First Level 1.1 - Primary 2 Outcome Handwriting Experience Revise formation of upper/lower case and numerals Capitals - no lid on I or J - never join - start at the top of the line Break Letters These letters never join - bgjpqxyz In all writing tasks form letters and space words legibly Punctuation and Grammar Vocabulary - Understand and recognise what a concrete noun is - Understand and recognise what a simple verb is - Understand and recognise adjectives - Begin to use adjectives in writing Connectives - Can use and and because to link two ideas - May begin to recognise and use other connective (eg: but, then, so) Punctuation - Recognise that names begin with capital letters - Can show some control over word to produce sentences - Understand that a sentence does not end at the end of a line - Begin to use full stops more consistently - Begin to use capital letters consistently to begin sentences Assessment First Level 1.1 - Primary 2 Punctuation and Grammar - - Understand the importance of a capital letter and full stop in a sentence Begin to recognise the purpose of a question mark Begin to use a question mark in writing Begin to recognise the purpose of a comma Begin to recognise the purpose of an exclamation mark Knowledge of Language - Recognise the difference between a statement and a question - Can order the alphabet using concrete materials and a visual aid if necessary - Can use a simple dictionary (to the first letter – Word Book) Phonics and Spelling Riming - Riming – care, pare, dare - Children should be encouraged to see the analogy and to use when developing their own lists of words in reading and spelling activities Rhyming - Rhyming – pair, tear - Children should be encouraged to see the analogy and to use when developing their own lists of words in reading and spelling activities Homophones - Homophones – pair, pear - Children should be encouraged to see the analogy and to use when First Level 1.1 - Primary 2 Phonics and Spelling developing their own lists of words in reading and spelling activities Compound Words - Introduce simple compound words - E.g. – handbag, goldfish Fry’s Spelling List - Can accurately spella few words from Fry’s List and/or High Frequency word list Block 1 - Revision of P1 sounds Block 2 - Alphabet (vowels and consonants) Block 3 - Alphabetical order by initial letter Block 4 - sk, mp, ft, it (final consonant blends) Block 5 - pt, st, nt, lk (final consonant blends) Block 6 - ing, ong, eng, ung, ang (endings) Block 7 - ee, ea (tea), ou (house), ow (cow), ai, ay (beginning, middle, end) Block 8 - oi, oy, oa, ow (snow), ea (head), (beginning, middle, end) First Level 1.1 - Primary 2 Block 9 - er, ir, ur (final blend) Block 10 - str, spl, thr Creating Texts Vocabulary - begin to use ambitious vocabulary (e.g. amazing, brilliant, fabulous, huge, tiny, sparkly, colourful, quietly) Connectives - use connectives to join two simple sentences (e.g. and, so, but, then) Openers - begin to use openers to describe where, when, what and who (e.g. At Granny’s, Last night, A party, My friend) Punctuation - Reading and Comprehension See appropriate punctuation and grammar Enjoyment and Choice - Regularly select texts to read, listen to or watch which I enjoy (sometimes using technology - Can read independently on a regular basis Tools for Reading - Use knowledge of phonics to decode words - Use contextual clues to read unfamiliar words - Can recognise nouns, verbs, adjectives, connectives, vowels and consonants - Can read high frequency words (Fry’s 76 – 175) First Level 1.1 - Primary 2 - Can understand the purpose of full stops, question marks, exclamation marks, commas and capital letters to develop expression when reading aloud. Finding and Using Information - Can select information from a specific text with support - Can sequence information texts with pictorial clues into logical order - Can identify text as a source of information - Can identify features of different types of genres (fairytales, humour, Scots, poetry, cartoon etc) - Can read and follow a set of simple instructions - Can recognise information organised in a variety of ways including alphabetical order, contents list, headings, diagrams, charts or menus - Can identify key words and subject specific vocabulary Understanding, Analysing and Evaluating - Can identify and discuss the main ideas or points of the text and relate own experiences Listening and Talking Listening for Information - Should be able to listen to and respond appropriately to two instructions. - Be able to listen to a short, straight forward text or story and show understanding through responding to questions and discussing content Listening in Groups First Level 1.1 - Primary 2 - Be able to listen to others in groups (e.g. circle time, co-operative learning) and be able to respond appropriately Presentation - Face audience and attempt to make eye contact - Talk clearly and audibly to peer group and adults - Be able to answer simple questions relating to the topic - Can recount an experience of their own - Can begin to talk about their own feelings - When talking in groups they can share ideas, opinions, information and experiences politely (in play situations)