20 pt bottle buddy

Bottle Buddy
20 Points
1. Choose a key figure from our current unit of study.
2. Research your figure using our textbook, materials from the media
center or internet sources.
3. Write an introduction for your key figure that includes 10 facts.
Five of those facts must relate to the current unit of study.
4. Make a bottle buddy -use a 2-liter bottle for the body and a 4”
Styrofoam ball (found at Hobby Lobby, Wal-Mart or other craft
stores) for the head. If you don’t have a Styrofoam ball, you can also
stuff a clean sock. Fill the bottom with 2 inches of sand, rice, beans
or kitty litter (clean kitty litter!). Make the bottle look like your key
figure using any material available: felt, paint, fabric, rocks, sticks,
hats, construction paper, aluminum foil, etc. to create their costume
and props.