UV-Vis Spectrophotometer Block Diagram: Vendors for this instrument: Agilent Technologies Buck Scientific Cecil Instruments Ltd. Environmental Express JASCO Articles where UV-Vis Spectrophotometry is used: Cremona, A. A., Laguardia, L. L., Vassallo, E. E., Ambrosone, G. G., Coscia, U. U., Orsini, F. F., & Poletti, G. G. (2005). Optical and structural properties of siliconlike films prepared by plasma-enhanced chemical-vapor deposition. Journal Of Applied Physics, 97(2), 023533. Accessed March 25, 2012. Wolfgang Haiss, Nguyen T. K. Thanh, Jenny Aveyard, and David G. Fernig. Determination of Size and Concentration of Gold Nanoparticles from UV−Vis Spectra. Anal. Chem., 2007, 79 (11), pp 4215– 4221. Yu, X., Zhao, M., Hu, J., Zeng, S., & Bai, X. (2012). Correspondence analysis of antioxidant activity and UV–Vis absorbance of Maillard reaction products as related to reactants. LWT - Food Science & Technology, 46(1), 1-9. doi:10.1016/j.lwt.2011.11.010. Common Uses for UV-Vis Spectrophotometry: UV-Vis spectrophotometry can be used for the quantitative/qualitative determination of chlorofores. UV-Vis spectrophotometry can also be used to determine the percent transmittance of different samples to determine absorbance of light.