Curriculum Cohesion

Curriculum Cohesion
Design, Development and Delivery
Scottish Education Department
“It is quite impossible to treat subjects
of the curriculum in isolation from one
another if education is to be
meaningful to the child”.
“A Curriculum for Excellence”?
The Intelligent School
“The curriculum needs to be planned
in a way that achieves richer learning
experiences for pupils. Such planning
needs to ensure that there are
different types of experience to enable
learning across the curriculum.”
MacGilchrist, Myers & Reed
The Intelligent School
 “In our experience, in spite of the best
efforts of their teachers, many pupils are
bored with the curriculum and find school an
irrelevant experience.”
 “We know that some pupils are motivated to
continue with their studies even if they are
not engaged with the work.”
The Intelligent School
“For a significant number, when faced
with a record of failure through the
assessment system and a curriculum
that appears to have no relevance to
their lives, they are more likely to
“switch off”, truant or be disruptive.”
Improving Scottish Education 2006
 “recent and continuing societal and
technological changes now present
new needs and challenges”.
 “The curriculum must evolve to meet
learners’ and society’s needs in the
less certain world of the 21st
Improving Scottish Education
 “Recently, awareness in schools of the
need for the curriculum to be
appropriate for individual learners has
become more acute”.
 Links disengagement to “weaknesses
in learning and teaching” in some
Considerations . . . . . .
 What we teach
 What is learned
 How it is organised
 How it is taught
 How it is learned
Impact on schools. . .
“The document has profound
implications for what is learned, how it
is taught and what is assessed.”
Peter Peacock,
Foreword to “A Curriculum for Excellence”
Curriculum Principles
Challenge and enjoyment
Personalisation and choice
Implications for S3 – 6 . . . . .
 Subject based courses and exams
likely to remain the main provision for
most pupils
 Increased emphasis on vocational
 Enrichment activities
Implications for S1 - 2
HMIE views of S1 – 2
Lack of pace and challenge
Fragmented curriculum
Building on prior learning
Curriculum Groupings and Faculty
 Health and Wellbeing
 Languages
Social Studies
 Expressive Arts
Modern Languages
 Business and ICT
 Technological
 Creative Arts
Organising the S1 Curriculum
 Use ACfE organisers / Faculties
 Faculty structure geared towards
promoting cohesion and effective
learning and teaching
 Start from where we are
 Build capacity over time
 Build in “cross-cutting” themes
Organising the S1 Curriculum
 Easier to link with P7 Curriculum
 Easier to build on prior learning?
 Flexible – can be replicated in S2 or
not as a school and its stakeholders
 Greater possibility of a P7 – S1
coherent curriculum
Practical examples . . . .
 Collaborative approaches to Assessment
(and AIFL) in Social Subjects
 Creative Arts showcase
 Thinking skills / Philosophy in S1
 Delivery of problem solving and ICT
through Technological Education
 Health Promoting events involving HE / PE /
Active Schools / PSE / partner agencies
 Tracking of pupil attainment across P6 – S2
Link . . . .
Curriculum S1 model
(See Word Document on Web Site)