Ventura County SELPA
Paul S. D.O.B. XXX (6 years 2 months)
Behavior interfering with learning (Problem Behavior): (include frequency, duration and/or intensity as appropriate)
Meeting Date XXX
Inappropriate touching of peers, defined as initiating physical contact with a peer by running up to the peer from the front and grabbing and squeezing the peer’s head or upper torso with mild (not causing pain or marks) to moderate (causing pain and red marks) intensity while screaming in the peer’s face
Frequency: 1-2 times per hour
Communicative function of behavior:
Escape Attention Sensory Tangible
Describe: (include antecedents/consequences as appropriate)
Paul appears to be seeking sensory input and social interactions during transitions and in unstructured settings when peers are close by
Positive/Replacement Behavior: (serves the same function as the problem behavior – not simply the absence of the problem behavior)
When Paul seeks sensory stimulation or social interactions, he will verbally request a sensory object (ball, squeeze toy) and/or ask a peer to play with him.
Reduction of Problem Behavior: (note strategies, who will implement and when)
1. OT and case mana ger will collaborate to implement a sensory diet for Paul and teach Paul’s Special Circumstances Professional (SCP) to implement it on a daily basis.
2. Principal will ensure that several sensory activities and items are available on the playground for Paul to request (“crash mat”, therapy ball, etc.).
3. Principal will increase adult supervision and assistance on the playground and in other unstructured settings, to redirect problem behaviors and prompt and reinforce replacement behaviors.
4. Social/Emotional Services Specialist (SESS) will train and coach playground staff and yard supervisors to redirect Paul’s problem behaviors in a positive and helpful way.
5. General education teacher will coach peers to respond to Paul’s problem behaviors in a consistent and calm way and prompt him to ask to play with them.
Increase of Positive/Replacement Behavior: (note strategies, who will implement and when)
1. OT will teach Paul how to request sensory items and activities in weekly individual OT sessions, with consultation for the general education staff for daily applications.
2. Case manager will meet with Paul three times per week during RSP sessions to teach him how to request social interactions with peers.
3. General education teacher will model and role play appropriate social interactions in daily group/circle.
4. SCP will cue, prompt, and reinforce positive/replacement behaviors in unstructured settings and provide Paul with one “caught him being good” ticket whenever she observes him using a positive social behavior and/or replacement behavior.
Reinforcement: (note reinforcers, who will administer and when)
1. SCP and other applicable staff working with Paul will provide him with a “caught him being good ticket” every time they observe him engaging in a positive and/or replacement behavior on the playground.
2. Principal will collect Paul’s tickets at the end of the school day and provide him with social reinforcement and special recognition.
3. Case Manager will e-mail parents daily to inform them o f Paul’s day and the number of tickets earned, and parents will reward Paul with a special snack at home if he earns at least 5 tickets.
Reactive Strategies: (if problem behavior occurs):
1. When Paul is observed to run up to a peer, all applicable adults will remind him of his replacement behaviors (requesting a sensory object, asking a peer to play).
2. If Paul makes contact with a peer, the peer is to shake his head and walk away without saying anything, with adult prompting and reminders. Adults will ignore the inappropriate behavior and quietly praise the peer and hand the peer a “catch him being good” ticket.
3. As soon as Paul ends the problem behavior and engages in an appropriate social behavior, the applicable adult will give him a thumbs up and smile at him.
Personnel responsible for overseeing plan:_____ Case Manager, SESS, General Education Teacher_ __________________________________________
See IEP goal(s) related to this plan. Goal number(s): 5, 6