Temple Sowerby CE Racial Equality and Community Cohesion Temple Sowerby CE School Race Equality & Community Cohesion Policy 1. Statement of values 2. We believe that everyone in our school is of equal value and should be treated fairly, equally, and as individuals. We are aware that people in our society are discriminated against and treated as if they are worth less than others because of their ethnicity, culture, beliefs or lack of them, abilities and disabilities, age, sexual orientation, and social background; but we are determined that this will not happen in our school. We will treat each other with dignity and respect, and seek to promote equality at all times. We will work towards building a more tolerant, more understanding, fair and transparent society; one in which all members share a common sense of belonging that overcomes their differences, and in which the diversity of people’s backgrounds and circumstances is appreciated and valued, and similar life opportunities available to all in the school and wider communities We embrace the different dimensions to the term community, and which include the school community; the community within which the school is located; the UK community; the global community; and the many distinct groups which comprise those communities. Links to other policies and ‘relevant school functions’ We will integrate our race equality & community cohesion policy and practice into all relevant areas of school life in order to fulfil our aims and meet the needs of individual pupils and staff, and the communities with which they are identified. Our school policies and practice will be informed by the need to promote diversity and community cohesion. Our curricular and extra-curricular activities will be available to all pupils, irrespective of their background/gender/ethnicity. We will ensure that pupils are treated fairly through our arrangements for 3. Maintenance of school ethos, whole school philosophy, character, values Pupil admissions, transfer procedures, course opportunities, programme choices, including careers and work experience Monitoring progress and assessments, including attendance Raising levels of pupil achievement Planning and delivering the curriculum, teaching and learning (including language and cultural needs) Pupil behaviour, rewards and discipline, including exclusion and bullying Care, guidance and support Staff recruitment and selection, training and career development Parental/community involvement Engagement with external links and extended services Promoting race equality and community cohesion An awareness, understanding and respect for different racial, social, cultural, and diverse backgrounds will be deliberately built into our curriculum content and activities in order to promote and reflect such diversity. Staff will ensure resources, teaching materials and school information promote diversity and a positive image of different traditions, cultures and races; and how 1 Temple Sowerby CE Racial Equality and Community Cohesion 4. Tackling discrimination 5. We will take action to ensure students and staff treat each other with respect. Preventing and dealing with discriminatory behaviour, abuse, intimidation or racial harassment will be regarded as the responsibility of all members of the school community. We will make every effort to challenge images of racial and social discrimination and stereotyping. Incidents of racial abuse or discrimination will be promptly, consistently and openly tackled using the clear procedures in place. As a school, we will support victims of incidents of any form of discrimination, on and off the premises, in both the short and long term. All pupils can expect to be listened to and have their complaint investigated, following the procedures laid down for this. We will give all pupils at appropriate stages the opportunity to discuss, explore and understand the implications of racism and all other forms of prejudice and bias. The school council will be encouraged to explore any issues of unfairness and inequality of opportunity. Implementing the strategy – the action plan 6. they also share important characteristics and experience with those of their own and different communities. School activities will offer all pupils the opportunity to experience a wide range of cultural diversity and exposure to positive role models and visitors. Literacy and numeracy hour programmes will use material to provide experience from a diverse range of backgrounds. The curriculum will meet the specific needs of pupils who have English as an additional language. We will ensure that pupils understand the background and potential of our multicultural society, including the appropriate use of language and terminology. We will ensure positive and open consideration, within a Cumbrian context, of such issues as stereotyping, prejudice, discrimination and the role of the media. Traditions, festivals and customs (e.g. dress, food) of different cultures will be respected and celebrated. Provision will be made for religious observance. All departments/teachers will ensure that curriculum topics and activities reflect a global dimension and use appropriate, positive images. We will take opportunities to extend the understanding of other races, cultures and traditions by involvement in such projects as school linking and fair trade activities. Where appropriate, we will encourage the use of heritage languages and dialect to promote understanding and a sense of belonging. An action plan will be developed and reviewed regularly to make sure that everything in this policy statement happens. The action plan will include clear targets, time scales and responsibilities for development. Breach of policy We will encourage an atmosphere in which discussion of issues and the open reporting of incidents can take place. Incidents of non-compliance, inappropriate racist behaviour or language will be reported, formally recorded and trends analysed. 2 Temple Sowerby CE Racial Equality and Community Cohesion 7. Training 8. Opportunities for involvement in training and development activities will be positively encouraged. All staff will be trained to deal effectively with racist incidents, racism, racial harassment, prejudice and stereotyping. Opportunities for training by members of the governing body will be encouraged. Active links will be established with other organisations dealing with racial issues. Review: assessing and monitoring 9. Pupils who feel that they have been abused should report the matter immediately to their tutor/teacher/year head. Pupils who have committed racial abuse or behaviour will be appropriately dealt with, which may involve exclusion but will also include education and support. Discussion with parents or carers of both victims and offenders will be our normal practice. If parents or carers are aware of racial abuse they will be encouraged to report the matter and will have an identified process to use. An annual review of race equality issues will be undertaken using information from the relevant areas and functions identified in 7.1. Clear time scales and processes will be established. Pupils, staff, parents and members of the wider school community will be encouraged to contribute to the review. The school council (and other committees) will have a particular role to play in the process of review. The governing body will receive annual reports on the implementation of the Race Equality and Community Cohesion policy. If appropriate, the reviews will lead to development strategies for tackling unjustified disparities in attainment and progress. Promotion We will promote discussion within our school community to raise awareness of the need for race equality and community cohesion, and to determine and refine our policy and practice. The development of our policy and practice will involve staff, governors and pupils to ensure wide dissemination and observance of race equality and community cohesion procedures. Through our policy we will seek to broaden the understanding of staff, governors and pupils of our diverse and multicultural society and the need to challenge inequality and lack of respect for the perceived differences in others. We will use a range of opportunities and approaches to publicise and promote good race equality practice and to ensure inequalities are eliminated. This policy will be reviewed in Autumn 2013 3 Temple Sowerby CE Racial Equality and Community Cohesion 4