

Terrestrial Biomes

Be able to match characteristics of terrestrial biomes that we discussed with the names of the biomes, specifically: Tropical rainforest, desert, savanna, grassland, chaparral, broadleafed forest, taiga

(coniferous forest), tundra. Explain why and how elevational differences in biomes may mirror latitudinal differences.

Name and describe the major determinants of climate: Latitude, Tilt of the earth, Ocean currents, Wind patterns, Proximity to coast, Mountains

What are the 5 soil forming factors (clorpt)

How is soil formed? AS discussed in class what are the soild characteristics of the different biomes (not all biomes have specific soil characteristics)

What are some plant and animal adaptations to different climates?

Describe the following terms and give examples: torpor, hibernation, estivation, ectotherm, endotherm, vasodialation, vasoconstriction, insulation.

Marine Ecosystems

Define: plankton, phytoplankton, zooplankton, nekton, benthos, pycnocline, stratification, upwelling, thermocline, grazers, predators

Be able to label and describe ALL the divisions of the oceans (e.g., intertidal, epipelagic,mesopelagic, photic, etc) What are the different types of upwelling? Where are they found?

Describe the abiotic condition and the biota of the following zones of the ocean: epipelagic, mesopeagic, deep ocean

What are the sources of food (organic matter) in the very deep ocean?

What types of organisms are at the bottom of the epipelagic food web?

What is primary production? How is it determined? Understand the “Light and Nutrients” slide (number

21) that compares seasonal differences in primary production in the tropical, temperate an dpolar regions.

Describe predator and prey strategies – how do they hide in the epipelagic?

Contrast the arctic and Antarctic.

Where are penguins found? Where are polar bears found?

Why do birds and whales migrate from pole to pole?

What is a polynya? How do polar bears use them to hunt?

What is vertical migration?

Describe some adaptations to the deep ocean?

Describe deep sea benthic communities. What is the source of organic matter? Of primary production?

What is a hydrothermal vent? Why are whale carcasses thought to be “stepping stones” between volcanic vent communities?

Contrast coral reefs and kelp forests. Include information about distribution, climate and other physical factors, ecology. Also discuss why corals might require an algal symbiont. Discuss kelp forest zonation.

What are estuaries?

Why are salt marshes and mangroves important to the health of the environment?
