Egypt - British Council

Egypt's pharaonic history
Was to Egypt civilization and civilian since the dawn of history and had other peoples of the Middle
civilizations and civilians, and also gave Egypt the other took them too, but Egypt was always
character Profile civilization authentic in the Nile Valley and has evolved and thrived in this part of
the country's east, were available in the civilization of Egypt which Atrali what succession of
civilizations later.
Not return the importance of this history to his, but also to a continuing character in this history
Fsourh historical coming in do not differ both so much for the other continued Pharaonic history
continuous events and succeeded ancient Egyptian in preserving the general features of its history
through the ages different long though influenced Egypt sometimes factors Rip and internal turmoil
or that there are events and external influences and invasions and migrations foreign, but the
ancient Egyptian could get out of this adversity, and difficulties since Neolithic until the invasion of
Macedon in 332 BC, and RPR Egyptians tolerance with regard to faith and belief Each province
Mabboudath own This indicates HH ancient Egyptian's thinking.
Began in Egypt first development to know the secret of lighting the fire, and then the second
development is the main areas of the material life of the human being old, namely knowledge craft
agriculture, began in Egypt evolution moral culture of ancient Egyptians know writing after knowing
the arts, and after maturation culture began to appear in Egypt and the Middle doctrines and
legislation and established science and then brightened the monotheistic religions which was and
still is the guidance for the worlds ancient and modern, and remained Egypt's civilization and its
implications physical, technical and plentiful and many from the rest of the effects of civil servants
and other civilizations of old, and continued to develop and progress throughout the ages.
Project targets Egypt's history:
1 - learn the history of Egypt and prehistoric civilizations and beyond.
2 - Our history is the root of our state does not know its history does not know future industry
3 - Date known events and facts and date of occurrence, coupled with changes and happenings.
4 - history as a mirror Nations, reflecting its past, and translates its present.
5 - Ancient Egypt strong motivation to belong to the land of this country and national selfidentification and personal and we must understand our monuments and we are trying to highlight
the positive aspects of this history.
6 - Egypt prouder days through various delegations have seen many of the apostles and prophets,
peace be upon them.
7 - is the history of ancient Egypt of the oldest dates of the modern world and the oldest dates
humanity as a whole.
8 - Development of the loyalty of the students love of home and belonging to him.