Reformation/Exploration/ Scientific Revolution/ Age of Enlightenment

Reformation/Exploration/ Scientific Revolution/ Age of Enlightenment
Key individuals in the Reformation & Significance
pg 303 John Wycliffepg 303 Desiderius Erasmuspg 307 William Tyndale pg 307 John Calvin -
pg 310 What was the purpose of the Council of Trent?_____________________________________________
What changes did the Council of Trent make in the church?________________________________________
Exploration- In the 1400s & 1500s, Europeans gradually gained control of the Americas and parts of Asia. Many
events came together to create the right time for overseas exploration.
Why do you think Europeans wanted to travel to distant lands?_______________________________________________
Why did Europeans want to find an oversea route to Asia?___________________________________________________
Technology and Exploration / Rise of Strong Kingdoms pg 323
What is an astrolabe, and why is it so important?_________________________________________________
What improvements were made in map making? Why were these improvements necessary?
Early Voyages of Discovery 324-327
Which European country was the first to begin voyages of exploration?_________________ Who was responsible for
this?______________________ How did Portugal benefit from these early voyages to Africa?______________________
Who is Bartolomeu Dias? What did he do that was significant?_______________________________________________
Who is Vasco da Gama? What did he do that was significant?________________________________________________
pg 325 While the Portuguese explored Africa’s western coast, an Italian navigator
named________________________formed a plan to reach Asia Who paid for his voyages? Why were they able to do
Summarize Columbus’s first
Columbus believed that he had been exploring the coast of ________________________. He never realized he had
actually arrived in the _____________________. It was not until 1502 that another Italian
explorer________________________, became convinced that Columbus had discovered a “new world”.
How did the second voyage of Columbus differ from the first?________________________________________________
Voyage of Magellan pg 326-327
Who did Spain hire to find a western route to Asia? _____________________ What was his primary
goal?___________________________ Did Magellan meet his goal? _____________ Magellan’s crew became the first
known people to ____________________, or _________________________________.
Early French and English Explorers pg 327 The Portuguese successes led England and France to begin their own
overseas exploration. Describe the exploration of the following individuals:
John Cabot________________________________________________________________________________________
Giovanni Verrazano_________________________________________________________________________________
Jacques Cartier_____________________________________________________________________________________
Since most of Spain and Portugal’s territories were in _______________________,________________________, and the
________________________, France and England began to establish colonies in ______________________________.
The Spanish Conquer Mexico pg 328
Why did the new world attract poor nobles such as Hernan Cortes? ___________________________________________
Why do you think the Spanish conquered the Aztec and the Inca instead of trading with them for gold and other
Use this chart below to outline the methods used by the Spaniards Hernan Cortes and Francisco Pizaroo to conquer the
people of Central and South America. EACH LINE MUST BE FILLED WITH SPECIFIC DETAILS!
Cortez defeats the Aztec (pgs 328-330)
Pizarro defeats the Inca ( pgs 330-331)
Settling the Americas-The Treaty of Tordesillas divided the Americas between Spain and Portugal. Other nations,
however, did not accept this treaty. The Netherlands, France, and England soon joined Spain and Portugal in a race to gain
wealth in new lands to spread Christianity.
pg 332-333 What were the two goals that Spanish rulers set for the American colonists?___________________________
What effect did the diseases have on Native Americans?___________________________________________
What effect did the loss of so many Native American workers have on the European settlers?______________________
What happened after these three races had been together for a while?___________________________________________
Read pages 332-335 to fill out the diagram and then answer the questions below
Spanish Colonies
French Colonies
English Colonies
pg 335 Dutch Traders
How did the Dutch differ from other European nations that explored and established colonies?______________________
World Trade Changes As Europeans created empires, profitable trade developed between their homelands and their
overseas settlements. As a result, Europe’s economy expanded. By the 1600s, European nations were competing for
market and trade goods.
336-337 Define Mercantilism__________________________________________________________________________
What does a successful mercantile economy depend on?_____________________________________________________
How do colonies help promote mercantilism?_____________________________________________________________
pg 338 How was the term cottage industry first coined?_____________________________________________________
pg 338-339 What was the Columbian Exchange?_________________________________________________________
Effect that the Columbian Exchange had on the Americas:
How did the Columbian Exchange benefit the Europeans? ___________________________________________________
Scientific Revolution:
pg 346 What were some of the key advances made by the Greeks?_____________________________________________
pg 347 Why were the Greeks & Romans important to later scientists?__________________________________________
pg348___________________________________ and other Christian thinkers showed that ________________________
and _______________________could work together.
What was the Scientific Revolution?___________________________________________________________________
Key Individuals in the Scientific Revolution
Describe the discoveries/contributions made by each of the following scientists/thinkers
pg 353 Sir Frances Bacon (England)pg 348 Nicolaus Copernicus(Poland)pg352-353 Rene Descartes (France)pg350 Galileo Galilei (Italy)pg 349 Johannes Kepler(Germany)pg 350-351 Sir Isaac Newton(England)-
Age of Enlightenment
Why is this era called the Age of Enlightenment?___________________________________________
What does enlightenment mean, and how does it relate to the ideas that were common in this period?
Compare/Contrast the following individuals on their ideas on the role of government & people
Thomas Hobbes pg 355
John Locke pg 356
Baron Montesquieu pg356-357
What type of government did John Locke support?__________________________________________
How did Hobbes and Locke differ in their ideas about government and the people?________________