
SBI3UC- Exam Review
Topic 2- Cells
1. What is the cell theory?
2. Why are viruses considered to be non-living?
3. What is a unicellular organism? Multicellular?
4. Why does a cell never get too big?
5. What are stem cells? Adult stem cells?- where are they harvested from?
6. What are the functions of life?
7. What is homeostasis?
8. How do you calculate a drawing magnification?
9. How do you calculate the actual size of an organism using field of view?
10. How do you calculate magnification of a cell using a scale bar?
11. Review the following diagram, and the label the electron microscope diagram
12. Review the various prokaryotic and eukaryotic structures and their definitions
a. Cell surface membrane
b. Cell wall
c. Plasmid
d. Nucleoid
e. Mesosome
f. Pili
g. Cytoplasm
h. Ribosome
i. Endoplasmic reticulum (smooth vs. rough)
j. Flagellum/cilia
k. Slime capsule
l. Nucleus
m. Nucleolus
n. Lysosomes
o. Mitochondria
p. Chloroplast
q. Golgi apparatus
r. vacuoles
13. How does a prokaryote divide?
14. How do prokaryotes get their energy?
15. What are symbiosis and endosymbiosis?
16. What evidence exists for endosymbiosis?
17. Compare and contrast a plant and animal cell.
18. State the composition and the function of the plant cell wall
19. Compare and contrast a prokaryotic cell with a eukaryotic cell.
20. What is the fluid mosaic model?
21. What is meant by hydrophobic, hydrophilic?
22. Explain how the properties of phospholipids help to maintain the structure
of the cell surface membrane.
23. What types of transport are passive? How does material flow in terms of
24. What are active types of transport?
25. Compare simple diffusion and facilitated diffusion.
26. What is the difference between osmosis and diffusion.
27. What does cholesterol do within a membrane?
28. What are the various functions of proteins in a cell?
29. What is meant by isotonic, hypotonic and hypertonic?
30. What is abiogenesis? What molecule was thought not to be present in the
atmosphere of early earth?
31. Label the following diagrams of meiosis;
32. Define the following terms: chromatin, chromosome, chromatid, centromere.
33. What is mitosis? How is mitosis like asexual reproduction?
34. Differentiate between the terms diploid and haploid.
35. The cell cycle consists of interphase and mitosis. What are the three phases of
interphase? What are the four stages of mitosis.
36. Review the steps involved in each of the four stages of mitosis and interphase.
37. Review the diagrams of each stage of mitosis.
38. What is meiosis?
39. What is spermatogenesis? Oogenesis?
40. List the stages of meiosis.
41. What is synapsis? When does it occur?
42. What is crossing over (genetic recombination)? When does it occur?
43. What is a chiasmata?
44. What is independent assortment? When does it occur?
45. What is a homologous pair of chromosomes?
46. Review the steps involved in each of the stages of meiosis.
47. Review the diagrams of the stages of meiosis.
48. How does meiosis produce genetic variation? Describe two ways.
49. How does the chromosome # vary between stages and between the parent and daughter
50. What is nondisjunction?
51. What is monosomy? Polysomy?
52. Abnormal chromosome structure can result from deletion, duplication, inversion or
translocation. Describe difference between each of these.
53. At the end of meiosis, how many functional sperm are produced? How many
functional eggs are produced?
54. Name the scientist sometimes described as the “pioneer” of genetics.
55. What is the law of segregation?
56. What is a mutation?
57. What is the law of independent assortment?
58. When do you see a phenotypic expression of 9:3:3:1
59. Who can inherit an x-linked recessive allele from a heterozygous female?
60. What is sex-linkage?
61. What is autosomal linkage?
62. What offspring will result from a cross between the genotypes AB/ab and aB/ab?
63. What is trisomy 21, monosomy X, XXY
64. Define the following terms:
a) genotype
d) dominant
b) phenotype
e) recessive
c) allele
f) carrier
65. If a pure breeding black cow is test crossed, then what colour would you expect the
offspring to be?
66. What child can a couple with blood types A and AB not produce?
67. What is the genotype ratio of the F2 generation from a cross with TT and tt?
68. In humans brown eyes (B) are dominant over blue eyes (b). A homozygous brown
eyed female is crossed with a blue eyed male. What is the genotype and phenotype
ratio of the F1 generation? Of the F2 generation?
69. In guinea pigs black fur (B) is dominant over white fur (b). Short hair (S) is dominant
over long hair (s). If two guinea pigs that are heterozygous for both traits are
crossed, what will be the phenotype ratio of the F1 generation?
70. Japanese four-o-clock’s are an example of a plant that displays incomplete
dominance. Plants can have red flowers (R) or white flowers (W). The heterozygous
condition results in pink flowers. What would be the genotype and phenotype ratios
of the F1 generation from cross between a red plant and a pink plant.
71. In cattle the alleles for red hair and white hair are codominant. The heterozygous
condition is known as “roan”. If a white parent is crossed with a red parent, what
will be the genotype and phenotype ratios of the F1 generation?
72. A woman with type AB blood marries a man with type O blood. What are the
phenotype and genotype ratios of the offspring?
73. In fruit flies, white eye colour is a sex-linked recessive trait. Normal eye colour is
red. If a white eyed male is crossed with a heterozygous female, what proportion of
the offspring will have red eyes?
74. Hemophilia is a sex linked recessive trait. If a hemophiliac woman marries a normal
man. What are the chances that their children will have hemophilia?
75. What is polygenic inheritance?
76. The height of a certain plant is a result of polygenic inheritance involving two pairs
of genes. Draw a Punnett square to show the result of a cross between a tall
(AABBCC) plant and a short (aabbcc). What is the phenotype ratio?
77. Flower colour in sweet peas is an example of epistasis. Two genes are required for
the expression of coloured flowers. A recessive pair of alleles on EITHER gene
results in white flowers. If a plant that is Ccpp is crossed with a plant that is
heterozygous for both genes, what will be the phenotype ratio of the offspring?
78. What is sickle cell anemia?
79. What is hemophilia?
80. What is a pedigree?
81. Draw a pedigree to represent the following. Shaded symbols should represent
individuals with hemophilia:
A man with hemophilia marries a normal woman. They have four children, two normal
boys and two girls who are both carriers. One of the girls marries a normal man and
they have two boys and two girls. One of the girls is a carrier for hemophilia. One of the
boys is a hemophiliac. The other two children are normal.
82. What is a hydrocarbon?
83. What is a glycosidic linkage?
84. What is the functional group found in an amino acid? Draw it.
85. What is a phosphate group? Where is it found?
86. What is an essential amino acid?
87. What are 2 functions of proteins embedded in the plasma membrane?
88. Which type of macronutrient contains the most energy per gram?
89. Which compound type is principally used for energy?
90. What are the functional groups found in a fatty acid?
91. What is the reaction called that forms the bonds between glycerol and the fatty
acids? What functional groups are involved?
92. What is a condensation reaction?
93. What is a catabolic reaction
94. What is hydrolysis?
95. What is required for the synthesis of proteins, lipids, fats and carbohydrates?
96. What allows for the diversity seen in proteins?
97. What is glycogen?
98. What are the strongest bonds involved in maintaining the shape of an enzyme?
99. What is a function of sodium in our body? Phosphorus?
100. What are covalent (disulfide bonds)?
101. What are dipole-dipole interactions?
102. When are hydrogen bonds used?
103. When would you see hydrophobic interactions?
104. When do we see ionic interactions?
105. State the importance of enzymes?
106. What is allosteric inhibition? Allosteric activation? What is negative feedback?
What is competitive and non-competitive inhibition?
107. What is a substrate?
108. What is an allosteric site?
109. What is an activator?
110. What is an active site?
111. Outline how enzymes catalyze biochemical reactions.
112. What decreasing the effect of a competitive inhibitor?
113. State the factors affecting enzyme function.
114. Explain how does temperature chemically/structurally affect an enzyme.
115. Explain how does pH chemically/structurally affect an enzyme.
116. What are the different structures of a protein? What bonds are associated with
each of these structures?
117. What is the difference between the different levels of structures in proteins?
118. What is the difference between beta pleated sheets and alpha helix structures?
119. Why is water significant to living organisms? Outline using water’s properties.
120. How are monosaccharides converted to polysaccharides?
121. Outline the difference between saturated and unsaturated fatty acids
122. Outline the use of carbohydrates and lipids in energy storage.
123. Outline the production of a dipeptide by a condensation reaction. Draw it as a
chemical reaction.
124. List 4 functions of proteins and give an example for each.
125. Explain how allosteric control, by end-product inhibition includes negative
feedback and non-competitive inhibition.
126. Draw the structure of glucose.
127. Draw the structure of a fatty acid with 6 carbons.
128. Draw ribose.
129. Draw an amino acid (general structure)
130. Draw the formation of maltose
131. Describe how polar/non polar amino acids are important for membranes
132. Outline the process of DNA replication and protein synthesis
133. What is removed from eukaryotic DNA to form mature mRNA?
134. If DNA codes for a gene that is 120 amino acids long, how many nucleotides
will there be?
135. Where do transcription and translation occur in the cell?
136. How do nucleosomes regulate transcription?
137. What is the composition of the DNA backbone?
138. Where does the phosphate molecule bind on the sugar molecule?
139. Which enzyme removes primer during replication?
140. Which enzyme joins the short fragments called okazaki fragments?
141. What does helicase do?
142. What is RFLP?
143. What is a VNTR?
144. Outline the steps of gel electrophoresis.
145. What is the purpose of agarose?
146. What electrode is closest to the wells?
147. What is the purpose of the dye?
148. What is southern blotting? How does it work?
149. What is PCR? When is it used? What are the steps of PCR.
150. How are PCR and DNA replication alike?
151. What is cloning? What is the process?
152. What are some limitations of cloning?
153. Outline some pro and cons of GMO’s.
154. What are restriction enzymes?
155. What is the human genome project?
156. What is a restriction recognition site?
157. What is a plasmid?
158. Where should a recognition site be in terms of a gene sequence you want?
159. What does palindromic mean?
160. Could this sequence be palindromic? Why? 5’ GAATTC 3’
What is the difference between sticky and blunt ends?
What is the technique for gene transfer? What enzymes are needed?
What is T4 DNA ligase?
What is taq polymerase?
What is recombinant DNA?
Chapter 9: Plants
What promotes the production of amylase in starchy seeds?
What are some adaptations of xerophytes?
What is apical dominance?
What is xylem? What does it do?
What is phloem? What does it do?
Describe the action of phytochrome.
Describe the action of phototropism.
Describe the action of gravitropism
What is meristematic tissue?
What are two benefits of timing of seed release?
What is a plant cell wall made of?
Draw an label an animal pollinated flower
Describe the function of each part.
Describe transpiration
How is water replaced once transpiration has happened?
Describe translocation in reference to the pressure hypothesis.
What is IAA?
What is auxin?
What is absicis acid (ABA)?
What are stomata and how do they work?
Describe how germination occurs