1° kendo / iaido Reading Challenge (Do Academy Torino) o A book (which may not be about kendo or iaido) written by a kendoka / iaidoka o A book set in feudal Japan o A book in which the protagonist has got (or is) a katana o A book about kendo / iaido o A bushido book o A japanese philosophy book o A book taht has 'indigo' ( kendoka) or 'black' (per iaidoka) in its title o A book taht has 'samurai' in its title o A book set in Japan but written by a westerner o A book set in Europe or America but written by a japanese o A book about a travel in Japan o A book on death o A book on war A single book may fulfill more than a point. A book can be substituted by a graphic novel a comic or a manga.. Please inform us about your partecipation, your book and your progress by e-mail doacademytorino@gmail.com or on our blog https://doacademytorino.wordpress.com We will also appreciate to read your suggestion and comments.