Beth Fishburn CONTENT LITERACY STRATEGY NAME OF STRATEGY: Discussion ADAPTED FROM: McKenna, M., & Robinson, R. (2009). Teaching through text: Reading and writing in the content areas. p.138-139 CONTENT AREA: Social Studies GRADE LEVEL: 5 TEXTBOOK AND PAGES ADAPTED: Bower, B. , Lobdell, J. (2001) History Alive! America’s Past, Palo Alto, CA: Teacher’s Curriculum Institute, p. 208 OBJECTIVE: After reading chapter 20.2 in History Alive!, students will demonstrate understanding about how technology and ideas have affected the way people lived, through participation in a discussion of the changes that occurred during the Industrial Revolution, and how those changes affect how we live and work today, and notice similar kinds of changes happening today. Kid friendly objective: After I read chapter 20.2 in my text book. I will show that I understand how the Industrial Revolution changed how people lived and worked by sharing my thoughts, ideas and opinions in a class discussion. I will also connect those past changes in how people lived and worked to today, share changes in ways people live and work today, that may be caused by technology as well. GLE 4.2.3 Understands how technology and ideas have affected the way people live and change their values, beliefs, and attitudes MATERIALS NEEDED Agenda written on large paper,exit slip. ACADEMIC ENGLISH: goods, products, industries, dramatic, transcontinental, canals, steamboats, factories, offices, quantities, carriages, skyscrapers. Signal words: After, Before, By, The first, Now, More and more. Appositives: Example: During this time, new industries, or businesses, caused such dramatic changes that together they are called a “revolution.” Cause/Effect relationships After the Civil War, the Industrial Revolution changed the way Americans lived and worked. During this time, new industries, or businesses, caused such dramatic changes that together they are called a “revolution.” The first transcontinental railroad was completed in 1869. Now people and goods could travel across the entire United States in a week. PROCEDURES: 1. Go over agenda: -Have students read kid friendly objective, then one student restate it in their own words. -Review changes in lives after Civil War from yesterday -Discussion goals -Discussion behaviors -Discuss -Summarize - Exit slip 2. Establish Set: Good morning, class! (Good morning) Yesterday, you read the chapter in your history text about the Industrial Revolution, and took some good Cornell notes. Today, we are going to use those notes, come up with some questions, and hold a discussion using some of your questions and some of my questions. 3. Launch: First, let’s review a little; in what ways did lives change after the Civil War, having to do with the technologies of the Industrial Revolution? (Call on a few students -Answers about living in the country before, cities after; transportation changes from horses and carriages to trains, cars, steamboats; growing and making food and goods to buying mass produced food and goods; staying close to home to traveling far) The discussion goals today are to use our understanding of what changes technology caused during the Industrial Revolution, to 1)understand what that meant for how society worked then, 2) how that led to how we go about life today, and 3) decide if there are still such life changing technological changes happening today. (Put discussion goals on board) I asked you to come up with some questions about the Industrial Revolution and bring them in. Let’s get a few on the board, how about five. (Call on students and write their questions on the board) Now I have some questions I’d like you to consider while discussing. (Write my questions on board) Student questions( to be written on board as students share them) My questions: - People went from living on farms in the countryside to living in cities, went from working farms to working in city factories, from riding horses to driving cars, riding in trains and steam boats, went from making their own necessities to buying premade products. What affect do you think that had on family life? - Did the changes in ways of life last? Do we still use technologies that the old ways changed to? (Telephones, cars, trains, premade products…)Do people still make their own clothes and grow their own food? Where? Why? Do you? - What ways of life are different for us than for our grandparents? (cell phones, cd’s, gps,…) - What would you invent to make our lives better? Why? How would your invention change our way of life? Before we begin our discussion, let’s be clear on what a good discussion looks like. Who can tell me about how we behave during a discussion? (Call on students to get at previously set basic rules of taking turns; using hand signals to note agreement without words; making sure to orient to speaker and listen; that students will be asked to explain their thinking and restate what they understand about each other’s thinking or orient to their classmates, and not pass judgment- disagreement is ok.) Remember to take notes while we discuss, so you have a notes to refer to when you write up the discussion. Students will choose a starting point from either student generated questions, or my questions, all on the board. (My goal as teacher is to let students do the discussing. I will facilitate, and ask further questions if need be to keep discussion going, clarify points, make sure that all voices get heard, redirect discussion to stay on topic, and remind students to interact with one another.) Ok, we are almost out of time for discussing. Can I have 3 students who have not shared much summarize in your own words, what we’ve talked about today, and a conclusion we have reached or a controversy we have about the discussion topic. (Choose 3 students and give them speaking order.) Before you leave, fill out this exit slip and hand it to me on your way out of class. What ways of life are different for us than for people after the Civil War? What technologies do you and your family use today that were introduced during the Industrial Revolution? Why do you think it’s important to recognize how things changed and if those changes lasted? Are there other things you know about that have not changed much over a long time? Are similar changes in technology affecting our way of life today? ASSESSMENT RUBRIC FOR DISCUSSION In what ways did ways of life change after the Civil War? Beginnin g 1 specific example of how lives change d after the Civil War. Approaching Meeting 2 specific examples of lived and worked changes(fro m farms to cities, worked on farms to worked in factories) 3 specific examples of lived and worked changes(from farms to cities, worked on farms to worked in factories AND made their own things to buying premade products) Exceeding More than the three examples from farms to cities, worked on farms to worked in factories AND made their own things to buying premade products and transportation from horse and carriage to cars, trains, steam boats,working in factories, traveling Do the Answer changes in yes ways of life last? Do we still use technologie s that the old ways changed to? Do we experience changes in our way of life due to technology today ? What are they? Answer yes farther from home) Yes, and Yes, and two Yes, and one example examples of three or more of what what change examples of change from from the what change the Industrial Industrial from the Revolution Revolution we Industrial we still still Revolution use(phones) use(phones, we still cars) use(phones, cars, trains) Yes and one example of technologica l change affecting current ways of life( cell phones instead of land lines) Yes and two examples of technological change affecting current ways of life( cell phones instead of land lines, computers and working from home/remotel y) Question Level of Bloom's What affect did the technological changes that occurred after the Civil War have on Analyze Yes and one example of technological change affecting current ways of life( cell phones instead of land lines, computers and working from home/remotel y and frequent travel by airplanes) Purpose for asking/how it is related to objective Can student use information to draw conclusions. family life? Did the changes in Applying ways of life last? Do we still use technologies that the old ways changed to? Examples? Can student use information and connect it to their life? / Understanding importance of event in relation to own life. What ways of life are Analyze different for us than for our grandparents? Examples? Can student use information and connect it to their life? / Understanding importance of event in relation to own life. Identifying how questions help connect importance to events. Can student use information and connect it to their life? / Understanding importance of event in relation to own life. Identifying how questions help connect importance to events, and use that knowledge. What would you invent to make our lives better? Why What way(s) do you think that invention would c Creating EXIT SLIP What ways of life are different for us than for people after the Civil War? What technologies do you and your family use today that were introduced during the industrial revolution? Why do you think it’s important to recognize how things changed and if those changes lasted? Are there other things you know about that have not changed much over a long time? Are similar changes in technology affecting our way of life today? How did you learn these things, what helped you understand?