5b) Grammar Instruction for Secondary ELA Classrooms Secondary Teaching Grammar Curriculum Education Strategies Instruction (Heyden, 2003) (Curnow, 2013) (Gribbin, 2005) (Roberts, et all., (Tuan & Doan, 2014) 2010) (Gugin, 2005) (Reising, 1976) (Hamilton, 2011) (Tałasiewicz, 2012) (Lindblom & Dunn 2006) (Connelly & Clandinin 1988) (Beal and Ballard 1962) (Richards and Reppin, 2014) (Carolina, 2013) ELL/ELD Instructional Strategies (AguirreMuñoz, Amabisca, Park & Boscardin, 2009) (Olson & Land 2007) Synthesis: I am not sure that all of my sources will be used in my final product, but as I was researching I found quite a bit of information that seemed to be relevant to my topic. Each of the articles above related to my curriculum so I wanted to include them all in this portion of the project because they are all shaping the curriculum that I am creating. Each of the above categories has given more depth to my understanding of developing a grammar curriculum for secondary English classrooms. I wanted this curriculum to be applicable to my students so I added in the ELL/ELD section in order to better fit the needs of some of my students. Many ELL/ELD students struggle with grammar and semantics because the structure of sentences in English differs from the sentence structure in many other languages. Along with ELL/ELD I also looked at a lot of grammar instruction. There were a variety of instructional practices and grammar techniques between the different sources that I found. Some of the sources seemed to be outdated, but even some of the older articles had interesting ideas of modifying grammar instruction to make it fit in today’s classroom. Not all of the grammar sources advocated for a very structured approach at teaching grammar, which gave a different feel to developing a curriculum. I think that students may not need sentence diagramming, but they do need some sort of grammar instruction and application in the English/Language Arts class. By combining all of the sources (or at least key pieces of them) I will be able to create a well structured, engaging grammar curriculum. References Aguirre-Muñoz, Z., Amabisca, A., Park, J., & Boscardin, C. K. (2009). Developing Teacher Capacity For Serving ELLs' Writing Instructional Needs: A Case For Systemic Functional Linguistics. Bilingual Research Journal, 31(1), 295-322. doi:10.1080/15235880802640755 Beal, R., & Ballard, G. (1962). Grammar in the English Curriculum. College Composition and Communication, 13(3), 68-69. Carolina, C. C. (2013). Formal Grammar Instruction: Theoretical Aspects to Contemplate it’s Teaching. Profile Issues in Teachers' Professional Development, 15(2), 215224. Connelly, F. M., & Clandinin, D. J. (1988). Teachers as curriculum planners: Narratives of experience. Toronto, Ont; New York, NY: Teachers College Press, Teachers College. Columbia University. Curnow, A. (2013). Practical Strategies for Teaching Grammar. Literacy Learning: The Middle Years, 21(3), i(12). Gribbin, B. (2005). Our Ambivalence Toward Teaching Grammar. English Journal, 94(3), 17. Gugin, D. L. (2005). Audre lorde: Contextualizing Strategies.(English Education). Academic Exchange Quarterly, 9(1), 188. Hamilton, V. (2011). Oxford Modern English Grammar. Reference Reviews, 25(7), 3031. doi:10.1108/09504121111168596 Heyden, T. (2003). Revitalizing Grammar. English Journal, 92(3), 15. Lindblom, K., & Dunn, P. A. (2006). Analyzing Grammar Rants: An Alternative to Traditional Grammar Instruction. The English Journal, 95(5), 71-77. Olson, C. B., & Land, R. (2007). A Cognitive Strategies Approach to Reading and Writing Instruction for English Language Learners in Secondary School. Research in the Teaching of English, 41(3), 269-303. Reising, R. W. (1976). On Semantic Bedevilment and Grammar. College English, 38(3), 307-309. Richards, J. C., & Reppen, R. (2014). Towards a pedagogy of grammar instruction. RELC Journal, 45(1), 5-25. Roberts, G., Stillman, S., Simmons, D., Oslund, E. L., Vaughn, S., Anderson, L., . . . Hairrell, A. (2014). Integrating Content Knowledge-Building and StudentRegulated Comprehension Practices in Secondary English Language Arts Classes. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness, 7(4), 309-330. doi:10.1080/19345747.2013.836766 Tałasiewicz, M. (2012). The Core of Grammar. Semiotica, 2012(188), 271-293. doi:10.1515/sem-2012-0019 Tuan, L. T., & Doan, N. T. M. (2010). Teaching English Grammar Through Games. Studies in Literature and Language, 1(7), 61-75.