Negotiated Deadlines Form

Learning Services: Negotiated Deadlines for Students with a Learning Support Agreement
This document sets out the Negotiated Deadlines process. Students who have a Learning Support
Agreement (LSA) in place that states that they can have negotiated deadlines are able to register
for additional time to complete their work.
Students with a disability, medical condition, SpLD (Specific Learning Difficulty) are not automatically
entitled to an extension to deadlines, but are expected to fully engage with pre-arranged support on
a regular basis made available through the Learning Support Tutor and Learning Services, and
Module Tutors. This is to ensure that satisfactory work is handed in on time, and that skills in
managing time and the self (a transferable skill for the workplace) are built on.
The Negotiated Deadline Form is available on the Oasis College website under the ‘links’ and
‘student proformas’. Students will need to complete and send this form to Registry in order for their
negotiated deadline to be approved. One form submitted can cover all assessment components for
one module.
The form outlines:
- The module that negotiated deadlines are being requested;
- Module lecturer;
- The number of days additional days that are being applied for (2, 5, or 10 working days);
- Other considerations that impact the request.
The process for applying for negotiated deadlines is as follows:
1. Discussing Support: Students with a LSA meet with the Learning Services Manager at the
beginning of each year to discuss their support provisions
2. Submitting Work: All students aim to submit work on or before the deadline specified in
module handbooks. Deadlines are scattered intentionally to enable students to work fully on
each piece of work. Study Skills and module content support is available to all students.
3. Students with a Learning Support Agreement. Students who are unable to submit work
and have an LSA that provides for negotiated deadlines need to submit their request at least
48 hours before the work is due to be submitted.
4. The Negotiated Deadline: the Negotiated Deadline form gives the student the option as to
how long extra time they require: 2 days, 5 days or 10 days. They must specify which they
choose. The form must be sent to registry to be logged on the M&M form. Without the form
having been sent, no negotiated deadline can be agreed.
NOTE: Students without a Learning Support Agreement. Students who are unable to
submit work but don’t have an LSA that allows them negotiated deadlines need to submit
an extenuating circumstances claim. This can be for a late submission, non-submission or
mitigating circumstances. (This is where you have got the work in on time but the quality of
your work has been affected by your situation.) All extenuating circumstance claims are dealt
with by the University. (Refer to Staffordshire University guidelines, forms and processes)
Negotiated Deadline Registration Form
Negotiated Deadlines only exist for students who have a Learning Support Agreement (LSA) through a
diagnosed SpLD, disability, or have evidence of a prolonged medical or mental health condition.
Negotiated Deadlines must be identified in the LSA. Students are expected to engage in Learning Support
provision outlined in the LSA, Learning Services and through the teaching team.
All students should aim to submit work by the deadline outlined in module handbooks. Students who
require extra time to complete work must register their Negotiated Deadline by sending this form to at least 48 hours before the submission deadline. The registration will be
approved upon receipt. Negotiated Deadlines cannot be claimed for in retrospect.
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Student No
Click here to enter text.
Award and level
Click here to enter text.
Module / Assignment
Click here to enter text.
Module Leader
Click here to enter text.
Negotiated Deadline registered for (working days):
2 days ☐
5 days ☐
10 days ☐
If required, evidence supplied: Click here to enter text.
Other factors to be considered: Click here to enter text.
Signed Click here to enter text. (Please tick if sent electronically) ☐
Please return this form by emailing it to You will be emailed a receipt from
the College, and the negotiated deadline will be recorded for the module leader. All work for the module
must be submitted within the number of days applied for beyond the submission deadline. If work still
cannot be submitted at this point extenuating circumstances must be claimed by the student.
For office use only:
Negotiated Deadline is confirmed ☐
Supporting Comments
Negotiated Deadline is not confirmed ☐
Click here to enter text.
Signed Click here to enter text.
Date Click here to enter text.