Off-site Course Template Off-site Course Name: Easy Grammar Systems 6 Grade Level: 6 Subject: Language Arts Class Description: Copy and paste into WINGS off-site class This course will teach the 8 parts of speech in English grammar plus their role in the parts of sentences. Students will learn how to both identify the 8 parts of speech in the context of sentences as well as learning how to use them correctly in sentences. Students will also learn the rules for correct capitalization and punctuation and be provided practice with these skills. Troublesome words that are often confused will also be addressed. These skills then provide the framework for understanding how to write more complex sentences using appositives, compound sentences, and semi-colons. Subordinate clauses, and participial phrases, writing skills which are practiced intensely in the last section of the course, can be covered if student is able to progress at a faster pace than the attached timeline. Learning Materials: Copy and paste into WINGS offsite class Easy Grammar: Grade 6 and Daily Grams: Guided Review Aiding Mastery Skills – Grade 6 Easy Grammar Systems by Wanda C. Phillips,Ed.D Learning Goals/Performance Objectives: This section will be completed in Wings. Select the “GLE Chooser” button, enter grade level and category/subject. Either select each item individually that pertain to your class or use the “select all” button then “select” save at the bottom. EALRS for this course: Select WRITING 3.3.3 and 3.3.4 and 3.3.5 and 3.3.6 Learning Activities: Copy and paste into WINGS offsite class SEPTEMBER Daily Grams #1-20, one a day Easy Grammar: Week 1: Pre-Assessment for course (pages v – xii); Learning the prepositions (pp.1-9) Week 2: identifying subject and verb, helping verbs, (pp.11-28) Week 3: compounds, imperatives, distinguishing adverb from preposition, Review Prepositions (pp. 29-59) Week 4: preposition test, direct objects(61-69) OCTOBER Daily Grams #21-41, one a day Easy Grammar: Week 1: infinitives, action and linking verbs, contractions, verb phrases with helping verbs (pp. 70-85) Week 2: irregular verbs, difficult verbs using direct objects(pp.86-103) Week 3: direct object review difficult verb review, linking verbs (pp. 104-113) Week 4: linking verbs with predicate nominatives and predicate adjectives, action or linking verb? (114-133) NOVEMBER Daily Grams #42-56, one a day Easy Grammar: Week 1: subject-verb agreement (pp. 134-147) Week 2: verb tenses and practice, (pp. 148-163) Week 3: verb review, cumulative review, and verbs test (pp. 164-181) BREAK DECEMBER Daily Grams #57-66, one a day Easy Grammar: Week 1: interjections, conjunctions, begin nouns (pp.183 – 201) Week 2: nouns: determiners, common and proper, singular and plural (pp. 202-223) BREAK JANUARY Daily Grams #67-86, one a day Easy Grammar: Week 1: possessive nouns, noun identification, predicate nominatives (pp. 224-241) Week 2: direct and indirect objects (pp. 242-251) Week 3: Noun Review , Cumulative Review and Test (pp. 252 – 275) Week 4: adjectives (pp.276-291) FEBRUARY: Daily Grams #87-106, one a day Easy Grammar: Week 1: proper adjectives,limiting adjectives, predicate adjectives, adjective degrees (pp.293311) Week 2: practice with degrees of adjectives, cumulative review, adjective Tests (pp.312-341) Week 3: identifying adverbs(342-361) Week 4: more identification of adverbs (pp. 342-387) MARCH Daily Grams #107-127, one a day Easy Grammar: Week 1: degree of adverbs, double negatives and review (pp. 388-405) Week 2: Cumulative Review and Test on adverbs (pp. 406-411); (NOTE SKIPPED PAGES) Pronouns (pp.429 -449) Week 3: pronouns, compound, possessive and reflexive pronouns (pp.450-465) Week 4: pronoun antecedents, demonstrative pronouns, interrogative pronouns, indefinite pronouns,(pp.466-485) APRIL Daily Grams #128-142, one a day Easy Grammar Week 1: pronoun review and test, cumulative review (pp. 486-519) (END OF PARTS OF SPEECH/PARTS OF SENTENCES INSTRUCTION) BREAK Week 2: sentence types (pp. 413-417), friendly letter (pp. 418-20) Week 3: sentence fragments and run-ons (pp.423-427), capitalization (pp. 520-531) MAY Daily Grams #143-162, one a day Easy Grammar: Week 1: capitalization (533-555), review and test (556-563) Week 2: punctuation (pp. 566-591) Week 3: punctuation (pp. 593-597) plus review and test on punctuation(pp.598-605) Week 4: important words, writing sentences with appositives (pp.606-625) JUNE Daily Grams #163-172, one a day Easy Grammar: Week 1: writing sentences with semi-colons and compounds (pp.627-649) Week 2: make-up Progress Criteria/Methods of Evaluation: Copy and paste this information into WINGS offsite class For all learning activities, formative assessment will be conducted throughout the duration of the course and noted in the monthly progress. Summative assessments will be scheduled as deemed appropriate in content and skill areas where a summative assessment aids the teacher and parent to determine the student’s progress. Timelines for student work samples and progress reviews are outlined in the Learning Activities section of this learning plan. This student is on a continuous progress, individualized assessment schedule that is reviewed and modified as needed. The POD teacher is the certificated teacher responsible for the student’s WSLP, including the on-going review of all on-site and off-site classes. Cedars Code: This section will be completed in WINGS by the Teacher Consu