Steering Group Minutes - Washington Parish Council

Storrington, Sullington and
Neighbourhood Plan
Steering Group Meeting
The Chanctonbury Room, Parish Hall,
Thakeham Road, Storrington,
6.30 pm Tuesday 16th December 2014
Present: Storrington & Sullington Parish Councillors – Anna Worthington-Leese (Chairman of the Steering
Group) and Lisa Wheatley. Washington Parish Councillors – Patrick Heeley and Christine Beglan
Ms Rowena Tyler (Action in Rural Sussex)
Mrs Tracey Euesden (Clerk to Storrington & Sullington Parish Council)
Ms Petrina Kingham (Clerk to Washington Parish Council)
Minutes: Miss Petrina Kingham (Clerk to Washington Parish Council).
109. Apologies for Absence
Apologies were received and accepted from Storrington and Sullington Parish Councillor Richard Jerman,
Washington Parish Councillors Lesley Britt and David Horwood and Mrs Madeleine Shaw, Mr Marcel
Hoad and Mr Geoff Tute,
110. To receive and approve the minutes from the following meetings:
The minutes of the meeting of 18th November 2014 had been circulated to all members prior to the meeting
and no suggested amendments had been received. The minutes were agreed as being a correct record and
duly signed by the Chairman. As the meeting was inquorate it was agreed that Members present would
continue to discuss the matters on the Agenda and seek ratification at the next Steering Group meeting.
111. Feedback from the Focus Group Meeting of 9th December 2014
The Focus Group meeting had resulted in some feedback on the proposed sites, which the Group discussed.
No comments had been made on the proposed policies. Whilst it was accepted that some of the sites were
unpopular the same criteria had been used to assess each site. The Steering Group had to adopt a wider view
on the sites otherwise the Plan could fail inspection. The Group discussed the fact that the Plan had to be a
tool for positive development over 15 years and if it failed it would leave the Parishes open to any
development, which could not be controlled at a local level. In addition the Policies in the Pre-Submission
Plan addressed public concerns such as access. Cllr Worthington-Leese emphasised that even if the Plan
were adopted an unsuitable development on a suitable site would still be opposed.
112. CIL Priorities List
Mrs Euesden circulated a list of proposed projects, which could be supported by CIL. Miss Kingham had
circulated Washington Parish Council’s S106 requests to Washington Councillors prior to the meeting.
Miss Kingham was to forward copies of the documents to Mrs Euesden for addition to the List. Ms Tyler
pointed out that the List was an evolving document included in but separate from the body of the Plan itself.
113. Green Spaces List
Mrs Euesden circulated a List of proposed Green Spaces for designation under Policy 13 of the PreSubmission Plan. Miss Kingham provided details of the criteria for designation required under Policy 77 of
the NPPF. It was agreed that the List would be updated with information from both Parishes and that the
Group would go through each proposed green space in accordance with the Policy 77. Mrs Euesden also
circulated the proposed List of Assets to be included under section 5. Implementation of the PreSubmission Plan. It was agreed that this list would also be updated and reviewed.
114. To plan for the Public Meeting 22nd January 2015
The format of the meeting and content of the meeting was discussed. Nick Herbert was to give an opening
presentation and Ms Tyler was to assist with any procedural questions on the timeline and requirements for
progressing the Pre-Submission Plan though to the Neighbourhood Plan and adoption. Sites would be on
display and the meeting would address the specifics on the proposed policies. Publicity was discussed and in
addition to a press release and possible radio promotion both Parishes were to make arrangements within
their localities with posters being displayed around 14 days prior to the meeting. The launch date of the PreSubmission Plan was not confirmed but would be shortly after the Public Meeting. Neil Homer (rCOH) had
confirmed that the updated Draft and SEA would be available on 16th January. Mrs Euesden was asked to
contact Mr Homer to ask for the submission on 9th January 2015 in order that the Steering Group would
have adequate time to consider the document before their next meeting.
115. Any Other Business
Mrs Euesden and Miss Kingham were to compile comments from their own Members in respect of the
SWOC and meet with Ms Tyler at the Storrington Parish Offices on 7th January 2015.
Cllr Heeley requested that the Terms of Reference in respect of the quorum be reviewed at the next Group
Meeting and was asked to draft a proposal to forward to Mrs Euesden.
Date of the next Steering Group meeting – 20th January 2015 6:30 p.m.
The meeting closed at 20.20
Signed: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Date: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .