SAXTON CE PRIMARY SCHOOL Race Equality Policy “Respectful of God’s world and everyone in it” Rationale At Saxton CE Primary School we recognise that language, religion and customs make children what they are. As a Christian School, we encourage everyone to care for others as well as themselves and to strive to be the best we can be. We use what children know and understand about themselves in our teaching and strive to be aware of cultures, religions, customs and attitudes of other people in order to ensure that all in our school are sensitive to how others feel and live. Through this approach we aim to value everyone equally, leading them to strive for what is best and achieve the highest expectations and standards. “Individual Colours, Together a Rainbow” We expect all children to find school a safe and welcoming place where they are able to achieve success irrespective of their nationality or ethnic background. It is not possible to achieve this if any of its members face prejudice or hostility because of their ethnic origins. Aims Through the implementation of this policy, the Governors seek to Encourage every member of our school to contribute personally to a happy and caring environment and to develop self-respect for others. Educate, develop and prepare all our children for life. Prejudice and discrimination on the basis of colour, culture, origin, gender or ability is unacceptable in this school. Promote positive attitudes to gender equality and cultural diversity. Acknowledge the complexity of British society and recognise that it would be failing the children if we did not prepare them for their integral part in this society. Promote the understanding that children are citizens in a wider global community and that they have a responsibility to contribute to this community. Guidelines Leadership, Management and Governance At Saxton School we are committed to being proactive in promoting racial equality and in tackling racial discrimination. All adults working in school should encourage, support and enable all pupils to reach their full potential. School staff should endeavour to work in partnership with parents and the wider community to establish, promote and disseminate racial equality good practice and tackle racial discrimination. Implementation Culture Language, religion, and customs make children what they are. We use what the children know and understand about themselves in our teaching and strive to be aware of cultures, religions, customs and attitudes in order that all at our school are sensitive to how others feel and live. We will ensure that the contribution of world cultures are included and acknowledged in the planning and teaching of the full range of National Curriculum subjects, resources and displays and extra-curricular activities. Curriculum All children have access to a broad curriculum that avoids stereotyping. They are given equal access and opportunity to experience all activities and are given support where this is needed. Differences are treated sensitively and positive approaches to diversity are promoted. Although direct contact with other cultures is limited in this school we teach a diverse curriculum to enrich pupils’ knowledge and understanding of other cultures along with our own. The curriculum must be objective and sensitive. It must reflect the achievements and roles in society of all, regardless of gender or race. Each curriculum policy must include a statement for equal opportunities. All staff are committed to delivering a curriculum that raises children’s awareness of cultural, social, historical, practical and community issues and encourages positive attitudes towards difference and diversity. Behaviour We will ensure that all members of the school community are informed of school expectations and procedures for maintaining a high standard of school expectations and procedures for maintaining a high standard of discipline. We will not allow any kind of verbal or physical abuse. Children must not fight, swear or use offensive language likely to cause hurt or anger (derogatory references to children’s gender, race, creed, class or disability are not tolerated under any circumstances). Incidents of abuse will be monitored and reported appropriately. We are committed to promoting high levels of acceptable group and individual behaviour. We require all of our children to conduct themselves in a way that compliments this policy and supports our ethos of equality and respect for difference. We will investigate underlying reasons for truancy. We shall continue to monitor use of the playground and playground incidents, and aim to create an exciting environment. We are committed to minimising all school exclusions by implementing agreed strategies and procedures for ensuring that each pupil is given the opportunity to achieve and succeed. Language Every member of the school community should feel that his or her language or dialect is valued. They should therefore be allowed to use their home language in school, but should never exclude others. We view linguistic diversity positively. However, we also recognise that language is used for communication, and language used in school should be acceptable and understandable to the school community. Staff must be conscious of any racist or sexist connotations in the language that they use. Resources We try to ensure that the resources used in all curriculum areas are multicultural and non-sexist and contain positive images of all groups. Children should have access to accurate information about similarities and differences between cultural groups. We will ensure that our resources acknowledge the value of positive images of non-European cultures, our local community and beyond. It is essential that we are all aware of the implications of the hidden curriculum and that all resources are rigorously monitored. We will raise awareness of the unfairness and injustice of stereotyping through the planned curriculum, assemblies, resources and display. Variety should be evident in the morals, stories and information offered to children. Recording and Monitoring The monitoring procedures will ensure that the equal access of all pupils to the curriculum. The content and delivery of the curriculum itself will be monitored to ensure that all pupils are enabled to extend their awareness of others and themselves: e.g. using settings and situations for all learning tasks that reflect our equal opportunities policies. We will monitor and record the progress and development of every child to ensure that not merely access to but also engagement with the curriculum is taking place. Sensitive questioning, classroom organisation and adult intervention are crucial strategies and must be reflected in planning and record keeping. We will record and monitor all absences for pattern and frequency to inform future action. We will monitor all strategies and procedures for dealing with racist incidents. We will monitor all school-based and commercially produced resource material for suitability and appropriateness with reference to issues related to race and cultural diversity. We will record and monitor all racist incidents for pattern and frequency with a view towards informing future action. Staff Recruitment and Career Development We will provide for regular staff training on issues of racism, equal opportunities and ethnic diversity. We require all staff to support this policy as an essential condition of service. The school values diversity amongst staff. In all staff appointments, the best candidate will be appointed based upon strict professional criteria. All staff should be aware of positive cultural assumptions and bias within their own attitudes. Registrations and admissions Pupil’s names should be accurately recorded and correctly pronounced. Pupils should be encouraged to accept and respect names from other cultures. Breaches of the Policy There must be no ambiguity in the way the school reacts to racist behaviour. Racist graffiti must be removed immediately and any name calling, jokes or literature of a racist nature must be reported. The Headteacher will log each complaint of racial abuse. Staff and pupils must report immediately to the Head any racist behaviour. Each case reported will be dealt with as a matter of priority. In the case of pupils, parents will be invited to discuss incidents with the Head. As with any form of unacceptable behaviour, the school will exclude pupils for racist behaviour if this is considered necessary. An adult offender would be officially reprimanded. Responsibilities The governing body has the ultimate responsibility for ensuring that the school complies with Race Relations legislation. It is the responsibility of the Headteacher to ensure that this policy is implemented consistently and appropriately by all teachers in the school, and that they are given relevant training and support. The Headteacher will also take appropriate action in cases of racial discrimination. It is the responsibility of all staff to deal with racist incidents and know how to identify and challenge racial bias and stereotyping. They should promote racial equality and good race relations and not discriminate on racial grounds. All visitors should be aware of and comply with the school’s race equality policy. Monitoring The Governors will monitor the effectiveness of this policy, and the racial incidents log. Through everyday routines the Headteacher will ensure that school practice reflects the guidelines included in the policy. The policy will also be monitored by Ofsted during their inspection visits. This policy will be reviewed and updated in January 2016 Signed………………………………………Head Teacher ……………Date Signed………………………………………Chair of SIC …………..Date