Storrington, Sullington and Washington Neighbourhood Plan WASHINGTON PARISH COUNCIL Steering Group Meeting The Chanctonbury Room, Parish Hall, Thakeham Road, Storrington, 6.30 pm Tuesday 19th August 2014 Minutes Present: Storrington & Sullington Parish Councillors – Cllr Anna Worthington-Leese (Chairman of the Steering Group), Cllr Glen Donnelly, Cllr Lisa Wheatley. Washington Councillor – Cllr Patrick Heeley, Mrs Pegi Shove, Mrs Madeleine Shaw, and Mr Geoff Tute. Ms Rowena Tyler (Action in rural Sussex) Mrs Tracey Euesden (Clerk to Storrington & Sullington Parish Council) Ms Petrina Kingham (new Clerk to Washington Parish Council) Minutes: Mrs Tracey Euesden (Clerk to Storrington & Sullington Parish Council). 80. Apologies for Absence. Apologies were received and accepted from Mr Marcel Hoad and Cllrs Christine Beglan, Lesley Britt, David Horwood and Richard Jerman. 81. To receive and approve the minutes from the following meetings: The minutes of the meeting of 15th July 2014 were agreed as being a correct record and duly signed by the Chairman. 82. To discuss Draft Policies Document – 1st draft dated July 2014. The Group discussed each of the proposed policies and some suggestions for changes were made along with new policies. Mrs Euesden would collate these changes and refer them to rCOH and AiRs. Each member of the Steering Group would be provided with a copy of these changes. Ms Tyler reported that Mr Homer (rCOH) would be attending the next Steering Group Meeting on 16th September and it was hoped that the amended policies could be discussed and approved then. 83. Call for Possible Land for Development – update on suggestions received. Mrs Euesden had provided Members with a list of sites that had been suggested so far. The closing date for responses had been set for 29 th August and the submissions would be considered by the Steering Group at the next meeting on 16th September. Ms Tyler expressed the importance of each piece of land being considered equally and suggested that a list of criteria be drawn up for each site to be measured against. Ms Tyler would provide the Clerks with a template of criteria that can be tailored to suit the parishes. 84. To consider next steps – Focus Group Involvement and possible public event. As there had been no activity amongst the Focus Groups since the Planning Policy Workshop on 9th July, Mrs Euesden was asked to send an email to each group member, providing an update on the Steering Group’s work since then. It was agreed that Focus Group Members would be invited to come together shortly after the next Steering Group meeting so that the finalised policies and selected land for development could be shared with them. Focus Group Members would also be invited to put forward suggestions for a CIL Priorities list and following this meeting, a further community event would take place to publicise the information. Mrs Euesden would check availability of venues for this public meeting which would be planned for some time in October or November. Any other business. 85. Scoping report for statutory consultees. Ms Tyler had provided a copy of this report which had been approved by Horsham District Council. Mr Tute pointed out some minor grammatical errors and with these corrected, the report would be sent to the statutory consultees. Ms Tyler advised that the need for Strategic Environmental Assessments (SEAs) may require extra work for AirS and rCOH but it was pointed out that the original schedule of services provided by AirS did include the production of SEAs. 86. Thakeham Neighbourhood Plan – Invitation to Planning Policy Workshop. Both Clerks reported that Members of the Parish Councils had been invited to attend this workshop on 10th September 2014. As this date coincides with committee meetings at Storrington & Sullington, it was hoped that other members of the Steering Group could attend. 87. Meeting with HDC Neighbourhood Plan Officer. Mrs Euesden reported that HDC’s Neighbourhood Plan Officer, Laura Bourke had agreed to attend the next Steering Group Meeting but it was felt that there would be insufficient time for discussion due to the amount of other business to be addressed. It was agreed that the Clerks should arrange to meet with Ms Bourke to discuss the progress made with the SS&WNP so far. Members of the Steering Group would be advised of the date and time of this meeting and could then decide whether they would like to attend. 88. Date of the next meeting – 16th September 2014. The meeting closed at 8.30 pm Signed: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Date: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chairman