscopic effects. NYS Common Core Standards for Literacy Assessed: SL.8.1. Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 8 topics, texts, and issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly. SL.8.5. Integrate multimedia and visual displays into presentations to clarify information, strengthen claims and evidence, and add interest RST.6-8.1 - Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of science and technical texts. WHST. 6-8.1 - Write arguments focused on discipline-specific content. See alignment of standards and indicators to authentic task. ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE Authentic Performance Task(s): Students will work in individually, in small groups and as a class to research and debate about (Stem Cells Research, Cloning, Genetically Modified Organisms) a.) identify what they know and what they want to know about the topics on ( stem cells research, Genetically Modified Organisms ( GMO’s) , and Clonning.) b.) read and review informational texts ( articles, journals, websites, movies, and blogs) ( individual and small groups) c.) write summaries/journals entries about what they are learning from the readings. d.) decide on two positions ( class) e.) take a position ( individual) f.) prepare notes for debate ( individual) g.) rehearse for debate ( in class or Homework) h.) debate ( U-shaped, or Teams) i.) write an argumentative essay. Alignment to NYS Common Core Standards for Literacy: Reading Standards for Informational Text Grade 6-8 1. Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. Writing in Science Standards Grade 6-8 1. Write arguments focused on discipline-specific content. a) Introduce claim(s) about a topic or issue, acknowledge and distinguish the claim(s) from alternate or opposing claims, and organize the reasons and evidence logically. b) Support claim(s) with logical reasoning and relevant, accurate data and evidence that demonstrate an understanding of the topic or text, using credible sources. c) Use words, phrases, and clauses to create cohesion and clarify the relationships among claim(s), counterclaims, reasons, and evidence. d) Establish and maintain a formal style. e) Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from and supports the argument presented. Speaking and Listening Standards 1.Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions with diverse partners on grade 8 topics, tests and issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly. a) come to discussion prepared and having read; explicitly draw on that preparation by referencing evidence on the topic, text or issue to probe and reflect on ideas under discussion. b) pose and respond to different questions with elaboration and detail by making comments that contribute to discussion. 4. Present claims and findings, emphasizing salient points in a point in a focused , coherent manner with relevant evidence, sound valid reasoning, and well –chosen details; use appropriate eye contact, adequate volume, and clear pronunciation. Diagnostic and Pre/Post Assessments: Have students respond to the essential question as a pre/post at the start and end of the unit. Formative Assessments: 1. Investigation design drafts (individual) 2. science notebook ( individual) 3. drafts of data analysis and conclusions (group) 4. practice quizzes (ungraded) 5. completed graphic organizers about reading (individual) Summative Assessments: 1. final written controlled experiment 2. authentic task(oral/visual presentation) 3. portfolio 4. quizzes (graded) 5. interim assessments 6. unit test TEACHING PLAN Teaching and Learning Activities: 1. Use the essential question as a pre assessment. (individual journal entry) 2. Introduce unit vocabulary. 3. Use the guiding questions to do lessons related to reproduction and heredity. 4. Conduct scientific investigations together related to reproduction and heredity. 5. Select and read informational text in class. 6. Guide students in doing the authentic task. 7. Teach students about what a debate is and the rules for debate. 8. Use the essential question as post assessment (individual journal entry). 9. Have students select pieces for portfolio, reflect on selections and set goals. 10. Administer unit test Resources Needed: 8th Grade NY Science ( Glencoe) Videos Electronic Resources: http://kids.jdrf.org/index.cfm?page_id=109760 Stem Cells Basics http://stemcells.nih.gov/info/basics/basics1.asp Important FAQ's from Stem Cells http://www.umich.edu/stemcell/faq/ Debate Article on Times Magazine http://www.time.com/time/printout/0,8816,167245,00.html# eHow.com - what are Stem Cells? http://www.ehow.com/facts_6173359_stem-cell-kids.html The Stem Cell Divide Article http://science.nationalgeographic.com/science/health-and-humanbody/human-body/stem-cell-divide/ Types of Stem Cells Article http://www.religioustolerance.org/res_stem1.htm UNIT 3: Life Essential Question: Is all life connected? Week Guiding Questions 1 1.What is life? 2. What are the similarities and differences of a plant and animal cells? Standards NYS Assessed: L.E. Std. 4 Key Idea 1 Week 2 Guiding Questions WEEKLY CALENDAR Topics/Lessons Assessments (diagnostic, formative, summative, interim) 1. Individual response definitions of life to essential question characteristics of (pre) life 2. Practice Quiz difference (formative, ungraded) between a plant and animal cell Standards NYS Assessed: L.E. Std. 4 Key Idea 1 life, cell, nucleus, cell wall, cell membrane, cytoplasm, golgi body, endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, chloroplast Common Core Standards RST 6-8. 1, WHST 6-8. 1, SL 8.1, 8.5 Topics/Lessons 3. How do cells reproduce? Key Vocabulary Assessments Key Vocabulary (diagnostic, formative, summative, interim) Mitosis, meiosis, Sexual reproduction 1. Drafts of written report (formative) interphase, Stages of mitosis 2. Quiz (graded) metaphase, and meiosis 3. Practice Quizzes anaphase, telophase, Meiosis and sex cells (ungraded) zygote, fertilization, Plant reproduction haploid, diploid Seedless plant reproduction Seed Reproduction Common Core Standards RST 6-8. 1, WHST 6-8. 1, SL 8.1, 8.5 Week 3 Guiding Questions 4. How are traits inherited? Topics/Lessons Standards NYS Assessed: L.E. Std. 4 Key Idea 1 Assessments (diagnostic, formative, summative, interim) Definition of DNA 1. Interim Assessment: Plant and animal DNA’s structure cells RNA’s structure Cell Reproduction( Causes of mitosis and meiosis) mutation DNA and RNA Definition of structure genetics Causes of mutation Key Vocabulary Gene, deoxyribonucleic acid, ribonucleic acid, cytosine, guanine, thymine, adenine, amino acid Common Core Standards RST 6-8. 1, WHST 6-8. 1, SL 8.1, 8.5 Week 4 Guiding Questions 5. How are traits inherited? Topics/Lessons Standards NYS Assessed: L.E. Std. 4 Key Idea 1 Principles of genetics Using probability to make predictions Punnett square Inheritance of blood types Assessments (diagnostic, formative, summative, interim) 1. practice quizzes (ungraded) 2. quizzes (graded) Key Vocabulary Genetics, heredity, punnett square, alleles, hybrid, recessive gene, dominant gene, phenotype, and genotype Common Core Standards RST 6-8. 1, WHST 6-8. 1, SL 8.1, 8.5 Week 5 Guiding Questions 6. How does mutation affect the survival of species? Topics/Lessons Standards NYS Assessed: L.E. Std. 4 Key Idea 1 Human genes and mutations Incomplete dominance Sex determination Sex- linked disorders Pedigree Trace Traits Assessments (diagnostic, formative, summative, interim) 1. Science notebook (formative) 2. Authentic Task begins. Students will work individually, in small groups and as whole class to research and debate about genetically modified organism. a. identify what they know and want to know about GMO’s. (whole class) b. read and review informational texts( articles, journals, websites, movies, blogs) ( individual and groups) Key Vocabulary Mutation, incomplete dominance, multiple alleles, pylogenic inheritance, sexlinked gene, pedigree Common Core Standards RST 6-8. 1, WHST 6-8. 1, SL 8.1, 8.5 Week 6 Guiding Questions 7.Why is genetics important? Topics/Lessons Standards NYS Assessed: L.E. Std. 4 Key Idea 1 Importance of genetic engineering Genetically modified plants and animals Gene therapy The human genome project Assessments (diagnostic, formative, summative, interim) 1. science notebook (formative) 2. Authentic task continues. Students work individually, in small groups and as whole class to research and debate about genetically modified organism. Key Vocabulary Genetic Engineering, Recombinant DNA, Gene Therapy, Genetically Modified Plant, Human Genome c. write summaries and journal entries about what they are learning from reading ( individual) d. decide on two positions c. take a position ( individual) e. prepare notes for debate ( in class or HW) Common Core Standards RST 6-8. 1, WHST 6-8. 1, SL 8.1, 8.5 Week Guiding Questions 7 8. STEM CELL RESEARCH QUESTION FOR DEBATE - Chosen by teacher Standards NYS Assessed: L.E. Std. 4 Key Idea 1 Topics/Lessons Characteristics of animals Animal classification Invertebrates Vertebrates Life cycles of animals Assessments (diagnostic, formative, summative, interim) 1. Science notebook or report 2. Quizzes (graded) 3. Authentic task continues. Students will work individually, in small groups and as whole class to research and debate about genetically modified organism. 4. Rehearse for debate ( in class or HW) 5. Debate ( u-shaped or teams) 6. Write position papers Key Vocabulary Sexual reproduction, asexual reproduction, gametophyte stage. Sporophyte stage, vascular plants, pollination, gymsnosperm reproduction symmetry, asymmetry, vertebrates, invertebrates, metamorphosis, and chordate Common Core Standards RST 6-8. 1, WHST 6-8. 1, SL 8.1, 8.5 Week Guiding Questions 8 9. What are your strengths and struggles in learning science skills and processes? 10. What goals can you set to improve your earning in the next unit? Standards NYS Assessed: L.E. Std. 4 Key Idea 1 Topics/Lessons reflection setting goals strengths and weaknesses Assessments Key Vocabulary (diagnostic, formative, summative, interim) 1. Authentic task reflection, goals continues. Students will work individually and in groups to design an investigation that will solve a problem using a compound machine: present their project to their class by creating an oral presentation, poster, or powerpoint (group) write a reflection on learning that also addresses the question, “What changes to your design are essential?” (individual) 2. Post Assessment 3. Portfolio 4. Unit test Common Core Standards RST 6-8. 1, WHST 6-8. 1, SL 8.1, 8.5 Name____________________________ Class ____________ Date __________________ Pre/Post Assessment Unit 3: Life I. Multiple Choice questions. Choose the best answer for each item. 1. Which term identifies a single unit of hereditary information? (1) egg cell (2) sperm cell (3) nucleus (4) gene 2. The main function of hormones in the human body is to (1) identify and destroy microbes (2) regulate body functions (3) transport blood to cells (4) store energy 3. Which human organ system produces sperm or egg cells? (1) digestive system (2) nervous system (3) respiratory system (4) reproductive system 4. Cancer is best described as: (1) a type of genetic engineering (2) the merging of sex cells (3) abnormal cell division (4) tissue that stops growing 5. The diagram below shows a life process taking place within a cell. Which life process is shown? (1) reproduction (2) digestion (3) respiration (4) locomotion 6. Which term identifies a group of cells that work together to perform a similar function? (1) molecule (2) organ (3) organism (4) tissue 7. What are genes composed of? (1) offspring (2) DNA (3) cells (4) traits 8. An organism is born with a genetic abnormality not present in any of its ancestors. This abnormality is most likely the result of (1) circulation (2) competition (3) mutation (4) respiration 9. Some one-celled organisms can reproduce by the process of (1) hormone secretion (2) metamorphosis (3) fertilization division (4) cell 10. Which structure is found in a plant cell but not in an animal cell? (1) cell wall (2) cell membrane (3) cytoplasm (4) nucleus 11. What is the outermost structure in a plant cell? (1) cell membrane (2) cytoplasm (3) cell wall chloroplast (4) 12. In humans, a trait can be determined by one pair or many pairs of (1) genes (2) microbes (3) cells (4) organs 13. The diagram below shows four living organisms. Which statement about the organisms shown is accurate? (1) They are all single celled and have similar organs. (2) They are all single celled and have identical organs. (3) They are all multicellular and have similar organs. (4) They are all multicellular and have identical organs. 14. Which sequence correctly shows the levels of increasing organization in the human body? (1) tissues → cells → organ systems → organs (2) cells → tissues → organs → organ systems (3) organs → organ systems → cells → tissues (4) organ systems → organs → tissues → cells 15. The series of diagrams below shows a single-celled organism and its offspring that resulted from cell division over a period of 20 hours. If the organisms continue to reproduce asexually at this same rate, how many organisms will there be after 30 hours? (1) 6 (2) 7 (3) 8 (4) 16 16. Each body cell of a goldfish contains 94 chromosomes. How many chromosomes are contained in a goldfish sex cell? (1) 23 (2) 47 (3) 94 (4) 188 17. The drawing below represents a pair of chromosomes. The area labeled “bands” shows the location of (1) egg cells (2) sperm cells (3) reproductive hormones (4) specific genes 18. A scientist crosses two different varieties of corn to produce a single variety that has traits from both parents. This technique is an example of (1) competition (2) natural selection (3) selective breeding (4) ecological succession 19. What advantage does a species that reproduces sexually have over a species that reproduces asexually? (1) There is greater variation among the offspring. (2) The offspring are identical to the parents. (3) Only one parent is necessary for reproduction. (4) No sex cells are needed for reproduction 20. What are produced in both the male and female reproductive systems in humans? (1) sperm (2) nutrients (3) fertilized eggs (4) sex cells II. Short Response 21. The diagram below shows cells from two different organisms. Several major cell structures are labeled. State two reasons why cell B is classified as a plant cell. [2] (1) ________________________________________________ (2) ________________________________________________ Base your answers to questions 22 and 23 on the diagram below and on your knowledge of science. The diagram shows a process that occurs in a male organism. Four stages in the process are labeled A, B, C, and D. 22. What type of cell is formed in this male organism at stage D? [1] __________________________________________ 23. How does the number of chromosomes in the cell at A typically compare to the number of chromosomes in one of the cells at D? [1] ______________________________________________________________________________ Base your answers to questions 24 and 25 on the diagram below and on your knowledge of science. The diagram represents the sexual reproduction of rabbits. 24. Identify the sex cell labeled A and the sex of the rabbit that produced cell A. [1] Cell A: _________________________________ Sex of rabbit: ____________________________ 25. Explain why the offspring is not genetically identical to either parent. [1] ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 26. The Punnett square below shows a cross between a pea plant with green pods (GG) and a pea plant with yellow pods (gg). All of the offspring have green pods (Gg). Explain why the offspring with Gg genes for pod color look the same as a pea plant with GG genes for pod color. [1] ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Base your answers to questions 27 and 28 on the information and chart below and on your knowledge of science. Inheritance of Color Blindness Gender in humans is determined by a pair of sex chromosomes. A female has two X chromosomes and a male has one X and one Y chromosome. A recessive gene that causes color blindness is located on the X chromosome. When a male inherits this gene, he will be color-blind because the Y chromosome does not contain a gene for color blindness. In order for a female to be color-blind, she must inherit the recessive gene on both X chromosomes. If she has the gene on only one chromosome, she is not colorblind. She is called a carrier because she can pass this gene along to her offspring. The pedigree chart shows the children and grandchildren of a female carrier and a male who is not color-blind. 27. How many children did the original parents have? [1] ____________ 28. What is the total number of children and grandchildren who are colorblind in this family? [1] ____________ 29. Pea plants can produce round or wrinkled peas. The genes for round and wrinkled peas are: R = round (dominant) r = wrinkled (recessive) Complete the Punnett Square below, which shows a cross between a hybrid round-pea plant (Rr) and a wrinkled-pea plant (rr). [1] 30.The Punnett square below shows the probability of blood types in the offspring of two parents. One parent’s blood type genes are AB and the other parent’s blood type genes are Ao. Based on this Punnett square, identify the expected percentage of offspring in each of the four blood types. [1] Blood Blood Blood Blood type type type type A: ________________% AB: _______________% B: ________________% O: ________________% 31. The diagrams below show the development process of a beetle and an alligator. Identify one way in which the development process of the beetle differs from that of the alligator. [1] ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Essay Writing Assessment Stem Cell Research Embryonic stem cells are extracted directly from an embryo before the embryo's cells begin to differentiate. At this stage the embryo is referred to as a "blastocyst." There are about 100 cells in a blastocyst, a very large percentage of which are stem cells, which can be kept alive indefinitely, grown in cultures, where the stem cells continue to double in number every 2-3 days. A replicating set of stem cells from a single blastocyst is called a "stem cell line" because the genetic material all comes from the same fertilized human egg that started it. President Bush authorized federal funding for research on the 15 stem cell lines available in August 2001. Other stem cell lines are also available for research but without the coveted assistance of federal funding. Those who value human life from the point of conception, oppose embryonic stem cell research because the extraction of stem cells from this type of an embryo requires its destruction. In other words, it requires that a human life be killed. Against this, embryonic research advocates argue that the tiny blastocyst has no human features. Further, new stem cell lines already exist due to the common practice of in vitro fertilization. Is it ok for the government to support the use of embryonic stem cells for scientific research? State your claim and support it with evidence from your knowledge of science. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________