Peer to Peer Parent Letter - Elementary and Middle School

Peer to Peer Support
Parent Permission Slip
Dear Parents/Guardians:
Your child has expressed an interest in being a peer to peer support for
a student with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
Currently at _______________________ there are students with
Autism Spectrum Disorder who could benefit from peer modeling and
friendship building. Your child would support a student with ASD at
recess, lunch and study hall. During this time a staff member would be
present at all times.
If you are in support of your child participating in the peer to peer
support group (Connections), please complete this form and have you
son/daughter return it to his/her teacher. If you have questions please
contact ________________________________________________.
Thank you for your support in this program.
Child’s name:_____________________________________________
Has my permission to be involved in the peer to peer program.
Parent Signature:__________________________________________