CLASSROOM RULES AND LAB PROCEDURES Mrs. Moreland – Business Computer Applications II Washington High School 1. 2. 3. 4. Be Prepared: Come to class on time regularly with a Positive Attitude ready to participate and learn. Bring a pen/pencil and your notebook to class every day. Be Honest: Always tell the truth and do your own work in this course. Cheating will result in a 0% and a referral. Be Respectful: Treat the teacher, fellow classmates, and all equipment/school property with the utmost respect at all times. Follow all school rules and policies stated in the Student Handbook. The Internet Acceptable Use Policy will be followed! Students are allowed to use the Internet for education and research only with teacher permission. CONSEQUENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. *** Warning. Second warning and discussion with teacher. Third and final warning and parent contact/conference. Sent to Assistant Principal. If violation is severe, student will be sent directly to the Assistant Principal bypassing all other consequences. REWARDS 1. 2. Verbal and written praise. Special activities/speakers related to subject matter. EVALUATION - GRADING 1. Students will be evaluated on the basis of computer assignments/printouts, worksheets, class participation, homework, daily work checks, projects/quizzes/tests, and writing assignments. Completed class work will be worth between 5-50 points each and will comprise the majority of the nine weeks total points. Homework will be worth up to a maximum of 10 points each. At least two assessments/projects worth up to 100 points will be given each nine weeks. A comprehensive project/portfolio assessment will be given during the second and fourth nine weeks which will be worth up to 100 points. All points recorded will then be averaged at the end of the nine weeks to determine the final nine weeks grade. Grades will be posted online. 2. No credit will be given for late work unless the student is absent from class on the day the work is collected or unless the student has made prior arrangements with the teacher. Students should be prepared to stay after school from 3:00 – 3:30 to make up missed work due to absences. County policy allows only ONE day for each day missed to complete makeup work. Student Name ____________________ Class_______ Parent Name (Printed)______________________________ I have reviewed the rules/procedures/grading plan with my child. _________________________________________ Parent Signature Parent E-Mail Address: ____________________________________________________________________________ Computer Lab Safety Procedures 1. Keep food/drinks out of the lab. 2. If the equipment fails, tell the teacher immediately. Do not attempt equipment repairs without a teacher. 3. Operate all equipment properly. Do not reach inside the printer for any reason while the power is on. 4. Be aware of static from monitors and keep fingers off the screen. 5. Be aware of cords/wires. 6. Keep work area neat. Always push chairs under desks when not in use, and keep book bags out of the aisle. 7. Inform the teacher if an injury occurs. Instruction A variety of instructional methods will be utilized in this course including lecture, demonstration, guided practice, and projects. This differentiated instruction will allow for the individual needs and learning styles of each student. Additional tutoring opportunities will be made available, as needed, to foster student success. Student Contributions Attendance is critical in this class. Each student is expected to complete all class assignments in the allowed time period. Students are expected to attend class regularly, arrive to class on time prepared to work, complete daily assignments, and turn in their own work when due at all times. Students will be expected to obey classroom rules. See attached classroom rules/procedures. ************************** We have discussed the classroom rules/procedures and computer lab safety procedures in class, and I understand the importance of each item. Student Name: _______________________________________________________________ Date: _______________________ Course: ______________________________________