IAS2143 Database System Quiz 1 QUIZ I Question 1 Use the following Client and Order schema to answer the following questions Client ( ClientID, Name, Salary, Position) Order (ProductID, Product, quantity, ,Model, ClientID) a) CREATE table client create table client ( ClientID VARCHAR(10) not null, Name VARCHAR (40), Salary DECIMAL (7,2), Position VARCHAR(25) ) b) Find the clients for whom no Position has been specified. SELECT * FROM Client WHERE Position IS NULL (2 marks) c) d) (2 marks) Find the clients whom earning more than 50000 per month and list the details in descending order of Name SELECT * FROM Client WHERE Salary/12 > 50000 ORDER BY Name DESC (3 marks) Find the name of clients who have ordered printers. SELECT distinct C.Name FROM Client C, Order O WHERE C.ClietID=O.ClientID AND O..Product='Printer' (3 marks) e) Find the names of clients who have ordered at least 2 keyboards. SELECT distinct C.Name FROM Client C, Order O WHERE C.ClietID=O.ClientID AND O.Product='keyboard' AND O.Quantity > =2 (4 marks) f) Find the Model of printers ordered by James . SELECT distinct O.Model FROM Client C, Order O WHERE C.Name = ‘James’ and C.ClientID = O. ClientID g) What is the average salary of Managers? SELECT AVG(salary) AS myAvg FROM EmployeeStatistic (3 marks) IAS2143 Database System Quiz 1 WHERE Position = ‘Manager’ (3 marks) Question 2 The table shown below lists dentist/patient appointment data. A patient is given an appointment at a specific time and date with a dentist located at a particular surgery. On each day of patient appointments, a dentist is allocated to a specific surgery for that day. staffNo dentistName patNo patName Appointment date time S1011 Ahmad Bakri P100 Raju Sivanesan 12Sep09 10am S15 S1011 Ahmad Bakri P105 Zira Hijan 12Sep09 12pm S15 S1024 Mohd Ali P108 Hafiz Abdul 12Sep09 10am S10 S1024 Mohd Ali P108 Hafiz Abdul 14Sep09 2pm S10 S1032 Roziana Razali P105 Arif Majid 14Sep09 4pm S15 S1032 Roziana Razali P110 Niza Sharif 15Sep09 5pm S13 a) surgeryNo The table shown above is susceptible to update anomalies. Provide examples of insertion, deletion, and update anomalies. (6 marks) Answer: The student should provide examples of insertion, deletion and update anomalies using the data shown in the table. Example, a deletion anomaly is if we delete the details of the dentist called ‘Mohd Ali’, we also loose the appointment details of the patient called ‘Hafiz Abdul’. (2 marks) IAS2143 Database System Quiz 1 Insertion anomaly is when new dentist is inserted then all other values need to be inserted but it will be a problem when the dentist not yet assigned to a patient. (2 marks) Update anomaly is when we update the details of dentist e.g. Ahmad Bakri then all other records about him need to be updated. (2 marks) b) Describe and illustrate the process of normalizing the table from First Normal Form (1NF) to Third Normal Form (3NF). State any assumptions you make about the data shown in this table. (8 marks) Answer: The student should state any assumptions made about the data shown in the table. For example, we may assume that a patient is registered at only one surgery. Also, a patient may have more than one appointment on a given day. 1NF Appointment (staffNo, appointmentDate, appointmentTime, dentistName, patNo, patName, surgeryNo) (1mark) 2NF Appointment (staffNo, appointmentDate, appointmentTime, patNo, patName) (1mark) SurgeryReg (staffNo, appointmentDate, surgeryNo) (1mark) Dentist (staffNo, dentistName) (1mark) IAS2143 Database System Quiz 1 3NF Appointment (staffNo, appointmentDate, appointmentTime, patNo) (1mark) SurgeryReg (staffNo, appointmentDate, surgeryNo) (1mark) Dentist (staffNo, dentistName) (1mark) Patient (patNo, patName) (1mark) a) Identify the primary, alternate and foreign keys in your Third Normal Form (3NF) relations. (6 marks) Answer: Appointment - staffNo(PK), appointmentDate(PK), appointmentTime(PK), patNo(FK) – (2 marks – any one PK and FK) SurgeryReg - staffNo (PK), appointmentDate(PK), surgeryNo) – (2 marks – 2 PK) Dentist – staffNo (PK) (1mark) Patient - patNo (PK) (1mark) IAS2143 Database System Quiz 1