Curriculum Year 1 2014 - The William Hogarth School

Duke Road
W4 2JR
Tel: 0208994 4782
Fax: 0208742 7736
Dear Parent/Carer,
Curriculum Information Year 1 – Autumn 2014
In Literacy we will be focussing on labelling and sentence writing. We are encouraging children to start
sentences with a capital letter, put finger spaces between words, sound out each word carefully, write
their letters on the line and end each sentence with a full stop. We will also be reading and exploring big
books such as ‘Mrs Wishy-washy’. This is to help the children recognise high frequency words such as
‘the’ and ‘went’ and to reinforce reading behaviours such as word tracking and page turning. The children
will continue to participate in phonics lessons every day and build upon their prior learning to read and
write words.
In Numeracy this term the children will be learning;
 To count forwards to and backwards from 20, count out and order sets of up to 20 objects,
recognise and write the numerals 0-20, find the missing numbers in a sequence, find one more or
one less than a given number, to be able to distinguish between ‘teen’ and ‘ty’ numbers.
 To count to 100 in 1s, read numbers to 100 and identify odd and even numbers up to 100.
 To count in 10s up to 100 and be able to state 10 more or 10 less than a given number.
 Recognise, name and describe 2D shapes (square, rectangle, triangle, circle) and 3D objects
(sphere, cylinder, cone, cube, cuboid)
 To solve addition and subtraction using objects or by counting on or back on a number line,
recognising and writing the appropriate symbols.
 To read an o’clock time.
 Informal measurement in length, weight and capacity.
 To recognise coins up to 50p and make sums of money up to 20p using 1p, 2p, 5p and 10p coins.
 Number bonds that total 10 and 20 and doubles facts of numbers 0-10.
 To share a collection of objects to find half.
This table shows what Year One children are expected to be able to do by the end of the year.
Summary of Essential Learning in Year 1
Count to and across 100; count in 2s, 5s, 10s from zero; read and write numbers to
100 in numerals
Count out, quantify, compare sizes of sets of objects; order and describe
comparative size of numbers to 20; use ordinal numbers (e.g. 1st, 2nd, 3rd)
Understand and apply the operations of addition and subtraction and the
operations of division and multiplication as equal sharing, repeated equal
grouping; find halves and quarters
Represent, memorise and use addition facts to 9 + 9 and derive related subtraction
facts; identify 1 and 10 more/less
Take and compare measurements using common standard units; use language of
and tell time to hour and half hour; recognise and use coins
Recognise, describe and name common 2-D shapes and 3-D objects; use the
language of position, direction and movement; make whole, half and quarter turns
In addition to Literacy and Numeracy, this half term we will be following an International Primary
Curriculum (IPC) unit of work that focuses on the senses. This curriculum sets out the learning goals in
three different areas:
1. The subjects of the curriculum.
2. Personal development
3. International understanding
Each unit of work is based around specific targets derived from the learning goals for one or more of the
subjects. During this unit we will be focusing on Geography, Art, ICT, Science, Technology and
International. Some of our learning will include how we use our senses, about the sensory qualities of
different materials and how we experience and remember places through our sense of smell, taste, touch,
hearing and sight. Also, since the children have shown an interest in learning about farm animals and
products due to our big book ‘Mrs Wishy-washy’ we will also include this in our learning.
Next half term our IPC topic will be ‘All Dressed Up- Clothes’. We will send out a letter at the beginning
of the half term detailing the ‘All Dressed Up- Clothes’ learning goals.
Just to remind you:
Your child should bring his/her book bag into school every day.
Our Library days are Thursday (Da Vinci) and Wednesday (Van Gogh).
Our PE days are Monday and Wednesday (Da Vinci) and Monday and Thursday. (Van Gogh)
PE - please ensure that your child has his/her PE kit in school every week.
Reading homework is daily. Children should be reading every day at home and a note should be
made in the yellow reading record.
Reading books will be changed every Monday and Thursday. Please make sure your child’s reader
is in his/her reading bag so that it can be changed.
Homework will be sent home on Fridays. Please complete the two tasks with your child and return
his/her book on Wednesdays.
Thank you. We are looking forward to a fantastic term. Please come and see us if you have any queries
or concerns.
Miss Gruzman and Miss Patel
Year 1 Teachers