Roman History Quiz: Republic to Empire


Which Roman individual challenged the leadership of the Roman

Republic and became the dictator of the Roman Republic?




Julius Caesar




Tarquin the Proud

What was the major EFFECT of the death of Julius Caesar? a.

The rise of the Roman Republic b.

The establishment of a democracy c.

A civil war erupted in Rome d.

The decline Roman government

Identify the Roman leader that took control as the emperor of the

Roman Empire following the fall of the Roman Republic. a.



Marcus Aurelius c.


Julius Caesar


Describe what happened to the vast Roman Empire following the fall of the empire. a.

The Roman Empire was split into an eastern and western region. b.



The Roman Empire was divided into four equal territories.

The Roman Empire reemerged under the leadership of Julius


The Roman Empire was ruled by the plebeians.

What was the name of new eastern empire after the split of the

Roman Empire? a.

Byzantine Empire




Anatolian Empire

Claudian Empire

Constantinopleian Empire

Identify the major EFFECT of the Germanic invasions in Rome. a.

The rise of the Roman military. b.



The defeat of the Germanic invaders

The fall of the Roman Empire

The construction of the Roman Colosseum

Select the name of the new capital of the eastern empire following the split of the Roman Empire. a.

Rome b.

Constantinople c.

Byzantine d.


Identify the invention that allowed the Romans to take water from the countryside and send it into the city of Rome. a.


roads arch c.


aqueduct plumbing

Describe how the Romans modified the environment to allow the military to travel quickly throughout the vast Roman Empire. a.

The Romans built a system of connected aqueducts. b.

The Romans built a system of connected roads. c.

The Romans built a system of bridges over major waterways. d.

The Romans built large buildings for military operations.

Identify the style of government used by the Romans that allowed the citizens the right to vote for leaders to represent them in the government. a.

Democracy b.






Describe the difference between role of citizens in government in the democratic style used in Greece compared to the republic in

Rome. a.

In Greece all eligible citizens directly participated in government, while in Rome citizens elected leaders to speak for the citizens in government. b.

In Greece citizens do not have any role in the government, while in Rome citizens directly participate in the government. c.

In Greece citizens vote for leaders to represent them, while in Rome citizens directly participate in the government. d.

In Greece and Rome, citizens have no role in the government.

“Caesar, having divided his forces . . . and having hastily

[quickly] constructed some bridges, enters their country in three divisions, burns their houses and villages, and gets possession of a large number of cattle and men.”

–Julius Caesar

What can you infer about Caesar from the passage above? a.

He wrote in great detail to show the power of his army to his enemies. b.

He recorded this battle to plan for other battles.


He wrote his own history so that people would remember his greatness. d.

He recorded this battle to record the number of cattle and men.

A period of 200 years of peace in Rome was known as the a.

Golden Ages b.

Dark Ages c.

Pax Romana d.

Peace Times

The city of Pompeii was destroyed by the eruption of a.

Mount St. Helen’s b.

Mount Vesuvius c.

Mount Olympus d.

Mount McKinley

One of the primary causes for the fall of the Roman Empire was: a.

The empire was too small to intimidate its foes. b.

The empire was hit a by several hurricanes. c.

The empire was too large to defend on all borders. d.

The Seahawks didn’t run the ball on that last play.
