Exam 3 study Guide - Napa Valley College

Terrestrial Biomes
Be able to describe characteristics of terrestrial biomes that we discussed specifically: Tropical
rainforest, desert, savanna, grassland, chaparral, broadleafed (northern deciduous) forest, taiga
(coniferous forest), tundra. Explain why and how elevational differences in biomes may mirror
latitudinal differences. Where do the biomes occur in the world and why? Discuss soil, plant and
animals that are found there, major architectural characteristics, and any other characteristics that we
discussed in class (if we did not discuss any of these for some of the biomes, don’t worry)
Name and describe the major determinants of climate: Latitude, Tilt of the earth, Ocean currents, Wind
patterns, Proximity to coast, Mountains
What are the 5 soil forming factors (clorpt)
How is soil formed? AS discussed in class what are the soil characteristics of the different biomes (not all
biomes have specific soil characteristics)
What are some plant and animal adaptations to different climates and biomes that we discussed in
Climate change
What are the normal high and low limits to CO2 concentration in the atmosphere (as shown by the ice
core data from the past 650,000 years? What CO2 concentration do we commonly reach now? Why are
we exceeding the normal (be able to give 2 reasons)
Describe the main strategy of climate denial. When has this strategy been used before (for what product
or science issue)?
What is the Extreme Ice Survey (EIS)?
What were some of the trials and tribulations of catching glacier footage for the EIS?
What personally impressed you about the EIS (if anything)?
What is the greenhouse effect?
How do humans impact the greenhouse effect?
What are the ice core data and what do they tell us about the past temperature and CO2 levels
from 650,000 years ago to present?
What are the consequences to glaciers, sea levels, sea temperatures, extreme weather events?
What are the higher temperature consequences to coral, what are the acidification consequences
to coral?
Why is it a problem that the ocean is a sink for CO2?
Describe some biological impacts of increased CO2 and increased temperature.
What is ocean acidification? What are its causes and consequences?