Medical Terminology 2013-2014 Mrs. Brazfield Conference Rm 2 & Office 205 (907) 352-0460 My Background: I am a graduate of Wasilla High School and am very proud to be joining the talented group of professionals at Career and Technical High School. I graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Biological Science from the University of Maryland and a Master of Arts in Teaching from the University of Alaska. I am highly qualified to teach General Science, Biological Science, Zoology, Physical Science, Physics, and Chemistry. Prior to becoming an educator I spent seven years in healthcare as a Registered Polysomnographic Technologist and Technical Director of a sleep disorders facility. I am excited to have the opportunity to share my medical and academic experience with students as a Health Sciences and Physical Science teacher. Course Description: Medical Terminology is a one year, 1 credit course designed to prepare students who have interest in careers in health care or medicine. The class presents medical terminology through a combination of anatomy and physiology, word building principles, and phonetic "sound-like" pronunciations. Course content is organized according to body systems. This course is an excellent first step for students interested in being doctors, nurses, medical assistants, technicians, or in any health related profession. Upon completion of the course students will: 1. Define and recognize basic word roots, prefixes, and suffixes. 2. Describe human body orientation. 3. Describe the human body in health and disease. 4. Define terms relating to the cardiovascular and blood systems. 5. Define terms relating to the lymphatic and immune systems. 6. Define terms relating to the musculoskeletal system. 7. Define terms relating to the nervous system. 8. Define terms relating to the respiratory system. 9. Define terms relating to the integumentary (skin) system. 10. Define terms relating to the sense organs. 11. Define terms relating to the endocrine and urinary systems. 12. Define terms relating to the male and female reproductive systems. 13. Define terms relating to psychiatry. 14. Define terms relating to pharmacology. Student Youth Organization: Students are eligible to be members of the Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA). HOSA is a student organization whose mission is to promote career opportunities in health care and to enhance the delivery of quality health care to all people. Required Text: Chabner, Davi-Ellen. The Language of Medicine, Ninth Edition. 2011 Required Materials: Bring EVERY class period *3-ring binder with paper *Pencils *Textbook * Calculator (suggested) * Dividers (suggested) Classroom Rules: 1. Come to class on time with required materials. 2. Complete all assignments to the best of your ability. See me right away if you need help! 3. Follow directions the first time, and use work time to work. 4. Be respectful to those around you and keep your hands, feet and objects to yourself. 5. Food and drink are not allowed in the classroom. Activities: We will engage in many types of learning activities including independent, small group and whole group instruction, hands-on activities and labs, computer simulations, models, presentations, compose papers and lab reports, and complete assessments. Grading Scale: A: 90%-100% B: 80%-89% C: 70%-79% D: 60%-69% F: below 60% *Academic Dishonesty will result in a zero.* Grade Category Values: 50% Class Assignments and Homework: In-class work submitted after the due date will be subject to late penalty. Class assignments and homework are due the following class period. 30% Tests and Projects: In the event of an absence it is the student’s responsibility to arrange to make up a test. Tests may be made up before or after school by appointment. Projects submitted after the due date will be subject to late penalty. 10% Final Exam: Final exam is comprehensive and will include concepts learned throughout the semester. 10% Employability: Students will be graded on participation, on-time assignments, preparedness, and adherence to classroom rules and procedures. Policies: All Mat-Su Career & Technical High School policies will be followed. Classroom Procedures: Entering Classroom 1. 2. 3. Be in your assigned seat before the bell rings Have your binder open and something to write with when the bell rings Work on the activity on the board until I signal for your attention Tardy to Class: If you are in the classroom when the bell rings, then you are on time. If you are not in the classroom then you are tardy and must go to the office to get a late pass. A tardy will result in the loss of a portion of your daily employability points. Course Materials: My expectation is that you will have the required course materials with you every day. If for some reason you do not have them, I expect you to ask to borrow materials from a friend without disrupting class. If you do not bring materials and do not take action to obtain them you are choosing not to participate. This behavior will result in the loss of some or all of your daily employability points. Class Assignments and Homework: Class notes should remain in your binder. Taking notes and being attentive during the presentation of course material is part of your employability grade. In addition, I will periodically perform notebook checks and you will need to show notes to me at that time. I suggest you have a designated section in your 3-ring binder so you can refer to notes throughout the course. Other daily assignments and homework are expected to be completed and turned in by the next class period. Turn in assignments to the tray in your student area labeled with your period number. Assignments will be graded and returned to you in class. I suggest you keep graded assignments in a designated section in your 3-ring binder. Finding out Grade Status in Class: We utilize the i-parent electronic grading system. Students may check their grades at home or by using a school computer. Approximately every two weeks I will provide printed progress reports to students which should be taken home. My expectation is that you will check grades frequently and students or families are always encouraged to contact me individually should they have questions or concerns about grades. If You Are Absent: If you are absent for any reason complete an absence slip and turn in to the labeled bin by my desk the day you return. During the period I will review the absence slips and meet with you to let you know what you missed and the best way to get caught up. You will have the same number of days to make up your work as the number of days you were absent. Missed labs and assessments need to be made up by appointment before or after school. Ending Class: One minute prior to the end of class we will straighten our work areas, return supplies to their designated locations, and listen for announcements. After the bell rings I will dismiss the class and you will tuck in your chairs prior to exiting the room. We do not line up at the door. Consequences for Classroom Rule Violations: If you violate a rule you may be assigned a consequence. Depending on the frequency and severity of the misbehavior, you may receive one or more of the following consequences: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Verbal Warning Change in assigned seating Loss of employability points Student - teacher conference Parent contact Disciplinary referral to office “Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.” Thomas Alva Edison Medical Terminology 2013-2014 Mrs. Brazfield Conference Room 2 & Office 205 (907) 352-0460 Please review the course syllabus with your student. By signing below students and parents are agreeing that they have read and understand the course syllabus. Printed Student Name: __________________________ Student Signature: ______________________________ Date: ____________________ Class Period: __________________ Printed Parent or Guardian Name: __________________________ Date: ________________ Parent Signature: ______________________________ Parent or Guardian may be contacted by email at: _________________________________________________ Parent or Guardian may be contacted by phone at: _________________________________________________