Supporting Information Text S1: Materials and methods One BALB/c mouse and one TCRd-/- (BALB/c background) mouse were subcutaneously immunized with PE/Alum (100 ug per mouse) at the tail base. After 14 days, cells from draining lymph nodes (inguinal) were stained with Aqua live/dead, Pacific Blue conjugated CD3, H57, CD11b, CD11c,Ter119, Gr-1,F4/80, PE (100ug/ml), APC-Cy7 conjugated anti-IgD, eFluor605 conjugated B220 1hr on ice. Aqua-,Pacific Blue-,B220+, PE+ cells or Aqua-,Pacific blue-,B220+, PE- cells were sorted into 5 ul master mix containing 2x reaction mix (from CellsDirect One-Step qRT-PCR Kit, Invitrogen 11753) and 0.1 ul SUPERase-In RNase Inhibitor (Ambion, AM2696). The first two and last two wells of each plate were left blank for positive- and negative-controls. Cells were immediately frozen down at -80 degrees C. To thaw, plates were spun down at 4 degrees C for 5 minutes at 250xg. Into each well of 5.1 ul cell-lysate, were added 0.2 ul Superscript III RT-Taq Mix (Invitrogen 11753), 1.3 ul nuclease-free water, and 2.5 ul pre-amp mix, in TE, containing 200 nM of each DELTAgene-primer pair, 1.2 uM of VHF-1 primer-mix, 1.6 uM of VLF-1 primer-mix, 1 uM of VHR-seq primer-mix, and 0.4 uM of VLR-seq primer-mix. This brought the final volume in each reaction to 9 ul. To positive-control wells, 1 ul of single-use aliquot splenic total RNA from Balb/C mice (Agilent 736019) at 9 nmol/ul, was added. Plates were vortexed 15 s and spun down for 2 minutes at 250xg. Samples were thermocycled 50 degrees C for 15 minutes, 95 degrees C 2 minutes, and 20x(95 degrees C 15 s, 60 degrees C 4 minutes). Afterward, 4 ul of Exonuclease-1 mix (New England Biolabs, M0293), containing 20% Exonuclease 1 at 20 units/ul, 1x reaction buffer, and 70% water, was added, vortexed, and spun down. This was then thermocycled for 30 minutes at 37 degrees C, followed by 15 minutes at 80 degrees C. 14 ul products were diluted 1:5 in TekNova DNA suspension buffer (TEKnova T0221) and frozen down at -20 degrees C. After pre-amplification and Exo-1 treatment, diluted samples were thawed. Heavy- and light-chain 4x primer mixes were prepared, containing either 6.8 uM inVH mix and 4 uM VHR-seq mix, or 8.8 uM inVL mix and 1.6 uM VLR-seq mix, in TE. For each cell-reaction 2.5 ul of each of these were added to separate master-mixes containing 12.25 ul of nuclease-free water, 2.5 ul HiFi reaction buffer (Invitrogen 11304029), 1 ul 50 mM MgSO4, 0.5 ul 10 mM dNTP (Invitrogen 18427088), 1.25 ul DMSO (Sigma-Aldrich D9170), and 0.25 ul HiFi Platinum Taq (Invitrogen 11304029). To these 24 ul mixes, 1 ul of sample was added. After vortexing briefly and spinning down at 4 degrees C, plates were thermocycled 95 degrees C for 2 minutes, followed by 10x(94 degrees C 1 minute, 62 degrees C 1 minute, 72 degrees C 1.5 minutes), with the temperature 62 degrees C decreasing by 1 degree Celsius every cycle to 52 degrees C. An additional 30 cycles of 94 degrees C 1 min, 52 degrees C 1 min, 72 degrees C 1.5 min were then performed, followed by a final extension of 72 degrees C for 10 minutes. PCR-products observable on a gel between 400-500 bp were Sanger-sequenced (Sequetech, Mountain View, CA) using VHR-seq (IgD excluded in order to avoid incoherent signals from IgM/IgD coexpression) or VLR-seq primers (Table S4). Fluidigm chips were run according to manufacturer’s specifications for single cell EvaGreen quantitative PCR assays (Fluidigm protocol ADP 30). All 48x48 chips were run on a single Fluidigm Biomark with Data Collection software v. 3.0.2. Text S2: Quantitative PCR analysis Fluidigm chip-readouts were normalized to the median-Ct readouts of their positive controls (each taken from the same total RNA stock solution). Dilution-curves (comprising total RNA amounts 9000 pg, 900 pg, 90 pg, 20 pg, and 4 pg) showed increasing noise in Ct values above a value of 20. Therefore, 20 was set as the maximumpositive Ct. Cells having GAPDH Ct’s falling above this value were discarded. Purple-colored reactions in Figure 1A of the main text and Figure S4 represent reactions with Ct’s above this maximum value (or those with a gene-expression value, or –Ct, falling ≥3 below the mean positive gene-expression value for that assay). We used the amplicon melting curve data to reduce noise in Ct. Comparing the outputted “peak-ratio” parameter, r, generated by Fluidigm’s Biomark analysis software for each EvaGreen reaction to the high-Tm (good product fluorescence, g) and low-Tm (bad product fluorescence, b) peaks on individual melting curves, we found the empirical relation b/g = (1.4-r)/(0.26+r). We used this to correct Ct values by considering each Ct value as proportional to log2 of the template amount, giving new Ct values Ct’ = Ct + log2(1+b/g). “Perfect” peak-ratios of 1 or “failed” peak-ratios of 0 were nevertheless left un-corrected or treated as negatives, respectively. The effect of melting-curve correction was measured both by measuring the average change in dilution-slopes for Ct-vs.-log2 concentration scatter plots (perfect if equal to -1) and the average positive/negative accuracy (fraction true-positive or true-negative out of all positive and negative controls). Before Ct-correction, these values were -0.72±0.28 and 91%±17%, respectively. After Ct-correction, they improved to -0.75±0.27 and 96%±11%, respectively.1 Figure S1: Clonotype abundances: Antibody sequences clustered by clonal lineage type identified by heavychain CDR3 identity (see Antibody sequence analysis). Evidence for clonal expansion is found among PE+ cells exclusively. 1 Accuracy calculations assumed all genes in positive control were positive, including those such as RAG1 which were almost certainly true-negatives. Accuracy percentages should therefore be considered lower-bounds. Figure S2: Principal components and cell-partitioning. PCA of data depicted in Figure 1 of the main text shows the first principal component (A), with 45% of total variance, holding the highest values among pre-activation genes, with IgM and IgD both topping the list. The second principal component (B), with 11% of total variance, holds the highest values for post-activation genes, with IgG and AID topping the list. Cell-types partition roughly accordingly (C, dots denote wild-type and circles denote TCRd-/-), with 87 out of 88 PE- B-cells having a higher value along PC1 and 95 out of 105 PE+ B-cells having a higher value along PC2. On average, this gives a 94.3% correct partitioning. Text S3: Antibody sequence analysis Source code, along with data for this study, are available for download at Sequences were analyzed by Smith-Waterman alignments to mouse IMGT reference sequences using software previously described (Jiang et al 2011). Cells were rejected if they had an average Sanger PHRED-score (defined as -log10 of the probability of being correct) less than 25, an unidentifiable CDR3 sequence (flanked by ta(t/c)t(a/t)(c/t)tg(t/c) to the 5’ bound and the best alignment of ta(t/c)tgggg to the 3’ bound as per Kabat et al 1991), or one with ambiguous nucleotides. Of the 368 cells sorted, 193 passed this and the qPCR filter discussed earlier for further analysis. For light-chains, the same was done, only replacing the 3’-bound alignment with ttcgg(a/t/c)(g/t/a)(g/c)(g/t/a). Codon-mutations (non-indels only) were counted, using the CDR3 frame for reference, across the J-region downstream from the CDR3 region and across the V-region upstream from the CDR3 region for 220 bp. Mutations from base-calls with PHRED-scores less than 10 were ignored and those with PHRED-scores of at least 30 were given full weight. PHRED-scores between the two values were used to scale the weights linearly (eg a mutation with PHRED score of 20 would receive weight ½). Discrete mutation values, such as those illustrated in Figure 2 of the main text, Figure S4, and Table S1 are rounded from the PHRED-weighted values. Text S4: Light chain analysis Because of the far greater potential diversity of heavy-chain rearrangements (due both to the presence of a Dsegment and the greater number of N-nucleotides), heavy-chain sequences provide the best information regarding the common ancestry of B-cells. Clonotype analysis (Figure S1) was performed by single-linkage clustering of sequences with identical VH- and JH-segment matches, such that two sequences possessing CDR3 sequences differing by at most 1 amino acid would cluster together. By doing this, we took advantage of the randomized deletion and insertion of N-nucleotides at the interface between VH, DH, and JH-exons. The total absence of evidence for clonal expansion among both antigen-negative cell populations helped to confirm that no systematic cross-contamination had occurred, and among VH-amplicons, no external contamination either. Nevertheless, the sensitivity of combined pre-amplification and post-amplification on sequence-products resulted in the failure of 2 out of 8 light-chain negative controls (1 out of 2 for PE-/KO and 1 out of 2 for PE+/WT). Sequencing the resulting false-positive product showed it bore resemblance to the mixed-signal obtained from total splenic RNA positive controls. Eliminating potential light-chain contamination events on the basis of similarity between those belonging to unique heavy-chains (or heavy-chain clonal lineages) is non-trivial, because of the reduced diversity mentioned above (light chains lack a D-segment, and many of the light chains sequenced had few or no Nnucleotides at all between their VL and JL exons). Therefore, to establish confidence in each VH- and VLpairing, a stringent statistical test was applied to accept or reject light-chain sequences. For each cell population, P-values for each light-chain clonal lineage were calculated based on their enrichment within each heavy-chain lineage using Fisher’s Exact Test: where LB(A) is the number of cells corresponding to the light-chain (B)/heavy-chain (A) pairing of interest, HA is the total number of cells possessing the heavy-chain of interest, LB is the total number of cells possessing the light chain of interest, and N is the total number of cells in the population. Heavy-chain lineages were iteratively allowed to merge if and only if they would cluster based on a relaxed criterion (allowing 2 amino acids to differ at their CDR3 region, and their V- and J-segments to belong to the same exon-families, as opposed to sub-families) and the resulting number of cells in the population possessing P-values less than 0.03 would be maximally increased. Ties were broken by whichever clustermerger resulted in the least diversity of light chain-lineages within the newly formed heavy-chain lineagecluster. This algorithm would terminate once no VH-lineage merger could keep constant or increase the total number of cells with light-chain P-values less than 0.03. All light chain sequences having P-values at least 0.03, or sharing a heavy-chain clonal lineage with a light chain sequence of smaller P-value, were rejected. The resulting set of light-chain sequences successfully excluded all instances of the detected contaminant, and merged several existing clonal lineages. As before, evidence for clonal expansion remained exclusively confined to the PE+ populations – as shown in Figure S5. More generally, this light-chain correction of antibody clonal lineages did not qualitatively change any of the observed gene-expression/mutation correlations that incorporated lineage-identity (Figures S6, S7 and Tables S4, S5) or the correspondences between heavy- and light-chain mutation (Table S1). Figure S3: Spearman-correlations, in the same manner as main text Figure 2B, were calculated between each gene-expression and heavy-chain mutation-count belonging to each individual cell measured in the TCRd-/mouse (A). These were depicted alongside wild-type correlations (from main text Figure 2C) by plotting absolute values along the vertical axis (B) and color-coding according to correlation-sign. Figure S4: Clustered gene-expression/mutation data. Data are illustrated in the same manner as main text Figure 2, without stringent filtering of light-chain sequences (described under Light chain analysis). Normalized gene expression values (red denotes up-regulation and blue denotes down-regulation) were hierarchically-clustered across 193 single PE+ and PE- B-cells belonging to BALB/c (WT) and TCRd-/- (KO) mice, and plotted alongside mutational content of antibody heavy- and light-chains expressed by each. For the latter, cells for which light-chains could not be sequenced are color-coded on the bar-plot in grey. Figure S5: Clonotype abundances, corrected by light-chain identity. Clonal lineages calculated under the heavy-chain CDR3-similarity criterion in Figure S1 were re-clustered by incorporating information from corresponding light-chain data (altered criterion described under Light chain analysis). Figure S6: Gene-expression correlations calculated by equal-sampling of B-cell clonal lineages (with VLcorrection of lineage-identities). Spearman correlations previously calculated across all cells (Figure 2, Figure S3) between heavy-chain (IgH) mutations and gene expression were re-calculated by averaging correlations obtained by iteratively and randomly sampling cells from each lineage (with abundances histogrammed in Figure 5). Genes which are positive in only a subset of cells from each lineage (so that in at least one instance of random sampling they are all negative) are excluded from the plot. Figure S7: Gene-expression correlations calculated by equal-sampling of B-cell clonal lineages (without VLcorrection of lineage-identities). Equal-sampling of mutation/gene-expression pairs applied to clonal lineages that are assigned by heavy-chain CDR3 similarity alone (as with Figure S1). Table S1: Contingency tables for heavy/light chain mutation with and without stringent light-chain filtering. P-values are calculated using a one-tailed Fisher’s Exact Test to quantify the degree to which an un-mutated or mutated heavy chain predicts an un-mutated or mutated light-chain, respectively. BALB/c Gene P-value AID 0.001 IGHG1 0.001 BAD 0.009 DOCK8 0.02 IGHM 0.03 IGHG2A/C 0.03 IGHD 0.03 PRDM1 0.04 LTA 0.05 HPRT 0.06 MS4A1 0.06 BCL6 0.07 GAPDH 0.07 CD19 0.09 CD81 0.18 GNAI2 0.19 PRKCD 0.27 FCER2A 0.28 TNFRSF13C 0.31 GUSB 0.31 IGHE 0.33 IGHG2B 0.40 PRKCB 0.43 CD79a 0.45 TNFRSF13B 0.52 HSP90AB1 0.52 HDAC5 0.53 EBI2 0.53 CD40 0.59 CD22 0.66 CLCF1 0.68 IGBP1 0.72 FCGR2B 0.74 MCL1 0.76 IGHA 0.78 IL10 0.80 CDKN1A 0.81 CR2 0.83 IRF4 0.88 Mutation-correlation sign + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + TCRd-/Gene P-value GNAI2 0.0002 AID 0.0004 BCL6 0.0004 CD81 0.0005 IGHG2A/C 0.002 MS4A1 0.003 HSP90AB1 0.004 PRKCD 0.005 IGHD 0.006 DOCK8 0.007 CD19 0.007 IGHG1 0.02 HPRT 0.02 GAPDH 0.02 CD79a 0.02 IGBP1 0.03 CD22 0.03 MCL1 0.04 EBI2 0.04 GUSB 0.15 PRKCB 0.15 IGHE 0.16 FCER2A 0.16 BAD 0.19 LTA 0.21 IGHG2B 0.38 CR2 0.56 IL10 0.62 TNFRSF13C 0.63 CLCF1 0.64 IRF4 0.69 FCGR2B 0.71 TNFRSF13B 0.77 IGHM 0.82 CD40 0.82 Mutation-correlation sign + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Table S2: Spearman permutation p-values (two-tailed) derived from the lineage-sampled mutationcorrelation data plotted in Figure 6 (with VL-correction of lineage-identities). P-values are averaged across 105 trials in which cells from each clonal lineage are sampled once. Genes which are positive in only a subset of cells from each lineage (so that in at least one instance of random sampling they are all negative) are excluded from the list. BALB/c Gene P-value IGHG1 0.0006 AID 0.0006 DOCK8 0.01 IGHM 0.01 BAD 0.01 IGHG2A/C 0.01 IGHD 0.02 LTA 0.03 HPRT 0.03 MS4A1 0.03 GAPDH 0.04 BCL6 0.04 PRDM1 0.05 CD19 0.07 GNAI2 0.13 CD81 0.14 PRKCD 0.16 TNFRSF13C 0.19 GUSB 0.22 FCER2A 0.30 IGHE 0.32 HSP90AB1 0.32 IGHG2B 0.34 CD79a 0.40 EBI2 0.45 TNFRSF13B 0.48 HDAC5 0.49 CD40 0.50 PRKCB 0.55 CLCF1 0.59 CD22 0.60 IGBP1 0.67 IGHA 0.72 CDKN1A 0.75 IRF4 0.75 IL10 0.78 MCL1 0.81 FCGR2B 0.83 CR2 0.89 Mutation-correlation sign + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + TCRd-/Gene P-value GNAI2 0.0003 AID 0.0006 BCL6 0.0007 CD81 0.0008 IGHG2A/C 0.003 IGHD 0.004 MS4A1 0.005 PRKCD 0.007 HSP90AB1 0.007 DOCK8 0.009 CD19 0.01 IGHG1 0.02 HPRT 0.02 GAPDH 0.03 IGBP1 0.03 EBI2 0.03 CD79a 0.04 CD22 0.04 MCL1 0.04 FCER2A 0.12 IGHE 0.16 GUSB 0.16 PRKCB 0.21 BAD 0.22 LTA 0.24 IGHG2B 0.41 IRF4 0.61 CLCF1 0.64 IL10 0.67 FCGR2B 0.71 CR2 0.71 TNFRSF13C 0.71 IGHM 0.74 TNFRSF13B 0.75 CD40 0.83 Mutation-correlation sign + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + - Table S3: Spearman permutation p-values (two-tailed) derived from the lineage-sampled mutationcorrelation data plotted in Figure S7 (without VL-correction of lineage-identities). P-values are averaged across 105 trials in which cells from each clonal lineage are sampled once. Genes which are positive in only a subset of cells from each lineage (so that in at least one instance of random sampling they are all negative) are excluded from the list. VHF-1 mix (outer forward primers) inVH mix (inner forward primers) Fraction Primer name Sequence Fraction Primer name Sequence 1/24 VHF1_H1-A ATGAACTTGGGGCTCAGCTT 1/17 inVH1a AGRTYCAGCTGCARCAGTCT 1/24 VHF1_H1-B ATGGACTTCGGGCTCAGCTT 1/17 inVH1b AGGTCCAACTGCAGCAGCC 1/24 VHF1_H1-C ATGAACTTCGGGCTCAGCTT 1/17 inVH2 TCTGCCTGGTGACWTTCCCA 1/24 VHF1_H1-D ATGAAGTTGTGGTTAAACTGGGTTTT 1/17 inVH3 GTGCAGCTTCAGGAGTCAG 1/6 VHF1_H2 ATGGAATGSAGCTGGGTCT 1/17 inVH4 GAGGTGAAGCTTCTCGAGTC 1/18 VHF1_H3-A ATGGACTCCAGGCTCAATTTAGTTTTCCT 1/17 inVH5 GAAGTGAAGCTGGTGGAGTC 1/18 VHF1_H3-B ATGGCTGTCYTRGBGCTGYTCYTCTG 1/17 inVH6 GAGGAGTCTGGAGGAGGCTT 1/18 VHF1_H3-C ATGGVTTGGSTGTGGAMCTTGCYATTCCT 1/17 inVH7 CAGTGTGAGGTGAAGCTGGT 1/18 VHF1_H4-A ATGAAATGCAGCTGGRTYATSTTCTT 1/17 inVH8 CCAGGTTACTCTGAAAGAGTC 1/18 VHF1_H4-B ATGGRCAGRCTTACWTYYTCATTCCT 1/17 inVH9 ACAGATCCAGTTGGTGCAGT 1/18 VHF1_H4-C ATGATGGTGTTAAGTCTTCTGTACCT 1/17 inVH10 AGGTGTGCATTGTGAGGTGC 1/18 VHF1_H5-A ATGGGATGGAGCTRTATCATSYTCTT 1/17 inVH11 GAAGTGCAGCTGTTGGAGAC 1/18 VHF1_H5-B ATGAAGWTGTGGBTRAACTGGRT 1/17 inVH12 AGCTTCAGGAGTCAGGACC 1/18 VHF1_H5-C ATGGRATGGASCKKIRTCTTTMTCT 1/17 inVH13 CAGGTGCAGCTTGTAGAGAC 1/24 VHF1_H6-A ATGAACTTYGGGYTSAGMTTGRTTT 1/17 inVH14 GAGGTTCAGCTGCAGCAGT 1/24 VHF1_H6-B ATGTACTTGGGACTGAGCTGTGTAT 1/17 inVH15 CAATCCCAGGTTCACCTACAA 1/24 VHF1_H6-C ATGAGAGTGCTGATTCTTTTGTG 1/17 inVH16 GTGAGGTGCAGCTGGTGGA 1/24 VHF1_H6-D ATGGATTTTGGGCTGATTTTTTTTATTG VLF1-mix (outer forward primers) inVL mix (inner forward primers) Fraction Primer name Sequence 1/22 inVK1 TGATGACCCARACTCCACT 1/8 VLF1-L1 ATGGCCTGGAYTYCWCTYWTMYTCT 1/22 inVK2 GCTTGTGCTCTGGATCCC 1/8 VLF1-K1 ATGRAGWCACAKWCYCAGGTCTTT 1/22 inVK3 CTGCTGCTCTGGGTTCC 1/8 VLF1-K2 ATGGAGACAGACACACTCCTGCTAT 1/22 inVK4 CAGCTTCCTGCTAATCAGTG 1/8 VLF1-K3 ATGGAGWCAGACACACTSCTGYTATGGGT 1/22 inVK5 GTCTCCAGCCACCCTGTC 1/16 VLF1-K4-A ATGAGGRCCCCTGCTCAGWTTYTTGGIWTCTT 1/22 inVK6 TGATGACCCAGTCTCMCAAAT 1/16 VLF1-K4-B ATGGGCWTCAAGATGRAGTCACAKWYYCWGG 1/22 inVK7 GCCTGTGCAGACATTGTGAT 1/24 VLF1-K5-A ATGAGTGTGCYCACTCAGGTCCTGGSGTT 1/22 inVK8 CCTGTGGGGACATTGTGATG 1/24 VLF1-K5-B ATGTGGGGAYCGKTTTYAMMCTTTTCAATTG 1/22 inVK9 CWTCTTGTTGCTCTGGTTTC 1/24 VLF1-K5-C ATGGAAGCCCCAGCTCAGCTTCTCTTCC 1/22 inVK10 CCAGATGTGATATCCAGATG 1/32 VLF1-K6-A ATGAGIMMKTCIMTTCAITTCYTGGG 1/22 inVK11 GCCAGATGTGATGTYCAAATG 1/32 VLF1-K6-B ATGAKGTHCYCIGCTCAGYTYCTIRG 1/22 inVK12 CTGCTGCTGTGGCTTACA 1/32 VLF1-K6-C ATGGTRTCCWCASCTCAGTTCCTTG 1/22 inVK13 CCTTCTCAACTTCTGCTCT 1/32 VLF1-K6-D ATGTATATATGTTTGTTGTCTATTTCT 1/22 inVK14 MAGATGACCCAGTCTCCATC 1/32 VLF1-K7-A ATGAAGTTGCCTGTTAGGCTGTTGGTGCT 1/22 inVK15 TGAGATGTGACATCCAGATGA 1/32 VLF1-K7-B ATGGATTTWCARGTGCAGATTWTCAGCTT 1/22 inVK16 CCAGTGTGATGTCCAGATAAC 1/32 VLF1-K7-C ATGGTYCTYATVTCCTTGCTGTTCTGG 1/22 inVK17 ACAACTGTGACCCAGTCTCC 1/32 VLF1-K7-D ATGGTYCTYATVTTRCTGCTGCTATGG 1/22 inVK18 ACACAGGCTCCAGCTTCTCT 1/22 inVK19 GTGCTCAGTGTGACATCCAG 1/22 inVL1 TCCCAGGCTGTTGTGACTC 1/22 inVL2 CAACTTGTGCTCACTCAGTC 1/22 inVL3 ACTCAGCCAAGCTCTGTG VHR-seq mix (reverse primers) VLR-seq mix (reverse primers) Fraction Primer name Sequence Fraction Primer name Sequence 1/5 VHR-IgA GTGCCGRAAGGGAAGTAATC 1/2 VLR-IgL CACACCAGTGTGGCYTTGTT 1/5 VHR-IgD CAGCCCAGGTTTATCTTTTCA 1/4 VLR-IgK-A CAWGAAGCACACGACTGAGG 1/5 VHR-IgG GGGAARTAVCCCTTGACCAG 1/4 VLR-IgK-B CAGGAAACACACGATTGAGG 1/5 VHR-IgM CCATGGCCACCAGATTCTT 1/5 VHR-IgE ACCAGGTCACAGTCACAGGA Table S4: Sequencing-amplicon primer-sets. Outer forward primer-sets VHF-1 and VLF-1 (adapted from Novagen cat. 69831-3) were used during pre-amplification of sequencing-amplicons. Inner forward primersets inVH and inVL (adapted from Rohatgi et al 2008) were used independently during post-amplification (prior to sequencing). Reverse primer-sets VHR-seq and VLR-seq targeting constant-regions were used during both steps. Fractions in left-most columns denote proportions of primers in mixes (all add to 1). Name AID BAD BCL6 CD19 CD22 CD40 CD5 CD79a CD81 CDKN1A CLCF1 CR2 DOCK8 FCAMR FCER2A FCGR2B GAPDH GNAI2 EBI2 GUSB HDAC5 HPRT HSP90AB1 IGBP1 IGHD IGHE IGHG1 IGHG2A/C IGHG2B IL10 IL12B IRF4 IGHA IGHM LTA MCL1 MS4A1 PIK3CD PRDM1 PRKCB PRKCD PTPRC RAG1 SLA2 TNFRSF13B TNFRSF13C TNFRSF8 TNFSF8 Forward CCTGGGAAGGGCTACATGAAA GCAGCCACCAACAGTCATCA GGGGAAACCCAGTCAGAGTA CCATCGAGAGGCACGTGAA CAGCAGGGGCTTCAGGAAAA CTATGGGGCTGCTTGTTGAC AGCAGTGCTTCCAGAAAACAAC AAGAACCACAGGGGCTTGTA GCTGTACCTGGAACTGGGAA GAACATCTCAGGGCCGAAAAC AGCATCAACTCCGCAGCTTA CCATCTGGACTAAGAAGCCAGTA GTACAAGGAACCCGCAATCA CAAGCCAGCTTTCAGTAGCA AGGTGGCAAAGCTGTGGATA CTCACGGACTTTGTGCCATA AGACGGCCGCATCTTCTT TTTGGCCGCTCACGAGAATA CAAACACGGACTGCCACAAC AGTATGGAGCAGACGCAATCC CCCCATCAGCCAGAAGATGTA CAGTACAGCCCCAAAATGGTTA CCTCCGCGAGTTGATCTCTAA CCTCCAATGAAACCCTTCATCC ATCAGCTGGGAGCCAAAGAA CCTGAACATGAGCACTGTGAAC TGGAACTCTGGATCCCTGT AACTCTGGATCCCTGTCCAGT CACACCTTCCCAGCTCTCC AAAGGACCAGCTGGACAACA ATCGTTTTGCTGGTGTCTCC TCCCCATTGAGCCAAGCATA TGGGGAAAGAGTGGGAAGGATA AGGGTATCAGAACCTTCCCAAC ACTCCCTCAGAAGCACTTGAC AAACGGGACTGGCTTGTCA GTGACAGCTGGTATTGTGGAGAA CTTATTGCGTGTCAGCAACC CGTTCGGTCAGCTCTCCAA CACATCGACAGAGAGGTTCTCA CCTCAACAAGCAAGGCTACA TGATGAGGGCAGACTGTTCC TCTCTGTGGCATCGAGTGTTA ACCTGTGACTGTGCCAACA GGTGGAAGTCAGGTCAGACAA TTCGACCCTCTGGTGAGAAAC CAGCACCTCAGAAAACAGCAA ATCCAAGAAGTCATGGGCCTAC Reverse CGCAAGTCATCGACTTCGTAC GTACGAACTGTGGCGACTCC CTCAGAGAAACGGCAGTCAC ACCACTGGGACTATCCATCCA TCTGAGAGAGGGGTCCTCCTA TCGTGGAGGTACTGTTTGTCA CTCTGAACCTTGGGCTGGAA CATGTCCAGGAAGGGCCTA AGCTCCCACAGCAATGAGAA TCTGCGCTTGGAGTGATAGAA CAGTCGAGGAGGATTGAAGTCA AGCTGCCTGTATGACTTCCA CACCGAAACACTGGCCATAA AGTGTGGCTTTCTCCTTCCA GGAGCCAGTTCTTGGGACATA CATGAGTCCCAGCAGCAA TTCACACCGACCTTCACCAT TCTGTGCAATGCGCTCCA GACGTTGCCAGTGGGGTA ACAGCCTTCTGGTACTCCTCA TCTCATTCCACACCGTGTCA AGTCTGGCCTGTATCCAACA CCGTCAGGCTCTCATATCGAA GTTGCCAGGCTTGGATAACC GTGACCTGGAGGACCATTGTA TCACTTGGCTGGTGGTGAC GAGCTGCTCAGAGTGTAGAG TGAGCTGCTGAGGGTGTAGA TGCTGGAGGGGACAGTCA TAAGGCTTGGCAACCCAAGTA GGAGTCCAGTCCACCTCTAC CGAGGATGTCCCGGTAATACA ACTGGCTGCTCATGGTGTAC ATGCTCTTGGGAGACAGCAA GAGTTCTGCTTGCTGGGGTA CCGCCTTCTAGGTCCTGTAC CCAGCTGACAGCAGAACCA TCCTTGGTGGATACCTGGAA TGCAGGTCTGGCACTTGAAA ACAAGCCATTGGGGTCCATA GCGGCCGATAATCTTGTCA TCGGGCATCTTTGATGGGAA AGGCAGCCATGTTGGCTAA TCGCAGGTGCTTCCAGAAA CTGGTCGCTACTTAGCCTCAA AGCTGTCCCAGGCTCCA TGCTGGTCCAGGCATCTAC ATGGTGCCATCTTCGTTCCA RefSeq NM_009645.2 NM_007522.2 NM_009744.3 NM_009844.2 NM_001043317.2 NM_011611.2 NM_007650.3 NM_007655.3 NM_133655.2 NM_007669.4 NM_019952.3 NM_007758.2 NM_028785.3 NM_001170632.1 NM_013517.4 NM_010187.2 NM_008084.2 NM_008138.4 NM_183031.2 NM_010368.1 NM_010412.3 NM_013556.2 NM_008302.3 NM_008784.3 IMGT IgD-CH1 IMGT IgE-CH1 IMGT IgG1-CH1 IMGT IgG2A/C-CH1 IMGT IgG2B-CH1 NM_010548.2 NM_008352.2 NM_013674.1 IMGT IgA-CH1 IMGT IgM-CH1 NM_010735.2 NM_008562.3 NM_007641.5 NM_008840.3 NM_007548.3 NM_008855.2 NM_011103.2 NM_011210.3 NM_009019.2 NM_029983.5 NM_021349.1 NM_028075.2 NM_009401.2 NM_009403.3 Table S5: EvaGreen PCR assay primer-sets. Assays were designed by Fluidigm DELTAgene. Antibody isotypespecific assays (IgHA, IgHD, IgHE, IgHG, and IgHM) were designed against portions of consensus sequences of mouse CH1 regions available on the IMGT database that were mutually exclusive to sequencing amplicons. IgHG2A/C primers were designed against both IgHG2A and IgHG2C subclasses, due to homology. Only those genes producing positive signal in at least one cell are shown in Figure 1 of the main text. Name Biochem. Features AID BAD BCL6 CD19 CD22 CD40 CD5 CD79a CD81 CDKN1A CLCF1 CR2 DOCK8 FCAMR FCER2A FCGR2B GAPDH GNAI2 EBI2 GUSB HDAC5 HPRT HSP90AB1 IGBP1 IGHD IGHE IGHG1 IGHG2A/C IGHG2B IL10 IL12B IRF4 IGHA IGHM LTA MCL1 MS4A1 PIK3CD PRDM1 PRKCB PRKCD PTPRC RAG1 SLA2 TNFRSF13B TNFRSF13C TNFRSF8 TNFSF8 Cytidine deamination Somatic mutation/isotype switching Protein-binding Positive regulation of apoptosis DNA-binding B cell differentiation/germinal center formation Integral membrane B cell receptor signaling pathway Protein-binding Cell surface receptor linked signaling pathway Enzyme-binding Positive regulation of B cell proliferation Glycoprotein-binding T cell costimulation Protein-binding B cell activation Protein-binding Positive regulation of B cell proliferation Cyclin-binding DNA damage response/regulation of cell cycle Cytokine activity B cell differentiation Homodimerization B cell activation/complement activation GTP binding Antibody signal transduction IgA/IgM-binding Antibody heavy-chain receptor/signal transduction IgE-binding Antibody heavy-chain receptor/signal transduction IgG-binding Antibody heavy-chain receptor/signal transduction Dehydrogenase Cell metabolism GTP binding B cell motility G-protein coupled receptor B cell migration Beta-glucuronidase Carbohydrate metabolism Histone deacetylase B cell activation/chromatin modification/cell cycle Guanine phosphoribosyltransferase GMP salvage/nucleoside metabolism Unfolded-protein binding Protein folding/response to stress Mitogen-activated B cell activation/negative regulation of apoptosis Antigen-binding Antibody heavy-chain/antigen-recognition Antigen-binding Antibody heavy-chain/antigen-recognition Antigen-binding Antibody heavy-chain/antigen-recognition Antigen-binding Antibody heavy-chain/antigen-recognition Antigen-binding Antibody heavy-chain/antigen-recognition Cytokine activity Negative regulation of B cell proliferation Cytokine activity B cell activation and proliferation DNA-binding Histone acetylation/plasma cell differentiation Antigen-binding Antibody heavy-chain/antigen-recognition Antigen-binding Antibody heavy-chain/antigen-recognition Cytokine activity B cell migration BH domain-binding Negative regulation of apoptosis Membrane-spanning B cell activation 1-PI-3-kinase B cell activation DNA-binding Plasma cell differentiation Calcium-channel regulator B cell activation Enzyme-binding B cell proliferation/positive regulation of apoptosis Phosphatase B cell differentiation/positive regulation of apoptosis DNA-binding B cell differentiation/VDJ recombination SH3/SH2 adaptor activity Negative-regulation of antibody-signaling Receptor activity Negative regulation of B cell proliferation Receptor activity Positive regulation of B cell proliferation Receptor activity Positive regulation of NFkB TF activity Cytokine activity Signal transduction during B cell activation Role in B cell biology Chromosomal location Chr6: 122553809..122564180 Chr19:6941855..6951893 Chr16: 23965052..23988612 Chr7: 126408448..126414870 Chr7: 30865404..30880342 Chr2: 165055636..165071654 Chr19: 10718143..10738974 Chr7: 24897511..24902197 Chr7: 143052750..143067930 Chr17: 29090986..29100722 Chr19: 4214392..4222615 Chr1: 195136811..195176715 Chr19: 24999529..25202432 Chr1: 130800902..130814740 Chr8: 3681737..3694174 Chr1: 170960558..170976071 Chr6: 125161852..125165583 Chr9: 107614138..107635342 Chr14: 121952331..121965193 Chr5: 129989021..130002828 Chr11: 102195747..102230172 ChrX: 52988078..53021660 Chr17: 45567778..45573261 ChrX: 100494291..100516125 Chr12: 113407535..113416324 Chr12: 113269263..113273248 Chr12: 113326544..113330523 Chr12: 110806667..110813558 Chr12: 113304314..113307933 Chr1: 131019845..131024970 Chr11: 44400063..44414017 Chr13: 30749258..30766927 Chr12: 113256204..113260236 Chr12: 113418826..113422730 Chr17: 35203165..35205351 Chr3: 95658721..95663179 Chr19: 11250603..11266151 Chr4: 149649168..149701629 Chr10: 44437175..44458687 Chr7: 122289125..122634402 Chr14: 30595354..30626208 Chr1: 138062859..138175305 Chr2: 101638252..101649532 Chr2: 156872922..156887078 Chr11: 61140835..61147642 Chr15: 82221744..82224336 Chr4: 145268976..145315147 Chr4: 63832824..63861284 Table S6: Summary of gene biochemical features, roles in B cell biology, and chromosomal locations. See main text for references. References Jiang N, Weinstein JA, Penland L, White RA 3rd, Fisher DS, Quake SR (2011) Determinism and stochasticity during maturation of the zebrafish antibody repertoire. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A108:5348-53. Kabat E A, Wu T T, Perry H M, Gottesman K S, Foeller C (1991) Sequences of Proteins of Immunological Interest. Vol. 1. 5th ed, 1991. Rohatgi S, Ganju P, Sehgal D (2008) Systematic design and testing of nested (RT-)PCR primers for specific amplification of mouse rearranged/expressed immunoglobulin variable region genes from small number of B cells. J Immunol Methods. 339:205-19.