
Minutes Strategic Leadership Council 04/08/14
6:30 PM-8:45 PM
St. John United Church of Christ
In attendance: Mary Ann Reilly, Tim Smith, Mitch Leigh, Sandy Kerlin, Pastor Keith Haithcock
Meeting opened with a reading and prayer by Tim Smith and reading of Vision and Mission by all.
Stewardship and Finance Committee Chair:
 Mitch Leigh and Mary Ann Reilly met with Dean Griffith to discuss his willingness to serve as
chair of the Committee from now through June 30, 2014. With change of the church fiscal year
from July 1-June 30 all chairs will need to be reappointed for July 1, 2014-June 30, 2015 to
coincide with the new SLC terms. Dean brings a lot of experience and insight to the
chairmanship. Action: Sandy Kerlin nominated Dean to chair the committee, Mary Ann Reilly
seconded the nomination; passed unanimously.
Nominating Committee Update:
 Alan Imberg, Tim Smith and Sue Jelnick are serving. Tim has developed a script and there is a
document describing SLC roles for committee to use in recruitment. Several candidates will be
contacted to serve on SLC from July 1, 2014-June 30, 2015.
Emergency Operation Plan:
 Development of an emergency operations plan was discussed. Following the booklet provided
through UCC, it was agreed to develop a team of 3-5 persons to spearhead the development of
the plan. Action: Identified persons who have knowledge and talents to serve on the team.
Mary Ann Reilly will ask a specific individual to serve as chair.
Media Center/Sanctuary Upgrades/Exterior Sign:
 Mitch Leigh reported that the Media Center is complete and ready to produce the first video
which will be about stewardship featuring the gift of Jeanette Ludwig. A trial video will be made
to test equipment. Action: Stewardship video to be shown May 4, 2014.
 Mitch Leigh shared 3 bids on sound upgrades for sanctuary which will be more thoroughly
considered at the SLC retreat on April 12, 2014. Exterior signage types and costs will also be
looked at.
Building Use Coordinator Appointment:
 Reviewed job description (unpaid staff); revisions are needed.
 Action: Pastor Keith and Sandy Kerlin will make revisions.
Retreat Agenda:
 SLC will meet on Saturday, April 12, 2014 at church from 8:45 am -1:00 pm followed by having
lunch together. Agenda will be devoted to deciding on end result for renovation and budget
needs to be presented for vote on May 17, 2014 at the congregational meeting.
Adjournment at 8:40; meeting closed with prayer by Mary Ann Reilly
Next SLC regularly scheduled meeting is May 13, 2014, 6:30 PM at Church. All meetings are open and
all are welcome to attend.
Respectfully submitted: Sandy Kerlin, Secretary