PLEASE RETURN THIS FORM WITH DNA OR EDTA BLOOD WHEN GENETIC TESTING IS REQUESTED Exome Sequencing Request Form Sample requirements: Please send DNA (minimum 10µg) or EDTA blood (1ml minimum for neonates, 5-10ml for children and 1020ml for adults) to: Prof. S. Ellard, Molecular Genetics Laboratory, RILD level 3, Royal Devon & Exeter NHS Foundation Trust, Barrack Road, Exeter EX2 5DW Consultant Molecular Geneticist: Professor S. Ellard (01392 408259 or Please see our website for current prices: Please complete form electronically and send a printed copy with the sample(s) Patient details: SURNAME: CLINICIAN NAME: FORENAME: TELEPHONE: D.O.B.: E-MAIL ADDRESS FOR REPORT ( CLINICAL GENETICS NUMBER: ADDRESS FOR REPORT: ADDRESS FOR INVOICE: NHS NUMBER: GENDER: ALIVE/DECEASED: CLINICAL DETAILS AND FAMILY HISTORY (PLEASE INCLUDE KEY PHENOTYPIC TERMS AND A PEDIGREE WHERE POSSIBLE.): Has this case been discussed with the Exeter team? YES/NO Parent details (if applicable): MOTHER’S SURNAME: MOTHER’S FORENAME: MOTHER’S D.O.B: FATHER’S SURNAME: FATHER’S FORENAME: FATHER’S D.O.B Testing strategy: Rare Disease Exome - RDExome (Agilent Focussed exome) The RDExome includes a subset of ~6000 known disease genes Full exome (Agilent v5) Single Exome: Sequencing of the proband only. Lethal autosomal recessive strategy: Sequencing of the parental samples followed by cosegregation analysis in affected fetus/es. Trio analysis: Sequencing of the proband and unaffected, unrelated parents for likely de novo mutations. Other (please provide details): Single Exome: Sequencing of the proband only. Lethal autosomal recessive strategy: Sequencing of the parental samples followed by cosegregation analysis in affected fetus/es. Trio analysis: Sequencing of the proband and unaffected, unrelated parents for likely de novo mutations. Other (please provide details): IF REQUIRED, PLEASE INCLUDE A LIST OF GENES TO BE INCLUDED IN THE ANALYSIS: OTHER INFORMATION: