Y11 Mock Exams - Week 2 newsletter

06 February 2016
Dear parent,
Information for Year 11
Key Exams
The mock exam period starts at 9am on Friday 4th December. All pupils should be aware of the timings of their
exams and ensure they have reported to the Ranmore Hall at least 15 minutes prior to the start of the exam. If an exam
starts at 1.30pm, it is important pupils eat lunch at break time. Pupils will be expected to attend normal lessons when
they do not have an exam, up until the start of study leave on Wednesday 9th December. It is important to note that
pupils should attend all exams in full school uniform, even if they have qualified for study leave. Equipment is not
lent out during the mock exam period. Each department will have details of what is required for their exams.
9.00 – 11.30
Friday 4 Dec
12.00 - 1.10
1.30 - 3.30
1hr 30mins
German Listening (F) –
History Full (Cold War & USA) - 2 hours
History Short – 1¼ hrs
German Listening (H) –
Tues 8 Dec
RS Short -1 ½ hour
RS Full - 2 hours
French Listening(F) –
1 hour
Wed 9 Dec
1½ hours
French Listening(H) –
Geography Short
1 hour 10 mins
Geography Full
1 hour 10 mins
Mon 7 Dec
PE – 1½ hours
Child Development
1½ hours
Computer Science – 1 hour
IT Short – 1 hour
Study Leave
Study leave will be offered immediately after the conclusion of the Maths exam on the morning of Wednesday 9th
December, until the end of the term. This is a concession offered to pupils to assist them in their preparation for the
examinations. As with previous years, pupils will need to fulfil five criteria before they are signed off for study leave:
1. Pupils will need to have completed all outstanding controlled assessments to an acceptable standard. Pupils
will receive notification if they have outstanding work. This work needs to be signed off by their subject
teacher and then pupils bring written confirmation from their teacher to me
2. Pupils need to have an attendance record over 95%
3. Pupils need to have completed any outstanding detentions that are booked-in prior to the Christmas break
4. Pupils need a punctuality rate of at least 90% to all registrations
5. Pupils will have shown a willingness to follow school rules this academic year, especially with regards to
6. Pupils need to have handed in necessary paperwork for Work Experience
All pupils and parents should have received a letter stating whether pupils were eligible for study leave as of 24th
November - it is important to note that this is subject to change if there is an improvement or deterioration in an
individual’s attendance, punctuality or behaviour. Pupils eligible for study leave on Wednesday 9h December will be
issued a study leave pass at the conclusion of the exam. Pupils must keep this pass on them at all times as proof that
study leave has been granted. All other pupils will be expected to remain in school and attend organised study
sessions. There will be specialist rooms available for pupils who require to complete Art, Computer Science or DT
controlled assessments. Rooming will be displayed outside the Ranmore Hall.
We believe we have identified all cases where pupils’ exams have ‘clashed’ and have arranged an alternative time for
individuals to sit exams. If this is not the case, pupils should find me urgently.
Illness for Exams
As with the final summer exams, pupils should come in for exams if they are feeling ill. If for whatever reason this is
not possible, parents should ring the school absence line on 01306 887661 - we can then arrange for the exam to be sat
at another time prior to the Christmas break. It is important to note that with the final exams, all pupils should come
in for all exams, even if they are ill. Parents should then gain medical evidence from the doctor explaining how illness
would have affected their preparation or performance in final exams and we can apply to the exam board for special
consideration in the marking process. If pupils do not attend final exams, they will score zero for the paper.
Parental Support
We are planning to run a parents’ support evening on Wednesday 2nd March 2016 entitled ‘How Parents can Support
Children through Exams’. During this event we will give out a number of resources. We have attached a sheet giving
examples of how parents can support their children during the exams. As mentioned last week, Fronter, SAM
Learning and My Maths are particularly useful resources that can be accessed from home.
A Levels Options
A number of year 11 students have been evaluating their options for A Levels in PSE lessons but, due to the rotation
of classes, not all of the students will have had this opportunity as yet. It can be useful for students to contact
university admissions teams if they are taking A Levels and if they have a degree subject in mind already. These
admissions teams will be able to evaluate choices and ensure they are appropriate for the future. This information can
also be gained from the UCAS website.
If you require any further information about anything mentioned in the letter, or about the exam period more
generally, please contact me by email: ketley.stuart@ashcombe.surrey.sch.uk or Mr Ashwood, Head of Year 11, on
Yours sincerely,
Mr S Ketley
Head of Upper School